



比如英國首相海倫•克拉克(Helen Clarke),儘管她最終在一份關於考慮新西蘭與英國君主關係的聲明中承認自己是共和黨人,但這一說法是荒謬的。我們可以考慮重新設計新西蘭的國旗,以使其在未來足夠好,而質疑成為一個共和國,同時又不明智地在公眾輿論面前推動事態發展。民意調查不斷顯示,新西蘭的大多數人反對更換國旗,正如1999年《國家商業評論》(National Business Review)的最新民調所顯示的那樣。在這次民意調查中,64%的人反對更換新西蘭國旗,只有24%的人支持更換。很有趣的是,這些百分比導致了變化,當在這個案例中出現了替代設計的標誌。


Legal adoption for the current flag of New Zealand took place in the year 1902. At times, the population of New Zealand has considered initiating change in the national flag while putting forward designs. The change of flag in New Zealand serves the key purpose to meet resistance and ingrain conservatism. This was evident in the launch of campaign by the Association of Returned Services featuring the current flag of New Zealand on bumper stickers and decals. The key slogan followed in the campaign “Keep it this Way” and the decals and bumper stickers can be found easily on the windows of car. There had been also the names protection bill, anthems and the flag under the proposal of Mr. Graeme Lee, the Member of Parliament showing willingness of 65 per cent majority across the parliament for the favorable change of flag, rather than a bare majority of 51 per cent. This resulted in the loss of bill. There also seems to be timidity from the ones showing willingness in seeing change, but there does not seems to be risk in backlashing out of the general public.

Such as Helen Clarke, the Prime Minister, who even though ended up avowing Republican under the statement of thinking about the relationship of New Zealand with the monarchy of Britain being absurd. There can be consideration of re- designing the flag of New Zealand for being well enough across the future, while questioning to become a republic while being unwise for pushing thing further ahead across the opinion of public. Polls of opinion had been continuously showing most of the people of New Zealand while opposing to change the flag of New Zealand, as depicted by the latest poll considering in the year 1999 under the National Business Review. In this poll, 64 percent of the polls were in opposition to change the flag of New Zealand, while only 24 percent of them favored the change. It is quite interesting that these percentages resulted in changing, when there had been presentation of an alternate design of flag within the case.