
essay 評判:數據信息服務

essay 評判:數據信息服務
對信息的訪問通常僅限於政府、網絡單元等授權人員。不幸的是,服務提供者也可以訪問相同的數據,這通常是鏈中的薄弱環節。未經授權的人可能會訪問這些數據,之後可能會將這些數據用於犯罪或欺詐。使用確保數據傳輸加密的設備和軟件將對防止此事件的發生大有幫助(Madden, 2014)。數據捕獲的不幸不良影響是,任何人只要訪問數據,就可以輕易地侵犯個人隱私。

essay 評判:數據信息服務
雖然互聯網使購物、獲取信息以及與朋友和家人保持聯繫等活動變得可能(McFarland, 2012);未經授權的人員訪問數據是一個重大缺陷,需要優先解決(隱私權利信息交換中心,2016)。雖然非常方便和容易的連接是主要的優勢,甚至基本的隱私權也受到這種侵犯。沒有什麼是私人的,正如雇主們所知道的那樣,他們甚至會查看社交媒體(在工作之前和工作期間)來更好地了解個人。

essay 評判:數據信息服務

Access to information is generally restricted to authorized personnel like governments, cyber cell, and so on. Unfortunately, service providers also have access to the same data and this is usually the weak link in the chain. The data may be accessed by an unauthorized person, who may later use the data for committing a crime or fraud. Using devices and software that ensure the data transmitted is encrypted would go a long way in preventing the occurence of this event (Madden, 2014).The unfortunate ill effect of data capture is the ease with which personal privacy can be invaded by anyone who has access to the data.

essay 評判:數據信息服務
While the internet has made it possible to simplify several activities like purchases, access to information, and also to stay in touch with friends and family (McFarland, 2012); access to the data by unauthorized personnel is a major drawback that needs to be addressed on priority (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 2016). Although highly convenient and easily connectivity is major advantages, even the basic right to privacy is affected by this invasion. Nothing is private and as on date employers are known to even check out social media (prior to and during the course of employment) to understand the individual better.