


首先,它可以代替劳动力。根据数据,众所周知,澳大利亚的劳动力成本每年都在增加;如果工业能够降低劳动力成本,这将是一笔巨大的资金。自动化系统的生产能力高于手工劳动。此外,它不仅生产效率,也可以减少错误率和控制质量。其中,索诺玛需要看出来这是在澳大利亚- Coles的主要超市的问题,参加面包市场Woolworths和奥迪。即使在超市不如索诺玛面包的品质,但他们可以保证他们的安全生产和使用自动化设备满足大部分客户的需求。另一方面,索诺玛的劳动力成本很高,虽然索诺玛扩展许多新的商店,但索诺玛仍然需要雇用更多的支持者,因此没有降低成本。这些情况导致超市对面包市场集中,和索诺玛带来强有力的攻击。


Labour costs increasing and the impact of automation equipment:
Owing to the advancement of technology, there are many industries who use automated systems now. The benefits of using the automation equipment includes the following:
Firstly, it can substitute for the labour force. According to the data, it is known that the labour costs keeps on increasing every year in Australia; if the industry can decline the cost of labour, this would be a huge amount of money. The production capacity of automated system is higher than manual labour. Moreover, it is not only efficiency on production, also can decrease the rate of error and control the quality. One of the problems that Sonoma needs to look out which is the main supermarkets in Australia- Coles, Woolworths and Audi are attending bread market. Even the bread quality in supermarkets not as good as Sonoma, but they can ensure they produce safety and meet the needs of most of customers by using automation equipment. On the other hand, the labour costs of Sonoma are very high, although Sonoma can expands many new stores, but Sonoma still needs to hire more backers, so that there is no decrease of the costs. These situations result in the concentration of the supermarkets towards the bread markets, and bring strong attack for Sonoma.
Owing to Woolworths and Coles have strong and stable economic capacity, they can promote huge discounts on their products (Godfrey T, 2014). At first, Woolworth was cutting the cost of Home brand bread, and then Coles followed the similar pricing war, they attract more consumer by using this successful marketing strategy, most of customers not only buy bread in supermarkets, they would buy more products from supermarkets (Godfrey T, 2014). On the other hand, Woolworths and Coles provide perfect online shopping. For some consumer who doesn’t have enough time to go supermarket, they still can buy stuffs through supermarkets’ online store, and bread is one of the products that can shop online, then they will send to customers’ house by their own professional staff.