标签存档: 加拿大论文代写价格


代写价格-技术平台上完成的媒体和创意设计工作。论文代写-在当今时代,一切都是技术驱动的。可以看出,在技术平台上完成的媒体和创意设计工作很大程度上依赖于It (Greiman, 1990)。技术已经有了非常强大的影响,这种技术的进步有时使人们忘记了更简单和直观的构思和概念化的方式,这是图形设计的核心过程。在过去,平面设计实践对作品有很大的影响。一个平面设计艺术家花了很多时间在构思和素描的想法,使模型与其他研究人员合作,这将能够得到更好的设计效果和创作。然而,在当今时代,情况并非如此。技术改变了创造的工作量。平面设计变得更容易,在过去更多的时间和努力是由从事平面设计的人。此外,在当今时代,它已经变得更加简单。

“Since the introduction of the earliest computers with military-industrial potentialities, speed and flexibility are two attributes in constructing designs of practical utility. Digitalisation processes have become the modern designer’s key modes of execution. Image manipulation software, computer processing and the invention of the ‘Undo’ button provides for quicker execution with minimal mistakes – a contrast with traditional art mediums” (Poon, 2015, p.8).
Some of the more basic processes that have become a lot easier are how ideas could be looked up on the internet, students or amateur graphic designers could look up design ideas and make use of templates and reproduce what took graphic designers ages to do. However, at another end, there are some research arguments, presented that some of the benefits of the hands-on process in designing were lost (Holtzschue & Noriega, 1997).
Arguments, made in the context of how far technology, have affected design works seem to present how focus and application has changed. There is an inherent focus now on commercialization of graphic designing. A person’s craft and skill that used to be an identification of an excellent graphic design has now changed to being understood as the mark of good software. Software’s and technology have indeed helped strip the process, but this has changed the way that the tools are viewed. Technology as a tool seems to get more focus in current times (Gere, 2008). As an article writer presented the use of photoshop and computers are good, and can be used to create designs, however, they do not make a designer. A designer is more unique and the thought process, patterns and more which a designer creates cannot be presented as a technology empowered template.
“Computers may be a powerful outlet for designers today, but the traditional domains of arts and crafts are preserved as time- and space-bound dialogues with cultures past, present and future. From a stakeholder perspective, it is argued that authentication would depend on the how far specific creative communities would authorise content and context reproduction. The key question: Can the ‘feel’ of artworks be duplicated?” (Poon, 2015, p.8).

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论文代写价格-太阳能光伏技术投资的意义。太阳能光伏技术的前期资本投资具有重要意义,更常见的情况是,太阳能光伏利用热水系统或附加设备提供可行的支持,以便根据负载显示能源的大量消耗。在太阳能示范项目对公寓发展的支持下,有面临各种问题的趋势。这对太阳能光伏的利用至关重要,包括分层治理、潜在节约、系统连接和技术等问题。在提高标准方面,废物管理将会有所改善,而整体依从性将会加强,目标亦会有所增加。在能力建设方面,将对环境绩效项目在核准和执行方面提供独立的支助和专门知识。为了启动环保表现评核,我们会积极提升环保表现,并加强参与环保表现的各项措施。为了增强社区的权能,在保护环境方面将会有更好的表现(Jennings, 2013)。

In fostering innovation, developers will make voluntary innovation way ahead of the minimum standards for environment performance (Emmons, 2014).

Strata managers are known to having networks with most extensiveness for the dissemination of information (Nicholson, 1990). The most significant opportunities for cost effective savings of energy were the upgrades in lighting. Also, there were controls and timers of cost- effectiveness for the systems of ventilation and heating systems and for the pool. There will be target of solution for the development of skills and technical support in the upgrades of technology for the performance in environment. In general, apartments are known for having meter of water which does not end up breaking the consumption for allowing identifying the leak and areas where something requires maintenance. The following approaches should be followed in the current actions (Frascari, 2007):
Initiation of leadership network for the purpose of collaborating, sharing learning, and developing the case studies.
Securing the long run future for the Smart apartment and the expansion of service and scope.
Delivering the workshop over technologies of energy efficiency and implementation of project.
Subsidizing the audits of energy and the ratings of environment performance.
Subsidizing the sub- meters of water for the purpose of management and monitoring.
Engaging the strata managers in accordance with sustainability.
Integrating the management of resource and monitoring the workshops of strata skills.
Subsidizing the audits of energy and the ratings of environmental performance.
Forming the panel of sustainability in supporting the implementation of initiatives and technologies with cost effectiveness.
There will be appropriate reviewing of the networks and platform for determining the requirement of changes for ensuring the efficient and effective communications with the target of key audiences. While completing the overall program, there will be reference group of external stakeholder for reviewing and assessing the outcomes of best support within the plan. The plan is set on the basis of key findings related to the extensive research. However, rapid changes may take place with the significant initiatives and the frameworks. There will be development of the implementation strategy along with the evaluation and monitoring plan. This will be crucial for the purpose of endorsing the plan.

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跨国公司在全球化的世界中扮演着多样化的角色,在论文代写价格-跨国公司在全球化下的人力资源政策的转变的研究中发现,由于欧洲和美国背景的本质差异,将本土业务从美国转移到英国等欧洲子公司并不是一个简单的过程。在多元化管理案例的实践中最引人注目的例子之一(Rose et al., 2011)。一个案例研究在英国跨国公司在美国的业务描述转移政策的多样性管理实现在他们最好的,不完整,基本适应本地即使相关实践全面高度以及为全球企业价值,具体包括项目全球结构多样性的组织设计支持计划,在全球范围内设定目标、监控和培训多样性(Richards, 2010)。以子公司形式进入英国市场的公司将面临制度因素、东道国与母国之间的主导国、雇佣制度等诸多后果。人力资源政策的转变是在这种情况下必须做出的决定,也是管理者必须经历的一项重要任务。关于选定的组织,考虑的转移是关于培训和就业。报告提出了若干建议,例如在考虑扩大时应执行的政策转移的适当计划。

It was found however that transferring of home practices from US to European subsidiaries such as in UK, is not a straightforward process because of essential differences between the European and US context. One of the most noticed examples in the practices of diversity management case (Rose et al., 2011). A case study over operations of UK of MNCs in US depicts that the transferred policies of diversity management implementation were at their best, not complete and subjected to essential adaptation locally even when related practices were comprehensive highly as well as concrete inclusive of programs for global corporate value, global structures in the organization designed for supporting initiatives of diversity, globally setting target as well as monitoring and globally training diversities (Richards, 2010). Managers from subsidiaries have found to claim that the essential transferred policies features were obtained from opportunities as well as pressures to the business systems of America and did not accept diversity policies aspects based upon the EU and UK legislations, for instance, which prohibit discrimination of positive nature such as setting target for increasing women managers percentage or the distinctive local labour markets composition. Another area of essential differences between contexts of UK and US lies in the employee voice and involvement practice (Ramamurti et al., 2009). While channels of collective communication such as working councils for statutory claims and practices for collective bargaining have been institutionalized widely across UK, practices to use channels of direct communication with employees are mostly existing within US because of the inadequate legislation related to involvement of employees in the processes to make decisions for the management (Pudelko et al., 2007). There is evidence, however of wider variations between US MNCs with UK based subsidiaries in their European practices adoption and implementation depends upon sector or organization particular factors.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!




This model states that the manufacturing industry is more dependent on intensive knowledge while the tourism industry is more dependent on intensive resources. The tourism sector is given more priority by those countries that are full of natural resources and cultural heritage. Technological change, increase in the price of goods and services, and exploitation of natural resources — these three factors determine the growth of the economy by the help of cultural tourism. If the rate of the change of relative prices is very high, then it can overcome the slow rate of technological changes. The experts also believe that growth of cultural tourism and the economy also depend on the consistent exploitation of the resources that are naturally available. A hike in the exploitation increases the growth suddenly, but it cannot ensure long-term sustainable growth because the natural resources have a limit. Tourist goods have a vital role to play in this case. It is being noticed that the international market is emphasizing greatly on the rate of productivity and utility of the tourist goods so that the shortcomings of the slow technological change can be overcome (Abankina, 2013). As it does not hugely affect the natural resources, this strategy is extremely efficient for ensuring the long-term economic growth through the flow of cultural tourism.

It cannot be denied that the tourism industry has seen a remarkable growth in the recent years. The whole world is experiencing this development because the international tourists are becoming more and more interested in the exploration of the culture of the destination places. There are a number of factors that influences the tourists to select a destination, purchase a product, and get access to a service. All of these things are related to the economy of the region. Therefore, it is obvious that the decisions of the tourists create an impact on the economic factor. But, the providers also have a big role to play, They should realize when, how, where and how much they should use their resources. If both of these aspects are dealt with care and attention, then it is quite sure that cultural tourism will be considered as one of the most important factors in the global economy.

中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供畢業論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!



Stravinsky gave a proper interpretation on the dissimilarities and similarities between his music with Schoenberg’s music, and it uncovered the most important compositional techniques and aesthetical tendencies of the two most famous music composers of the twentieth century (Bewerunge and Riemann, 2013). According to Stravinsky, there are many technical similarities between his and Schoenberg’s, however; they had different musical backgrounds and the dissimilar tradition of music. It is surprising that Stravinsky created a composition “only at the piano”, however, he composed it almost no music for the solo piano. Alternatively, Schoenberg composed “never at the piano”; however, in Schoenberg composition, there are several notable pieces for single piano.
The key difference, between the two successful music composers of the twentieth century, Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky, is mainly their dissimilar attitudes towards the tradition of Western music. Igor Stravinsky was a Russian, born and brought up in Russia who was the follower of neoclassicism music. Arnold Schoenberg was Australian and progenitor of German Music. Schoenberg views represents that the music of Stravinsky was not original music, but Schoenberg, the Russian music composer was an imitator, or transformer not an inventor. Being a music composer, he was only capable of transforming various music style and genres in diverse ways. Throughout the music composition of Stravinsky, there are various styles from Rimsky to Tchaikovsky from Mozart to Verdi and from Bach to Beethoven can be traced. Schoenberg produced original music and was a real creator of music.

Music is considered as an integral part of the human society, and from the ancient age, the music has been an important cultural measure for the society. The music has been evolved over the time, and several changes occurred to the music. The changes in the society, and important historic events, have a great impact on the music, and the music has been changed because of these events. There were many musicians who came and left their great marks by their amazing works in the field of music. Often it was witnessed that the two successful music composers were conflicting with each other since they had different ideology and music tradition. They came from different cultural backgrounds, and hence their musical upbringing was different that cause the conflicts. The history has witnessed many such conflicts of the music composers; however, the conflict between Russian music composerIgor Stravinsky and Australian music composer Arnold Schoenberg was one of the most hyped conflicts that lasted until the death of Arnold Schoenberg. Arnold Schoenberg was modern era music composer, and he broadly criticized the work of Stravinsky as imitating neither work nor an original piece of music. Igor Stravinsky was a neoclassicism music composer, and according to him Schoenberg was a music chemist. His flawless art only can be observed in experiment room.

中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供畢業論文代寫、report代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!


論文代寫價格-無現金支付的問題分析。在中國本土市場上,關於無現金支付系統的各種問題時有發生。所有銀行流程操作的幫助下互聯網和移動應用程序和應用程序中有不同的證券,但黑客試圖破解銀行賬戶的銀行用戶,也試著刪除賬戶的基本信息和所有的錢轉移到另一個帳戶(阿皮亞,Mawutor Owusu-Dankwa, 2016)。中國的老年人正面臨著無現金支付的問題。他們沒有足夠的知識來操作智能手機、平板電腦和電腦,而智能手機和電腦的使用對於完成在線支付過程非常重要。一些中國人甚至不會操作自動取款機,因此他們需要他人的幫助並與他人分享密碼,少數人在這類案件中被騙。接下來加拿大高階論文代寫AdvancedThesis輔導老師為留學生們解析論文代寫價格-無現金支付的問題。

Very often, different problems regarding cashless payment system arises in the local market of China. All the banking processes are operated with the help of internet and mobile application and there are different securities in the application, but the hackers try to hack bank accounts of the bank users and also try to delete essential information from the account and transfer all the money to the another account (Appiah, Mawutor and Owusu-Dankwa, 2016). The older people of China are facing problems regarding the cashless payments. They do not have the sufficient knowledge to operate the Smart phones, tablets and the computers and the uses of the smart phones and the computers are very important to complete the online payment process. Some people belonging to China cannot even operate ATMs and so they take the help of other persons and share password with them for that reason. A small number of them are cheated in these types of cases (Sung, Awasthi and Lee, 2017).

The banking option for the entire group of customers should maintain the security and privacy. The online banking system is completed on both open and close network. For the closed network, banking requires the clients to direct bank internal data processor for transaction. The customer of the bank should follow the specific software for the closed network system. There are high chances of security breaches and because of that, the privacies of the customers are getting badly hampered (Pechinko et al., 2017). On the other hand, the open network processing moves through various networks before entering the banking processor. That is why there is also a risk regarding data transfer procedure. Most of the hackers have the tendencies to spread malware. Malware is one kind of software that is used for collecting all the personal information and data of a user from his/her personal computer. Malware takes an authorized access to one’s personal computer and totally damages the system (Kaur, 2017).

On the other hand, some fraud people pretend as a bank employee, collect account numbers and passwords from the customers and debit all the money from the customer’s account. For this reason, it is very important for the customers not to share their private data with the unknown persons. One can find several types of malicious scripts all over the networks each and every day. Once these types of malice take entry into the computer system, they will definitely collect the personal information of the users and harm the whole system (Wonglimpiyarat, 2016). It is important for the people to run the malware sweeps regularly to get rid of these traps. Interception of the key customer authentication data is one of the major problems of net banking. Most of the hackers usually use the mother server of the bank to gather data and information to serve their fraudulent purposes (Kaur, 2017).

For that internet related problems, the government and the cybercrime department of China take the major steps against the fraud people who are involved with the cybercrime.

中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供畢業論文代寫、report代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!



Liberal party leader and the then President, Pearson was instrumental in bringing the changes to the flag. The people wanted a new flag that resonated with the changing culture of Canada. The people were also instrumental in bringing the changes. The overall majority of the people wanted a newer design. The changing Canadian British relationship along with the rising nationalism in the state was the reason for the people to bring in a newer flag. Conservatives in the society wanted the red ensign to appreciate the founding members of the nation. However, the newer progressive flag was chosen to showcase modern Canada. To conclude, the flag change is an important expression tool that the people of Canada had used to tell the world which they have changed. This flag is a symbol of the changing events in the state.

The Tower Foods has to plan proper training and skill development programs for the employees and start appropriate personal management system to assess the performance of the employees. Besides this, proper rewarding and other motivational tools must be applied efficiently. Apart from this, the company should adopt some efficient strategies to reduce the cost and to improve the efficiency that will support the company in surviving in this competitive environment (Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson, 2014). The Flatrock Ltd must improve the communications between the different divisions of the company in particular between the various levels of management people.

The analysis of the organization behaviour for the Tower Food Ltd and Flatrock Ltd provides valuable insights about the work pattern and activities of the people of the organization towards their organizational responsibilities. The leadership and managerial style play an important role in the organization and build a proper work culture within the organization (Hitt, Miller and Colella, 2011). Both the companies’ leadership and managerial style had been assessed and according to the assessment, the action plan had been furnished, which support the companies in surviving as well as indicating growth in this competitive market.

Finally, there was a vote taken and the new maple leaf flag design was selected. The maple leaf design was selected as a symbol for Canada. It had become a symbol for harmony, tolerance and peace. It is a symbol of a tolerant and inclusive Canada. This is the reason for selection of the maple leaf design. The red and the white colors in the flag are the national colors of Canada from the year 1921 onwards. Each aspect of the flag resonates with the newer Canada. It was found to celebrate the newer emerging culture of Canada. This is the flag that modern Canada uses to identify them. After the Second World War, there was a newer emerging trend of nationalism that was found to exist in the country. The people wanted a new flag that was emblematic of the change. The people wanted a Canadian identity that was different from the British identity. Even though Canada and Britain have a good relationship that is found to exist, the people simply wanted a newer identity.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



论文代写价格-提高领导灵活性的发展计划。关于现有组织在战略领导能力和领导能力方面面临成功的研究可以在这里作为一个例子。可以制定一个实际的开发计划(Beck和Yeager, 2005)。首先将组织的战略敏感性与领导的敏捷性联系起来。组织的战略敏感性是指组织非常注意他们所拥有的机会的方面。他们预测机会,并根据这些机会制定计划。战略是基于现实的世界秩序,基于不同的数据解释(Right Management Group, 2017)。研究发现,组织对战略敏感的地方,他们的领导者更有洞察力。预期和远见增加,这提高了组织的弹性。可以更好地创建新选项,并且更好地改进组织通信实践。此外,当涉及到竞争环境时,组织可以不断地发展。在竞争环境中,能够适应战略敏感性的领导者很容易满足这些期望(Horney et al., 2010)。从事战略敏感性选择的领导者可以称为敏捷领导者(Joiner and Josephs, 2006)。

Leadership has constantly been studied based on types of leadership and the ways leaders motivate their employees etc. There are leadership models and theories that have been built based on organizational issues faced by yesteryear organizations. In more current times, there has been revamping of organizations strategies to face any competitive standpoints of organizations. Leadership has been revamped to suit the purpose. To cope with the different elements of change that was arising in organizations because of human behaviour and motivation etc., leaders had to work on being more agile (Breu et al., 2002; Ahsan and Ngo-Ye, 2005). Leaders had to assess demands of organizations, the resource flexibility in organizations, the form of communication and more and take up to understanding efficient strategy implementation. In addition to the usual strategic elements, it was necessary for the leaders to work on improving culture of working, trust and relationship aspects. Where these were lacking, then the organizations were seen to fail. Given this background context, the purpose of this essay is to present the organizational leadership case study of Yahoo, as led by CEO Marissa Mayer.
Organizational Leadership Case Study

The research studies on existing organizations who are facing success when it comes to strategic leadership capabilities and leadership abilities can be taken as an example here. A practical development plan can be developed (Beck and Yeager, 2005). Now firstly strategic sensitivity of the organization and leadership agility are connected. Strategic sensitivity of an organization is the aspects of organization where the organization is very mindful of the opportunities that they have. They anticipate opportunities and are seen to plan based on these opportunities. Strategies are planned on realistic world order and based on the different interpretation of data (Right Management Group, 2017). Studies identified that where organizations are strategic sensitive, then their leaders are more insightful. Anticipation and foresight increases and this improves organizational resilience. New options can be created better, and the organizational communication practices are improved better as well. In addition, it is identified that the organization can continuous evolve when it comes to competitive landscapes. These expectations in competitive landscapes are easily met by the leader who can adapt strategic sensitivity (Horney et al., 2010). The leader who works on strategic sensitivity options can be called an agile leader (Joiner and Josephs, 2006).
Secondly, to increase leadership agility, it is necessary to improve resource fluidity and communication. This part of the development plan is needed to ensure that the organization in question adopts strategic options with more flexible standpoint (Swisher, 2013; Crocitto and Youssef, 2003). An organization that is seen to be suffering issues already would not be able to flexible enough in choosing solutions if the organization is very much contained in its choices (Pixton et al., 2010). Resources must be given the needed autonomy and should not be encouraged by the leaders all the time to just follow a rulebook. If necessary, the leaders must encourage the employees to work with a we-win approach, where the employees would believe they are part of the organizational success. Communicating hence becomes a critical element here, as the combined sense of actions of the resources will be needed for maintaining strategic advantage (McKenzie and Aitken, 2012). Therefore, in the organization, resources would have to be given better fluidity and better communication protocols should have been present.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供毕业论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


代写价格-在线旅行社的市场发展和变化。在过去的20年里,在线旅行社出现了,并且非常受欢迎。已经有很多公司在这些领域走在了前列,并建立了非常强大的市场地位。除了可以灵活地在任何地方进行预订外,这些旅行社还提供了巨大的预订节省。在线旅行社主要针对客户的期望和他们的愿望(Lindgardt et al, 2009)。这有助于他们维护高服务质量,并降低了总体的不确定性程度。因此,重要的是要满足顾客的愿望和期望,以确保有高的服务。

When there was a growing need for the growth of the online business for tourism, Thomas Cook widened its overall distribution through the online channel with the help of the online websites and the different call centres of the company. This helped in the development of the system which was perfect as per the behaviour of the customer. There was no need for following a fixed business model without any change. In addition to this, the company also did the number of changes in their overall infrastructure. With the change in the thought process of the customers, there had been a change in their pre-packaged vacations format (Sauto, 2015). The company made a change by making some of the new product offerings. This included the independent flights and the hotels for the convenience of the customers.
Thus, it can be said that though the company had earned a lot of success because of their long history of success and their business model, a large number of adjustments had been made in order to cope up with the different challenges of the industry and to live up to the changing expectations of the customers (Crouch & Ritchie, 1999). This was something that may not be possible with the help of the fixed business model.
Therefore, from the analysis, it can be found that business model cannot be implemented in the tourism industry because of the changing needs of the customer and also because of the change in the market. It can also be found that the company had also been impacted as a result of the technological, economical and the social changes. It is ascertain that the tourism industry is impacted more and more because of the change in the business environment rather than following a fixed business model. In case the company had been following a fixed business model, it could not live up to the time (Frey & George, 2010).

Thus, it can be concluded that the tourism industry is one of the most variable industries in the world. There are a number of changes in the industry on a consistent basis. In order to live up to the expectations of the customers and to implement the changes in the proper manner, it is important that the tourism companies are not dependent on the business model at all (Hart et al, 2011). It is important that the companies should working on making new and more feasible methods for the assistance of the customers and to ensure that they get the best environment at a good cost. In this report, the discussion has been focused on the tourism industry. There has been an analysis of the approaches which are used by the companies for the growth of the business and also for the enhancement of their own service quality. In order to provide real evidence, the business strategies which are implemented by Thomas cook (which is the traditional travel agency) and Expedia (which is the most popular online travel agency) has been studied and analyzed. From the studies, it has been found that there is a minimal requirement of the business model in the tourism industry. There has been a study on the business model and some literature evidences regarding the business models has also been analysed.

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Israel, as a developing nation with a high per capita income, has good relations with many of its developed and developing nation partners, but in specific, it has a special relationship with the US and the EU. With the US, it has been ever engrossed in enhancing trade ties, signing bilateral agreements to push through its service sector to the US, and in turn import technology and weaponry from the US. Due to Israel’s geographical position and its consistent threat of Islamic terrorism in the Arab nations, it is always entangled in ways of defending its nation with superior technology and smart systems of weapon deployment. US, on the other hand, with its obnoxious ambition of global hegemony and its ever unrequired presence in the Arab nations and meddling in their economies, is always in support of Israel only for its geographical position and being close to the Arab nations.
As per the US census, US Israel bilateral trade relations stood at $35.3 billion, in which the US runs a deficit of $9 billion (“Foreign Trade – U.S. Trade with Israel”, 2017). The bilateral agreements between the two nations occupy weapons, nuclear reactors, boilers and electronic equipment as major factors. This is due to the fact that Israel needs border security and weapons to fight terrorist on its soil and attacks from Iran and Palestinians. Israel exports more of diamonds, medical equipment, metals and other service industry sectors.
Israel EU relations are stable and growing with more dependence on commodities. Israel’s trade with the EU in goods has been growing and stood at about $20 billion in 2016, and the services at about $7.5 billion. This inculcates that Israel is establishing strong bilateral relationship with the European Union, as it strives to diversify its trade partners’ dependence. EU is a more lucrative and large market than the United States, as it is a conglomerate of 28 nations, and has more or less developed and developing economies, which support and align with Israel’s strong strategy of developing trade relationship with developing and developed countries.
The deficit of trade between Israel and US is reverse than that between Israel and the EU. This is because, in the US Israel trade relationship, the deficit of trade is on the US, and in the EU Israel relationship, the trade deficit is on Israel. US’s trade deficit with Israel is at $9 billion and Israel with the EU is close to $10 billion. EU exports transport machinery and equipment to Israel, and the US exports more of weapons and technology equipment. Israel seems to be importing more quality infrastructure materials from the EU than from the US, and this indicates Israel’s belief in the quality of EU’s transport infrastructure ability. Comparing these two partners with China and India, Israel is importing more from the EU and United States. This infers that Israel considers China and India as developing economies and probably less equipped with meeting its high quality infrastructure demands.

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