


This model states that the manufacturing industry is more dependent on intensive knowledge while the tourism industry is more dependent on intensive resources. The tourism sector is given more priority by those countries that are full of natural resources and cultural heritage. Technological change, increase in the price of goods and services, and exploitation of natural resources — these three factors determine the growth of the economy by the help of cultural tourism. If the rate of the change of relative prices is very high, then it can overcome the slow rate of technological changes. The experts also believe that growth of cultural tourism and the economy also depend on the consistent exploitation of the resources that are naturally available. A hike in the exploitation increases the growth suddenly, but it cannot ensure long-term sustainable growth because the natural resources have a limit. Tourist goods have a vital role to play in this case. It is being noticed that the international market is emphasizing greatly on the rate of productivity and utility of the tourist goods so that the shortcomings of the slow technological change can be overcome (Abankina, 2013). As it does not hugely affect the natural resources, this strategy is extremely efficient for ensuring the long-term economic growth through the flow of cultural tourism.

It cannot be denied that the tourism industry has seen a remarkable growth in the recent years. The whole world is experiencing this development because the international tourists are becoming more and more interested in the exploration of the culture of the destination places. There are a number of factors that influences the tourists to select a destination, purchase a product, and get access to a service. All of these things are related to the economy of the region. Therefore, it is obvious that the decisions of the tourists create an impact on the economic factor. But, the providers also have a big role to play, They should realize when, how, where and how much they should use their resources. If both of these aspects are dealt with care and attention, then it is quite sure that cultural tourism will be considered as one of the most important factors in the global economy.

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