标签存档: 加拿大代写






Magna International deals with manufacturing of automobiles, its parts and after sales services. Process costing method is used to divide various costs among the various steps in manufacturing. Cost incurred for providing after sales services are divided on the job costing. Other costs are absorbed on activity based costing system approach that provides clear picture of cost incurred in various departments. Income statement is made to find out the net profit earned by the company in the particular period of time. Mainly company uses traditional method of income statement to ascertain the cost incurred and benefit achieved. Magna international uses contribution based income statement to find out the marginal cost of each unit produced and to divide the fixed cost incurred.

Although fixed costs are semi variable in nature and depend on management decision, it is proportion indirectly to the various products (Investors relation, 2016). Breaking even point in the automobile industry is the quantity where the total revenue earned is equal to the total cost. Magna International breaks even every product in order to have a check on the future production of products giving losses. Magna International is a growth oriented company and it follows all the principles of the management accounting. The cost incurred in the Magna International is highly variable and related to production capacity.






In case of video games, there may be certain behaviors and actions which may be rewarded by the people while the other ones may not be. The narrative framework of the modern day games and the evaluation of the in-game actions, video games give the representation of the enactment and the ethical framework. An example of the same can be taken from the game Fable, in which the players start the game as a child who lives in a village. The child needs to have money to buy gift for his sister. His father offers him a coin for everything good which he does. But then the player is presented with number of conflicts on the basis of his or her invention. In the same, the player is required to make the choices. The player also has to decide whether to take the bribe or not to take the same.

Thereby, some of the actions performed by the player in the game are good and some aren’t. Thus, good or bad can also help in getting the understanding of the ethical framework. Some of the games can create ethical dilemmas for the players as well. One of the earliest video games which creates an ethical system is “The virtue of Ultima IV”. In this game, the person has to go through a journey so as to become immortal. In this game, the player is required to follow different virtues for compassion. An example of this virtue is sacrifice. When the player plays such a game, he or she feels that the player is responsible for the decisions which are to be made by them in the game. In addition to this, the game creates a completely ethical system and helps the players to learn the real life ethical system.





需求,需求应该牢记。高需求在一个特定位置的快速增长的公司。评估需求和竞争在海外市场的特定位置预测的可能性增长的公司(经纪人和Ellis-Chadwick, 2016)。市场预测,需要考虑市场的预测市场的未来预期。将推出的产品应该有一些客户。潜在客户的识别之后,目标客户应该买得起这个项目。成本因素是最重要的因素,哪些项目盈利的公司在市场上(乔希,2014)。


Understanding potential customers – The most important task is acquiring the knowledge of the potential customers, like their social, physiological and social needs. In the case of Bolivia, Macdonald opens its branches without having the knowledge of the economic conditions of the Bolivian people. Bolivian, being a developing country, is largely dependent on the home produced agricultural products (Gillespie and Hennessey, 2016). In contrast to the American people who are comparatively richer than the Bolivian people with high purchasing power, can invest sufficient amount of their income on fast food chain. McDonald, being an American company, applied the marketing strategy containing American mindset. A company should research about the demographic and the lifestyle conditions like their gender, age, preferences, interests and spending capacity etc.


Demand- Demand should be kept in mind. Higher the demand in a particular location the rapid the growth of the firm is seen. Evaluation of the demand and competition presented at the particular location of the overseas market forecasts the chances of growth of the firm (Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick, 2016). Market projections – Consideration of the market projections is needed for the future expectations from the market. The product which is going to be launched should have some customers. After the identification of the potential customers, the targeted customers should afford to buy the project. The cost factor is the most important factor, which projects the profitable presence of a firm in the market (Joshi, 2014).






The second major challenge lies in regulation. It is estimated that Chinese SMEs contribute to around 60 percent of the industrial output of China and are responsible for creating around 80 percent of the jobs in Chinese market. While foreign SMEs are aware of the significance of understanding rules and regulations within the country, and understanding of the local business environment rules such as investment laws and financial laws etc makes the national SMEs tend to overlook much of these legal relationships. These investment, financial and employment laws are very critical for the SMEs for long term success. In making use of the many opportunities that the OBOR project could bring, it is critical that SMEs learn to connect internally with their regulations and work proactively to be a co-developer in some of these regulations.

International standards of developed countries have to be mimicked in these efforts. Some other countries that Chinese SMEs can look to trade with might have stricter or worse employment laws. It is necessary for the Chinese SMEs to adapt or negotiate as the need may arise. Here the SMEs face the challenge of information. While information like market opportunities, laws and regulations of foreign countries and more is probably easily available, some of the others such as trade strategy of countries that the SMEs would deal with over the OBOR are not exactly easy information. These forms of strategic activities are something that Chinese SMEs have to know and get adjusted. In addition to the uncertainties in trade laws that would be introduced with the OBOR, it could also be possible that there could be much adjustment needed culturally.

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

康德义务论是另一种伦理学理论,它的基础是,如果一个人的行为被认为是合乎道德的,那么这个人的行为就被认为是合乎道德的(Tabb, 2004)。在这里,它表明规则支配着行为,如果一个人完全按照规则行事,并且不管出于什么原因避免任何偏差,那么这个行为就被认为是道德的,而实施这个行为的人就是一个道德的存在。考虑到义务论在大众汽车案例中的应用,我们可以看到,如果安装失败设备的行为属于公司的规则,那么这种行为就是道德行为。

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

Kantian Deontology is another ethical theory which is based on the foundation that any action of man is considered to be moral if the man is said to have enacted exactly as he was required by being aligned to the rules of action (Tabb, 2004). Here it indicates that rules dominate action and if one acts exactly as per the rules and avoids any deviation for whatsoever reason, then that act is said to be moral and the person enacting the act to be a moral being. Considering the application of deontology in the case of Volkswagen, it is seen that if the act of installing a defeat device is within the rule of the company, then the act is considered to be moral.

留学 论文代写:康德义务论
However, there is severe contradiction here when there is an attempt to identify the origin of the rule and what rules are really relevant in this case, be it the universal rule of morality, rules associated with benefits of Volkswagen, rules confined to the benefits of mankind, or rules confined to the benefits of the company’s customers. Since Kant basis his dependence on the rule of a universal morality; the action of installing a defeat device is considered to be immoral because it is arising from a will that takes pleasure in seeing other people suffer from bad health. Additionally, the company does not bother about the consequences of such a device on pollution and subsequent health issues of people, and only considers its own benefit as the basis of the act.



为了理解国际组织所扮演的角色在当前时间和这些组织的原因是考虑到前所未有的权力和范围管理的全球经济危机,这是非常重要的原因的理解,组织实例化。这本书提供了完整的细节、解释和评价不同的机构和行动者,这些机构和行动者的行为可能类似于“新世界秩序”的行动者,从而导致“贫穷的全球化”。作者还概述了轮廓的世界新秩序存在的基础上人类贫困和环境的破坏,代社会种族隔离制度,鼓励越来越多的种族主义和也创建了一个种族冲突和破坏世界的权利(艾伦和Bayly 24)。

为了证明这一点,他对世界各地的例子进行了评估。作者试图强调新的干涉主义框架,这种框架导致了国家机构的解体、经济边界的撕裂和世界上一些人的贫困。“国际货币基金组织(imf)、世界银行(World Bank)和世界贸易组织(wto)等一些机构是一些监管机构,它们可能被认为对世界上占主导地位的经济和金融利益的数量负有重大责任。”目前的国际官僚机构可以通过蓄意操纵世界上不同的市场力量来加强对国家一级经济的监督。


In order to understand the roles which are played by the international organizations in the present times and the reasons why these organizations are given the unprecedented power and scope for the management of the global economic crises, it is very important to do the understanding of the reason from where the organizations instantiated. The book gives the complete details, the explanation and the assessment of the different institutions and actors which may act similar to the agents of the “New World Order” for which they lead to an advancement of the “Globalization of Poverty”. The author also outlines the contours of a New World Order which exists on the basis of the human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generation of a social apartheid, encouragement of more and more racism and also creates an ethnic strife and also undermines the rights of the world (Alan and Bayly 24).

In order to prove the same, he gives the assessment of the examples from different parts of the world. The author tries to emphasize on the new interventionist framework which has led to the dismantling of the number of state institutions, the tearing of the economic borders and the impoverishment of a number of people in the world. Some of the bodies such as the “International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade organization are some of the regulatory bodies which may be considered to be responsible massively for the number of dominant economic and financial interests of the world. The present international bureaucracy can be used for the increase in the supervision of the national level economies through the deliberate manipulation of the different market forces in the world.



















第二阶段是收集过去的历史和新的信息。病人过去曾吸烟,也是高血压的受害者。他的皮肤非常脆弱,很容易暴露在各种问题中。评估他被录取时的现状。他的体温是36.6摄氏度,脉搏每分钟95次。呼吸频率为20次/分钟。他连接到6L O2, SpO2是92。当他的触摸被分析的时候,他脆弱的皮肤表达了很多的温暖,而且在手指的时间里,帽子的填充时间不到3秒。根据过去和现在的分析,疼痛评分是8分,10分,这是非常高的。这说明患者处于极度疼痛中,一直处于嗜睡状态,右手也有一条动脉线。听诊是确定的。由于他过去有高血压,目前已出现出血。这最终导致他在大多数时候血流动力学稳定。


The first stage is LOOK into the patient’s situation. The patient chosen is 82 years male who is admitted to PACU post thoracotomy with hudson mask. He is also connected to underwater seal drainage chest tube and is currently treated with Bupivacaine 8ml/h as he is running out of agony. The key problem with the patient is that he is suffering from lung cancer right lower lobe and he is survived by his wife and they have a social relationship. The patient has serious hindrances with the lung and wants urgent treatment to solve the lung issue. The patient has underwent general anesthesia and was intubated during surgery and he finds issues with supine position. The diagnosis made so far includes bronchoscopy and X ray. Doctors have exposed him to pressure stocking foot pump in order to prevent DVT.

The second stage is COLLECT where the past history and also new information are also collected. Patient has been a smoker in the past and is also a victim of hypertension. His skin is extremely fragile such that he is easily exposed to issues. The current status when he is admitted is assessed. His temperature is 36.6 degree Celsius and the pulse rate is 95 beats/min. The respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min. He is connected to 6L O2 and SpO2 is 92. When his touch is analyzed, his fragile skin expresses lots of warmth and the cap refill is less than 3 seconds in finger. As per the past and present analyses, the pain score is at 8 for 10 and this is very high. This shows that patient is in extreme pain and is drowsy all the times and there is also an arterial line on right hand. Auscultation is identified. Because of his hypertension in the past, haemorrhage has developed at the moment. This has eventually led to him being hemodynamically stable at most of the times.




















基础指南:在这一部分,Hook sentence是及其重要的。你需要有一个令人印象深刻的叙述或者其它内容来勾起读者的阅读兴趣,同时,你也需要注意你的论文主题和内容需要紧密切合和一致。




a. 在你的各种个人信息之间寻找平衡点,不要给出读者太多或者过少的个人信息;

b. 避免空洞的段落使你的申请变的平庸和无聊;

c. 你需要在你的生活、你的兴趣、你的研究领域同招生委员会的兴趣点之间找到足够的结合点;

d. 不要仅仅为了让人留下深刻印象而使用晦涩的词汇和短语;

e. 文章的一致性非常重要,切勿偏离写作主体;

​f. 结尾和你对自己的总结和自评很重要,不要忘记这一点。
