标签存档: 加拿大代写



另类投资的历史,加上多样性、潜在收益的提高以及与投资组合相关的风险状况的改善,从近年来已经在这些另类投资领域引发了重大增长(Durugbo 2015)。替代资产的类别包括许多金融、实体和硬资产。这些资产本质上是有形的,进一步持有固有价值,如收藏品、贵金属、大宗商品和房地产,更经常用于保护通货膨胀。该公司以其不包括工厂、建筑或品牌在内的主要资产为荣。相反,该公司认为其主要资产是在一个统一的企业文化中,民族背景、宗教和民族的合作工作。IDEO的文化一直将各个大陆的个人团结在一起,几乎一半的人口和工厂分布在发展中经济体。

建立人的能力是企业最关键的因素,因此,IDEO在促进组织学习方面作出了若干努力。Robey et al.(2000)认为,组织学习与信息技术(IT)之间的关系似乎具有双重属性。它支持学习的过程,并进一步提高组织学习的能力。相反,组织学习的结果是促进组织内新技术变革的实施和采用。IDEO的研究中心在发展食品生产和产品的过程中,始终把研究和发展作为基本重点。也有适应当地特定需要的过程和产品。与专家合作进行发展的实施和部署,这进一步导致提高当地生产者和当地工厂的专门知识水平。


The history of alternatives in the addition of diversity, potential enhancement of return and improvement in the profile of risk related to a portfolio, has ended up sparking major growth across these alternate investments since recent years (Durugbo 2015). The classes of alternate asset are inclusive of a number of financial, real and hard assets. These assets are tangible by nature further holding inherent value such as collectibles, precious metals, commodities and real estate, and more often are used to protect inflation.The company takes pride in its principle assets that do not include its factories, buildings, or the brand. Instead, the company considers its principle assets to be the collaborative work of ethnic background, religions and nationalities in a single corporate culture of unity. The culture of IDEO has been unifying individuals across each and every continent, with almost half of the people and factories located across the developing economies.

The establishment of human capacity is the most crucial element of the business and hence, IDEO takes in several efforts for the facilitation of organizational learning. According to Robey et al. (2000), there seems to be a twofold attribute in the relationship between organizational learning and information technology (IT). IT is known to be supporting the processes of learning and further results in increasing the capacity of organizational learning. And on the contrary, organizational learning results in facilitating the implementation and adoption of new change of technology across the organization. The Research Centre of IDEO maintains the fundamental focus on research and development, while developing processes of food production and products. There is also adaptation of processes and products for certain local needs. There is implementation and deployment of development collaborating with specialists and this further leads towards increasing the degree of expertise among local producers and in local factories.



在经营企业的同时拥有竞争优势是很好的。然而,道德问题不应该妥协。这是管理层在评估市场竞争时应改变观念的一种方式。影响感知水平的主要影响因素之一是晕轮效应(Chan et al. 2016, p. 165)。这种现象会产生一种认知偏差,导致一个人或一个员工对另一个人或实体的品质产生一种看法。这种印象是根据一个人的魅力指数来判断的。当员工在魅力型领导下工作时,这种行为可以表现出来(Gilboa and Marinacci, 2016, p. 400)。即使是领导人所描绘的模棱两可的品质,也会得到积极的评价,或者至多是基于以往经验的中性评价。

因此,我们可以把光环效应称为一种特殊的确认偏误。另一个影响人类感知水平的主要因素称为基本归因错误(Fischer et al. 2015, p. 70)。根据这一理论,一些人根据人的内在品质来判断人的行为,从而完全忽略了外在的影响因素。这种观点导致了对应偏差(Restubog et al. 2015, p. 1133)。如果一个人期望从同事或在压力下工作的管理人员那里得到理想的行为,那么这种期望很有可能无法实现。然而,如果一个人开始相信另一个人的性情是消极的,因为这个人固有的某些行为问题,那么就有可能作出的判断充满了错误。


This is good to possess competitive edge while running a business. However, ethical matters should not be compromised. This is a way wherein perceptions should be changed when management body evaluates competition in the market.One of the major influencing factors that affect levels of perceptions is halo effect (Chan et al. 2016, p. 165). This phenomenon gives rise to a cognitive bias that leads a person or an employee to construct an idea about another person or entity’s qualities. Such impressions are made based on attractiveness quotient of a person. Such kinds of behaviours could be displayed in regard when employees work under charismatic leaders (Gilboa and Marinacci, 2016, p. 400). Even ambiguous qualities portrayed by the leaders are viewed positively or at most neutrally based on previous experiences.

Thus, one may term halo effect to be one particular kind of confirmation bias.Another major influencing factor that affects the perception levels of human beings is termed as fundamental attribution error (Fischer et al. 2015, p. 70). According to this theory, some people judge human actions based on internal qualities, thereby totally ignoring the external influencing factors. Such kinds of outlook give rise to correspondence bias (Restubog et al. 2015, p. 1133). If a person expects ideal behaviour from a fellow colleague or from someone in the management under hours of stress, then there is a high probability that expectations might not be fulfilled. However, if the person started to believe that the temperament of the other person was negative because of certain behavioural problem intrinsic to that person, then there is a possibility that the judgement made is full of errors.



例如1524年,印刷厂开始出版Pietro Aretino的《性姿势》,几个世纪以来正式成为色情经典系列。同样在1841年,一个全新的色情世界开始于第一个商业过程的裸体照片的引入。在过去的几十年里,出于政治目的使用色情讽刺作品一直在进行(Mills, 2016)。例如,在1720年代,俄国女皇凯瑟琳大帝被政治上指控对性的贪婪。这种政治运动甚至在俄国皇后死后还在继续,后来被发现是性大会的行为。随着科技的进步,色情世界正在对人们的态度和行为产生负面影响(Sdcitybeat, 2016)。

早在3万年前,旧石器时代的人们就开始雕刻大胸、大大腿的孕妇雕像。这些人体雕刻的情色表现本来是为性狂欢而设计的,但后来希腊人和罗马人制作了舔阴、同性恋和三人组的公共雕塑。公元二世纪,印度引进了第一本两性关系手册——《迦摩经》。在16世纪,日本引入了版画的人类色情贵族。色情文学实际上诞生于19世纪中期,当时第一部长篇英文小说由牛津大学出版社出版。1839年,路易斯·达盖尔(Louis Daguerre)发现了达盖尔照相法(daguerretype of porn photography),技术成为色情行业不可或缺的一部分。


For example in 1524, printing press began to publish Pietro Aretino’s Postures of sexual positions which officially became the porn classic series for centuries. Similarly in 1841, a whole new world of pornography started with the introduction of the first commercial process of nude photographs. The use of pornographic satires for political purposes has been going on for the last few decades (Mills, 2016). For example during the days of 1720s, when Russian empress Catherine the Great was politically accused of the greedy carnal appetite of sex. This political campaign even continued after the death of the Russian empress and later it was discovered as an act of sexual congress. With the advancement of technology, the world of pornography is adversely affecting the attitudes and behaviors of the people of the community (Sdcitybeat, 2016).

In the early 30,000 years ago, stone and wood carvings of large breasted, thick-thigh figures of pregnant ladies were portrayed by the Paleolithic people. These erotic representations of human carvings were intended for sexual arousals, but later on the Greek and the Romans crafted the public sculptures of cunnilingus, homosexuality, and threesomes. In the second century, the introduction of first sex relationship handbook was introduced in India called Kama Sutra. During the 16th century, Japan introduced the woodblock prints of the human erotic aristocracy. Porn was actually born in the mid-1800s when the first full-length English novel was published under the publication of Oxford University Press. In the year 1839, technology became an integral part of the pornography industry when Louis Daguerre discovered the daguerreotype of porn photography.



色情作品主要是赤裸裸的性媒体,目的是为了引起观看者的性冲动。根据McKee, Alan(2007)的研究,色情对个人对性的态度有积极的影响。研究进一步揭示了“让消费者减少对性的压抑;让他们对性更开放;增加对他人性行为的容忍;给消费者带来快乐;(McKee, 2007,第89页)。也有人指出,色情导致在长期关系中保持性兴趣;它也使消费者对伴侣的性欲望更感兴趣,它帮助他们在社会中找到自己的身份,并允许他们自由地与伴侣谈论性。色情作品对个人最常见的负面影响是,它会导致观众将人物化。这些人开始期待不切实际的性关系。这进一步导致了关系问题,对性伴侣的兴趣减少,并导致上瘾。色情作品影响着个人生活的方方面面。它也以一种不同的方式为青少年构建了性的框架。

这是一种暴力媒体,将儿童和妇女物化。它也影响着个人的身心健康。一些研究表明,暴力和非暴力色情,都在支持对妇女的暴力。对个人更大的影响是,他们会学到关于自身发展和两性关系的负面信息。它会导致“缺乏健康的信息和图像,从而影响其易受受害者、犯罪者和有效旁观者行为的伤害”(Maltz, and Maltz, 2008,第10页)。长期接触色情作品也使大众对性活动的认识膨胀(例如群体性行为、施虐受虐行为、鸡奸和兽性行为)。这也会导致个人性格的改变,包括信任的减少和对亲密伴侣兴趣的减少。这种行为变得性侵犯,导致性犯罪和强奸。它增加了对女性的性侵犯的机会(Ferguson, & Hartley, 2009)。


Pornography is mainly the sexuality explicit media, which is meant to arouse the viewer sexually. According to the study of McKee, Alan (2007), pornography has the positive impact on the attitudes of the individual towards sexuality. Study further reveals that “making consumers less repressed about sex; making them more open-minded about sex; increasing tolerance of other people’s sexualities; giving pleasure to consumers; providing educational insights” (McKee, 2007, p. 89). It is also stated that porn leads sustaining sexual interest in long-term relationships; it also makes consumers more interested in the sexual desires of their partners, it helps to find themselves an identity in the community, and allow them to freely talk to partner about sex. The most common negative impact of pornography on an individual is that it led viewers to objectify people. Such individuals start expecting the unrealistic sexual relationships. This further causes relationship problems, less interest in sex with partner and led to addiction. Pornography is affecting the lives of individual in every aspect. It also frames the sexuality in a different manner for teens and adolescents.

This is a kind of violent media, which objectifies children and women. It is also impacting the mental and physical health of individuals. Some of the studies suggest that violent and non-violent pornography, both are leading towards supporting the violence towards women. The larger impact on individuals is that they learn negative things about their development and gender relationships. It causes “lack of healthy messages and images affects their vulnerability to victimization, perpetration, and effective bystander action” (Maltz, and Maltz, 2008, p. 10).The prolonged exposure towards pornography also has inflated perception of sexual activity in the populace (e.g. group sex, sadomasochistic practices, sodomy, and bestiality). This also leads to dispositional changes in the individual that includes diminished trust and less interest in the intimate partner. The behavior becomes sexually aggressive and leads to sexual crimes and rapes. It increases the chances of sexual assaults towards women (Ferguson, & Hartley, 2009).



这部电影的剪辑很普通。然而,这对于50年代的好莱坞来说已经足够了,好莱坞并没有突破常规的剪辑技术,如剪切和模糊。没有后续的镜头,手持相机,和不均匀的三脚架碟是显而易见的,但不是理所当然的一个扰流片。当一个人感到有实质内容需要简单地剪切并移动到下一个场景时,这表明他在编辑方面缺乏专业知识。总的来说,《在海滨》的外观和感觉是黯淡的、自我否定的,而且完全可以想象,喀山在某种程度上摒弃了他在前十年制作的那些真诚但毫无品味的好莱坞电影,与《布鲁克林的一棵树》(a Tree Grows in Brooklyn)非常相似。



The editing of the film was very ordinary. However, it was sufficient for the Hollywood of 1950’s, which had not broken out of routine editing techniques of cuts and blurs. The absence of following shots, handheld camera, and uneven tripod dish are perceptible, yet not as a matter of course a spoiler. When one feels substance to simply slice and move to the following scene, it demonstrates a level of lethargy or absence of expertise in editing. On the whole, the look and feel of “On the Waterfront” is bleak, self-denying, and altogether conceivable, a certain dismissal by Kazan of the sincere however tastelessly wistful Hollywood movies he had made in the earlier decade, much similar to ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.’

The discrete photography and the extensive area of shooting in New Jersey make “On the Waterfront” a true carrier of the European ancient traditions and customs such that a large number of other American movies of the time (like Jules Dassin’s Naked City) began to impersonate, yet proved unable, tumbling off in later reels into emerging tradition of cinematography and film editing. Kazan manages the lowly apprehension of the docks through each shot of the film. One can view the same in the chilled breaths of the performing artists in the dark and freezing New Jersey evenings, and one can also feel it in the sweat-soaked Polish bar wedding scene, where the general population of the waterfront look for discharge from their work with such wild eyed vitality.



重要的身份成就基本指标包括青年个人对未来的职业有明确的认识,有规律地选择娱乐活动和政治上的意识形态,以及知道如何理想地生活和实现他们的愿望。这些身份成就要素对于防止青少年特别是女孩无法专注于工作、未来的狂热投资、参与违法广告狂热地向当局提交等都是重要的。身份成就的一个分支是在个人内部保持高度的自尊。除此之外,在学业成就、家庭凝聚力和社区服务方面,身份认同的实现似乎有着至关重要的影响。基于偶像崇拜的态度涉入涉及到迁移、浪漫虚幻、虚荣和偶像崇拜范围(White et al, 2009)。



Important identity achievement essential indicators are inclusive of the young individuals having clarity on their career in future, selecting activities of recreation regularly and ideologies politically as well as knowing the way in which one can live ideally and achieve their aspiration. Such identity achievement elements are important to prevent younger teenagers especially girls from the incapacity to focus over tasks, future based fanatic investment, involvement delinquently ad submission fanatically for the authority. One identity achievement offshoot is high self-esteem maintenance within individuals. Achievement of identity, apart from this, appears to have essential bearings over achievement academically, cohesion in family and community service. Idol worship based attitudinal involvement has reference to relocation, romance illusory, vainglory and the idol worship range (White et al, 2009).

Vainglory here has a reference to focus over fame acquisition, status in the society, possession of material and trendy and luxurious living. It is a result from commercialized pop culture audience. The pop culture industry accordingly, further has an interest in commodification values cultivation, fabricated pop stars intimacy and consumption in customers for perpetuating consumption further. Such a commercial cultivation trend is apparent across Asian nations. It helps to explain the increasing aspiration of materialist nature between the modern world younger girls. As depicted in other researches on common public, a person having more materialistic tendency, consumes more and has a tendency of being less focused on differences of class. To younger individuals having only limited resources of finances, such pattern of life appears to have detriment to their development of identity.



对于奢侈品牌来说,零售店或批发或授权是收入的关键。Burberry Plc的主要渠道是零售或批发,授权从2011年的7%下降到2015年的3%。这说明在过去的5年里,授权下降了近50% (Burberry Plc, 2016)。虽然零售或批发渠道成本在过去5年有所上升,但与年初相比增幅并不明显。原因之一是越来越多的零售商店不接受授权。在过去的5年里,随着巴宝莉在中国市场的扩张,其在中国的成本可能一直在上升,但随着高端奢侈品市场从高速增长阶段放缓,巴宝莉最近通过关闭门店来缩减成本(Burberry Plc, 2016)。



For luxury brands retail stores or wholesale or licensing is the key for revenue. In case of Burberry Plc, the main channels were retail or wholesale as licensing decreased from 7% in 2011 to 3% in 2015. This indicates that in the last 5 years, the licensing decreased by almost 50% (Burberry Plc, 2016). Though retail or wholesale channel cost increased in last 5 years, this increase was not significant enough as compared with the growth in early years. One reason for this is that licensing was not accepted with an increasing number of retail stores.China costs have been likely increasing in the past 5 years as the company grew its presence, but Burberry has recently scaled back through store closings as the high-end luxury segment slows down from its hyper-growth stage (Burberry Plc, 2016).

Both America and Europe grew mid-high single digits on a year-over-year basis in 2015, but 2016 will likely be challenged as the global economy weakens.As indicated in the above chart, Asia Pacific sales increased by almost 2x in the last 5 years but Y/Y growth has been decelerating due to China headwinds. In Europe, Middle East, India & Africa (EMEIA), the sales increased by 1.5X in the last 5 years, but unfortunately here, year on year growth declined a lot. Burberry has acknowledged challenges in the Americas region as well, facing intense competition from numerous brands in the market with low price and high quality (Burberry Plc, 2016). Consumer loves changing trend and Burberry failed to go with the trend and ultimately lost the market across in all regions.



从上面的图表为产品A和B可以在解释,从产品中值B是一个多,这表明平均获利产品B更/ A .四分位值,将整个数据分成四组,比如25%,50%,75%,100%。Q1发生在25%到50%之间,Q2是数据集的中值,Q3发生在50%到75%之间。产品B的Q1(4.25)和Q3(8.00)也大于产品A的Q1(3.25)和Q3(8.00)。结果表明,B产品在四分位1和三分位均有较高的利润,t检验用于评价两个样本均值差异的含义。这是基于自由度蕴涵的特定层次上的t分布(Dane, 2010)。T从样本数据中计算,然后用其可能的值求值。



From above charts for product A and product B it can be in interpreted that the median from product B is more than A which shows that the average profit from product B is more over product A. Quartile is value which divide whole data into four groups such as 25%, 50% 75%, 100%. Q1 takes place between 25 to 50 percent, Q2 is the median of the data set and the Q3 falls between 50 to 75 percent. The Q1(4.25) and Q3(8.00) of product B is also greater than product A’s Q1 (3.25) and Q3 (8.00). It indicates that the product B gives more profit in first in quartile 1st as well as quartile 3rd .T test is used to evaluate the implication of dissimilarity between the mean of two sample. This is based on t distribution at particular level of implication of degree of freedom (Dane, 2010). T is computed from sample data and then evaluate with its possible value.

It will be used for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis. It also used to evaluate the implication of a sample mean. If two samples are interconnected, then paired t test is use to evaluate the implication of the mean of dissimilarity between two interrelated samples.Hypothesis is a prognostic declaration which is competent of being experienced by systematic method. Hypothesis should be precise and clear. Hypothesis means assumption to be confirmed or refuse. It is proper question that be set to resolve. In the given problem, the null hypothesis is inhaler increase lung capacity in 80% of cases. Alternate hypothesis is inhaler does not increases lung capacity in 80% of cases.



目的-整个体育赛事的平均出席人数是20175名观众,这是由来自1,01,6420名观众的累计锦标赛出席人数得出的。本届世界杯决赛的观众总数或观众人数超过9万人。a组和b组组成两组,每组14支球队(每组7支),每场比赛观众或观众平均到场人数超过2万人。由于非暴力活动,避免恐怖袭击的威胁,以及板球球迷的支持,ICC在澳大利亚和新西兰组织了这次活动。澳大利亚在本届世界板球锦标赛中获胜,从而第五次蝉联世界杯冠军。米切尔·斯塔克(澳大利亚)被选为CWC 2015赛季系列赛的选手,因为斯塔克在整个比赛中拿下了22个板球。Martin Guptill(新西兰)在本次比赛中得分最多(543分)(Daniel, Barkaoui, and Dustdar, 2012)。

澳大利亚是世界第四大大型体育赛事场馆,拥有全球20亿观众。当地的澳大利亚人更热衷于大型体育赛事,如CWC或板球锦标赛联盟和FIFA世界杯。《禁止化学武器公约》2015年电视观众收看人数达42亿。《CWC 2015》主题曲是由Sheron Chaturanga为提高本次赛事在板球球迷中的知名度而创作的。澳大利亚政府在体育基础设施建设上投入了大量资金,如港口、机场、体育场、公园、场地、道路、接待服务、保护措施、清洁饮用水、安全和绿色环境(Jones, 2014)。


Purpose- The average attendance for this whole sports event was 20, 175 audiences resulting from the cumulative tournament attendance from 1,01,6420 audiences. The total audiences or numbers of visitors for the final match of this event were more than 90,000. Two groups of 14 teams (7 teams in each group) were formed including group A& B. The average attendance of the spectators or audiences per match was more than 20,000 people. Due to the non-violence activities, avoidance of threats of terrorist attacks, and support of cricket fans, ICC organized this event in Australia and New Zealand. Australia kept its Fifth World Cup title by winning this world cricket championship. Mitchell Starc (Australia) was elected as a player of the series for CWC 2015 because Starc took 22 wickets in the whole tournament. Martin Guptill (New Zealand) scored the most number of runs (543 runs) in this tournament (Daniel, Barkaoui, and Dustdar, 2012).

Australia is the fourth largest sporting venue for the mega sporting events in the world with a global audience of two billion people. The local Australian people are more crazy to the mega sporting events, such as CWC or Cricket Championship Leagues and FIFA world cups. CWC 2015 was viewed by the television audiences for 4.2 billion people. The theme song for CWC 2015 was prepared by Sheron Chaturanga to enhance the popularity of this event among cricket fans. The Australian Government invested a lot of funds in the sports infrastructure development, such as ports, airports, stadia, parks, grounds, roads, hospitality services, protection measures, cleaning drinking waters, and safe and greenery environment (Jones, 2014).



质量保证经理关注了解ISO 14001中提到的需求,常常面临困惑与合规监管的引用。之前没有或有限的接触要求环境管制导致质疑的关键问题有关ISO 14001所扮演的角色在法规遵从性的保证。以下三个要求被手臂实现遵守规定和立法在EMS ISO 14001认证:任何组织应识别每一个法律义务相关的环境,熟悉每一个适用的监管和法律相关的环境。同时,公司遵循一些机制来确保定期鉴定法律义务。政策基于环境包括理解和遵守公司的承诺的每一个与环境法律法规适用于上下文。



Managers of quality assurance focus on understanding the requirements mentioned in ISO 14001 and often face confusion in referencing with compliance of regulation. No prior or limited exposure to requirements of environmental regulation results in questioning the key concern regarding the role played by ISO 14001 in the assurance of regulatory compliance. The following three requirements are fulfilled by ARM to comply with the Regulations and Legislation in EMS under the certification of ISO 14001: Any organization should be identifying each and every legal obligation related to the environment and has familiarity with each and every applicable regulation and law related to the environment. Also, the company follows some mechanism to ensure the identification of legal obligation on regular basis.The policy based on environment consists of the company’s commitment for understanding and complying with each and every law and regulation applicable in context with the environment.

The company understands that it is not sufficient to have words on paper and hence ARM puts in each and every effort fulfilling the commitment it has mentioned in the policy. ARM understands that complying with crucial lawful requirements further mandates the evaluation on periodic basis that the company decision. Whether ARM has been engaging in a comprehensive audit of compliance or has been employing a number of different monitoring activities it acknowledges if there is meeting of each and every identified legal requirement. Within the respective event, if there is identification of regulatory non- compliance, ARM understands the need of taking actions for correction of non- compliance and preventing its recurrence.