


他们似乎把女权运动作为一种简单的社会结构来进行。女权主义被描绘成无聊的上层自由白人女性的原因。媒体上有很多关于女权主义的问题没有涉及到。对妇女各阶层有更大的监督(Hatef 2),在处理这些问题时应采取更全面的办法。需要更好地宣传当前的女权主义意识形态,需要一场针对人们所有这些诉求的运动。这将有助于建立一个运转良好的社会。



They seem to undertake feminism movement as a simple social structure. Feminism is portrayed as a cause of bored upper class liberal white women. There are a number of issues that are not addressed in the media about feminism. There is a larger oversight of all sections of women (Hatef 2). There should be a more holistic approach in dealing with these issues. There is a need for better branding of the current feminism ideologies and a movement that addresses all these claims of people. This would help in a better functioning society.

Feminism has taught that there are many issues in the society that can be prevented by embracing the basic notions of equality amongst all people. I observed that there is also veiled criticism of feminism in the media. This is reflected in the main stream society as facts. There are many social issues such as racial bias, gender identity, rights of gay people that need to be addressed. I think that by strengthening the fundamental feminist movement, all these issues can be addressed. I am still learning to understand the society. My feminist memoir is not complete. It is still a work in progress. From what I have seen and learnt, I think the core values of feminism have not been fully apprehended in the civilization.