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有的留学生刚出国,半年或是一年的学习虽然英语水平有了一定的提高,但是一些高难度的课程难免是糊里糊涂得学习完的,写不到论文就只有复制粘贴,观点拼凑、数据事例照抄。国外学生的学期末论文和毕业论文都是要上传系统的,导师在检查论文时一定会使用Turn it in检测系统查重,这样直接就挂了。



加拿大会计学论文代写-毛利人的宗教机构。今天的宗教机构见证了早期存在的毛利人社区在宗教机构的程度上发挥了非常重要的作用。毛利人社区所信奉的宗教观点的残余部分今天已经不存在了,但具有讽刺意味的是,“mana”和“tapu”中所包含的信仰确实存在。毛利人之间的这些联系已经被当今的概念和信仰所纠缠。人们认为,即使在今天,宗教领袖们播下的宗教种子也碰巧在今天被发现,并用于治疗多种疾病(Akinola & Liverpool, 2013)。

Religious instincts of the Maori communities and the form of leadership in them
The religious bodies today witness a very important role played by the earlier existing Maori communities in the degree of religious bodies. The vestigial parts of the religious views followed by Maori communities do not exist today but ironically the beliefs that had in ‘mana’ and ‘tapu’ does exist. These connections of the Maori connection have been entangled in the present day concepts and beliefs. It is believed that even today, the threads of religion sowed by the religious leaders happen to be found today and used to cure sickness of many kinds (Akinola & Liverpool, 2013). The religious bodies and leaders function in a much unorganised manner and when worked according to a particular structure, it divides almost 6 Maori people to one group and the rest to another. They give a lot of preaching about the Maori communities and the ideas that happen to help them in the future. A handful of churches in the current day have the Maori origin and for this reason they owe the history to the Maori leaders, too. Very recently, a church that is a body of sheer prominence named as Ratana Church took steps to fight with the problems and issues of the world in an economic as well as a political manner, too (Ward et al.,2013).

It is important to take the reviews of literature and analysis in the process of assisting Maoris to grow the leaders in business procedures and cultural programmes. Determining the effect of the strategies used on the social, cultural and economical bases is important to measure the leadership qualities.
To develop the leadership qualities, Maori community outlines the nature of the program and the strategies used for the same. Moreover, they also check on the ways that the process of increasing leadership quality works on the Whanau Development. On the completion of the process, the students may become Maoris that means to be able to access the situations in the world (Akinola & Liverpool, 2013). It strengthens the process to enable the Maori to get access to the language, culture and resources. If twelve years of training to have the ability to interact among a community does not make a student prepared, his entire education becomes incomplete. After realising the situations, the Maori students will be able to have their own identities, language and culture that happen to value them and are included in the process of teaching and learning (McNae & Vali, 2015).

This would also support them to get engaged in the process and gain success. The students will be able to find their ability and then get the support to set their goals and ambitions and then take steps to achieve them. They will have experience of teaching and would get rewarded from the process of engaged learning. Moreover, the students will gain the skills that would be helpful in achieving success in Te O’ Maori in New Zealand and other parts of the world.

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在影片的结尾,关于这个连环杀手的信息并不完整,因为观众只知道他小时候被虐待过;他认为自己是变性人;当他被拒绝变性手术时,他决定用真正女人的头发和皮肤为自己做一套女性套装。关于他的历史没有提供具体细节。在分析了“水牛比尔”莱克特的案卷后,他说:“你看,比利讨厌他自己的身份,他认为这让他变成了变性人,但他的病态比这更野蛮、更可怕一千倍。”因此,他的性格对美国流行文化有很大的影响。连环杀人在媒体上也很受欢迎(Jarvis, 326)。流行文化中充斥着电子游戏、犯罪故事、小说、传记和连环杀人的电影。“主要的论点是,大众文化中暴力和残忍的共同修饰在结构上与共同修饰本身的暴力相结合”(Jarvis, 328)。Claris的性格很好,因为它也可以与传统的女性气质相联系。克拉丽斯·斯特林这个人物对大众文化中的女性英雄产生了巨大的影响。
虽然同性恋权利活动家们对布法罗·比尔的性格表现并不满意,但是斯特林这个角色仍然被认为是女权活动家们的英雄。在流行文化中,女性英雄有其独特的地位。克拉丽斯·斯特林(Clarice Sterling)也是继1979年《异形》(Alien)中的艾伦·雷普利(Ellen Ripley)之后最伟大的女权主义英雄。她的角色在AFI的50位最伟大的英雄中排名第六。福斯特把她的口音改成了南方口音,当她回忆过去的时候,她会小声说话。“在与狡猾的霍普金斯的较量中,她不仅坚持了自己的立场,而且出现在了许多激烈的透过玻璃的射击反应镜头中”(杰森)。在这种情况下,一个人会感到困惑,因为他在审问谁。电影中的特写镜头需要保持表情,因此角色的表情表达了很多东西。克拉丽斯的夹克也是美国流行文化的一个例子。这部电影产生了巨大的文化影响,这种影响一直持续到今天。这部电影已经进入了流行文化,因为它极大地影响了之后上映的惊悚片和连环杀手电影。


By the end of the film the information about this serial killer is not really complete, as the audience would only know that he was abused when he was a child; he thinks himself to be a transsexual; and when he is rejected for transsexual surgery so he decides to make a female suit for himself with hair and skin of real women. No concrete details have been given about his history. After analyzing the case files of the ‘Buffalo Bill’ Lecter states that “Billy hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a transsexual, but his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying.” Thus his character has a great influence on the American Popular Culture.The serial killing has also been very popular in media (Jarvis, 326). The popular culture has been flooded with the video games, crime stories, fiction, biographies and movies with serial killing. “The main argument is that the co modification of violence and cruelty in popular culture is structurally incorporated with the violence of co modification itself” (Jarvis, 328). The character of Claris is nice as it can also be linked with traditional femininity. The character of Clarice Sterling had been greatly influence on the female heroes in the popular culture.
Though, the gay right activists were not comfortable with the character presentation of Buffalo Bill, still the character of Sterling is considered as the hero for the women right activists. In the pop culture the female hero has their own special place. Clarice Sterling is also the biggest feminist hero after Ellen Ripley in Alien (1979). Her character stands at the sixth place in AFI’s 50 Greatest Heroes. Foster has changed her accent to southern accent and she has used a whispered voice when she recalls her past. “She more than holds her own against the crafty Hopkins, appearing in a number of intense shot-reaction-shots through the glass” (Jason). This is the situation, where a person becomes confuse that ho is interrogating whom. The close-up shots in the movie required holding the expression and thus the expressions of the characters spoke many things. Clarice’s jacket is also an example of pop culture in America. The movie had created major cultural impact that lasts till today. The movie had been in pop culture as it has greatly impacted the thrillers and serial killer movies that followed after its release.




随着不可预测的季风,通货膨胀率发生了变化。高企的财政债务也是一个因素。2009-2011年的重大经济问题也对其发展产生了影响。然而,在国内,由于社会结构的不平等问题,该国被认为面临着各种问题。该国的人类发展率也是根据性别发展指数计算的。在GDI方面,女性的人类发展指数HDI值为0.525,男性的HDI值为0.660。因此,2014年的GDI值为0.795。基于此,该国的性别不平等指数为0.563 (UNDP, 2016)。不仅在印度,女性的劳动参与率也在下降,这是一种趋势。这似乎正在推动印度一些行业的下滑。


The major obstacles to India before the 1990s was the policy of autarky that it followed. Similar to China, India directed most of its development inward and also made trade commitments only with developing nations. However, instead of increasing its growth this policy of autarky was seen to create stagnant growth and ultimately the countries opened up to trading with other developed nations also. In more current times, India as presented by the UNDP is at position 130. While this is an improvement with the 135 score it had in 2014, the increase in ranking is still only meagre. For instance, the life expectancy of the country was seen to increase from 68 years to 67.6 years between 2014 and 2013. Gross National Income increased by around 338 per cent. The reasons for the slow growth could be rooted in that India relies on oil imports and agriculture for its growth. Volatile consumer changes exist because the country is dependent on energy imports and also the country is largely dependent on the agro sector.
With unpredictable monsoons the inflation rates change. The high fiscal debt is also a contributor. The major economic issues around 2009-2011 also had an impact on its development. However, internally the country is seen to face issues because of inequality issues in its social structure. The Human Development rates for the country is also based on the Gender development index. In terms of the GDI, the female Human Development Index HDI values was 0.525 and for males, the HDI was 0.660. A GDI value of 0.795 is hence resulted in for the year 2014. Based on this the gender inequality index for the country is 0.563 (UNDP, 2016). It is a trend noted not only in India, that workforce participation rates of women have gone down. This is seen to be driving decline in some sectors in India.

essay 代写:缩减开支对员工的影响

essay 代写:缩减开支对员工的影响

再往前看,考虑到缩减开支的问题,失业不仅对被解雇的雇员来说是一种压力,而且对管理人员来说也是一种压力。这导致对与人力资源有关的职能的性质产生重大影响。人力资源部主要参与人力资源开发、继任规划和绩效评估等职能。所有这些都将重点放在提高每一个员工的素质以及商业组织的竞争优势上。由于紧缩,这些职能有可能产生积极或消极的影响。人力资源部似乎在整个组织的裁减过程中发挥了关键作用。这种调动的影响在本部门最为突出,因为人力资源的过程发生了重大变化。人力资源的功能肯定会受到一定程度的影响,因为人们在承认自己的缩减后往往会产生心理反应(Prno和Slocombe, 2012)。
组织部门的每一位员工都受到裁员的影响,甚至包括仍在公司工作的员工。他们可能会因为劳动力减少而产生情绪反应,典型的情绪包括愤怒、恳求、震惊和否认。在这段时间里,当员工被处理的时候,单独考虑所有的个人是很重要的。从具体意义上说,采矿企业应把重点放在建立良好的关系上,使当地社区受到有关业务的高度影响。重要的是要密切关注矿业的进展,在每个人的利益范围内采用更可持续的方法(Dickie and Dwyer, 2011)。采矿项目对环境有重大影响,有各种法律框架给管理人员在执行项目方面带来挑战,同时也严重依赖小工具和其他一些技术。这需要考虑到可持续性理论,以便与矿山附近的每一个社区建立良好的关系。

essay 代写:缩减开支对员工的影响

Further ahead, considering the issue of retrenchment, the loss of employment cannot only be considered as stressful for the laid off employee, but also the managers. This results in having a significant impact on the nature of functions related to human resource. The department of human resource mostly has key involvement in functions like development of human resource, succession planning and appraisals of performance. All of these have key focus to enhance the quality of each and every employee along with the competitive edge of a business organization. There are chances that such functions would either have a positive or negative impact as a result of the retrenchment. The department of human resource seems to be playing a crucial role in the process of retrenchment across the organization. The impacts of this kind of a move is most prominent in this department as there is a significant change in the processes of human resource. The functions of human resource are well bound for being impacted in some way or the other, as people tend to deliver psychological reactions after they acknowledge their retrenchment (Prno and Slocombe, 2012).
Each and every employee across the organizational departments is impacted by layoffs, even including the employees still working at the organization. They may tend to deliver emotional reactions as a result of the reduced workforce, running the emotions typically that includes anger, pleading, shock and denial. It is important for considering all of the individuals separately when the employees are dealt with in this period. In the specific sense, the mining business should be having key focus on the establishment of good relationships, with the local communities highly affected by the related operations. It is important to keep tabs for the progress of mining industry in the adoption of more sustainability approach within the interest of everyone (Dickie and Dwyer, 2011). The projects of mining have a significant impact on the environment, and there are various legal frameworks creating challenges for the managers in the implementation of projects, while there is a major dependence on gadgets as well as a number of other technologies. This requires the consideration of sustainability theory for the establishment of good relationship with each and every community near the mines.


此外,本文還將藉助這些文獻資源,探討海外採購的現狀。這些資源是指對經濟的影響、渠道的選擇、影響顧客行為形成的因素以及其他許多可以直接或間接聯繫到研究對象的因素。霍夫曼的文章(2013)也指出了中國人在海外購物時選擇的購物類別。例如,中國消費者通過海外採購代理購買所有嬰幼兒配方奶粉的10%和所有化妝品和護膚品的7% (Hofftmann & Bain, 2013)。定性研究方法的目的是考察海外採購中客戶的行為,以及他們的行為如何影響海外採購業務。為了達到研究目的,研究方法分為兩個步驟。首先,收集數據,了解淘寶、代購和代購客戶最喜歡哪個渠道。其次,通過填寫上述問卷,收集客戶對海外採購的意見和選擇。在獲得數據後,將進行分析和評估,以檢查客戶的意見和行為。


Besides, the current situation of overseas purchasing will be also explored with the help of these literature resources. These resources refers to influences on economy, choices of channels, factors involved in shaping up customers’ behaviour and other numerous factors which can be linked directly or indirectly to the subject of research. Hoffman’s article (2013) also points the categories of shopping which opted by Chinese who do overseas purchasing. For example, Chinese consumers buy 10% of all infant formula and 7% of all cosmetics and skincare products through overseas purchasing agents (Hofftmann & Bain, 2013).The qualitative research method is used to achieve the objective that is to examine the behaviour of customers involved in overseas purchasing and how their behaviour affects the overseas purchasing businesses. To achieve the targets of study, the research method is divided into two steps. Firstly, data will be collected about which channel is mostly preferred by the customers Taobao, Daigou or online purchasing via agents. Secondly, customers’ opinions and choices about overseas purchasing will be gathered through making them fill the aforementioned questionnaire. After attaining the data it will be analyzed and evaluated to examine customers’ opinions and behaviour.
Research methods are designed in a way that they can yield maximum output and authentic data for the research questions. The foremost benefit of the proposed research method is that the attained information and data is as credible and accurate as possible. When exploring the popularity of channels of overseas purchasing, the data collected from online resources will be most recent and updated. Furthermore, the questionnaires to find out the customers’ purchasing behaviour and the factors influencing customers purchasing behaviour guarantee the real and conceivable information. This real-world information can make this research more reliable and persuasive. Besides these pros, there are certain cons of the proposed research method. These cons include the fact that the proposed method is time consuming and calls for adequate amount of financial, material and human resources especially for conducting questionnaire part of the research. If the elements of questionnaire are not designed properly it may produce narrow and constrained results of the research.





















They wear exotic costumes that are the combination of blue and red. This is a deliberate act to depict them to be different from herdsmen and the rider on the back. There is a rushing rider behind them, which is the only evident element that is active in the piece. The painting is a personification of the beauty of nature and its natural elements. The cattle on the side are eating grasses at a leisure pace. The herdsmen are sitting next to the cattle, absorbing the unique aspect of the nature. In the background the cities and towns are depicted. In front of them, the sailing boats are seen moving at a slow pace reflecting on the calmness o the situation. This personification seems to symbolize the incredulous nature and the reality of natural beauty. The background of the painting looks like a fantastic scenery because it is so beautiful and it looks incredulous. It is very difficult to symbolize, this was evidently done by the artists. The artists also have a distinctive style of painting techniques. Oil on canvas is a technique that was a common technique nonetheless the artists seem to have his own unique take on this technique.
The art work was painted with oil on canvas technique. In general oil paintings have found to have many layers of textures embedded in it, however this was applied with a very thin layer. It helps to create a sense of translucence. The ambiance of the painting apparatus to be light and soft, it has no heavy elements this is prominent as it is for the sky and towns on the back.Cuyp had used warm-tone colors such as yellow and orange for the background and managed to blend in with oil medium to create a translucent hazy landscape that epitomizes the dream like sense of the image. Cuyp has meticulously tried to control the color relationships on the color wheel to create unity within the work. Even though the background is blurry and there are no evident boundaries between colors nonetheless, there are still clear objects. Blue sky and yellow sunset are in balance. This accentuates the beauty of the painting.



在这种情况下,折磨没有停止,它伤害了观众,此外,个人谁吓唬别人。旁观者都很焦急,他们可能是下一个受害者。不管他们对被折磨的人感到难过的可能性有多大,旁观者都避免卷入其中。他们牢记最终目标是为了确保他们的安全,或者因为他们不确定该做什么(Litman et al., 2015)。那些知道自己可以通过暴力和敌意逃脱的恃强凌弱的孩子,成年后也会继续这样做。他们有更高的机会被要求约会敌意,不适当的行为和犯罪行为在未来的道路(Litman et al., 2015)。折磨和挑衅造成的拉伸和紧张会让孩子们学习起来更麻烦。
它会带来固定的麻烦,降低他们的中心能力,这影响了他们回忆所学知识的能力(Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015)。骚扰是令人痛苦和屈辱的,受折磨的孩子会感到羞辱、被殴打和丢脸。如果这种痛苦得不到缓解,折磨甚至会引发自杀或粗暴行为的想法(Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015)。书中还提出了一些关于欺凌的神话,这对成年人(家长、儿童顾问、教师等)非常重要。被欺负学生周围的成年人往往会给孩子提出反对欺负者的建议,但他们往往忽视了欺负者的心理(Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015)。


In the case tormenting is not ceased, it harms the spectators, and additionally the individual who spooks others. Onlookers are anxious and they could be the following casualty. Regardless of the possibility that they feel bad for the individual being tormented, the onlookers abstain from getting involved. They keep in mind the end goal to secure them or because they are not certain what to do (Litman et al., 2015). Bully kids who learn they can escape with brutality and hostility keep on doing the same in adulthood. They have a higher shot of getting required in dating hostility, inappropriate behaviour and criminal conduct further down the road (Litman et al., 2015). Stretch and tension created by tormenting and provocation can make it more troublesome for children to learn.
It can bring about trouble in fixation and decline their capacity to centre, which influences their capacity to recollect things they have learned (Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015). Harassing is excruciating and mortifying, and kids who are tormented feel humiliated, battered and disgraced. In the event that the agony is not eased, tormenting can even prompt to thought of suicide or rough conduct (Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015).Book also suggests some myths regarding bullying, which are of great importance for adults (parents, child councillors teachers etc.). Often the adults surrounding the victim student give the advice to the kid about taking stand against the bully, but they often neglect the psychology of the bully (Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015).