


Pozo et al. (2011) has identified the neuropathological hallmarks that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The sub topic about criteria set for pathological diagnosis is highly appropriate to the proposed essay as it lists various pathological features and explains the diagnosis structure. It also explains about the possible impairments that happen within the bodies of affected individuals which can lead to overlap with various lewy bodies. This subject can be understood better upon analysing the neuropathology case. Jellinger (2014) explains the criteria of lewy bodies to overlap with Alzheimer’s disease and cause multiple pathologies as the brains undergo aging. Though the pathology states that this disease is not curable, the clinical mechanisms continue to experiment with the brain cells.
Melesie and Dinsa (2013) explain the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease on dementia. This issue of dementia is visible as the nerve cell stops to progress and change the actual functions of cerebral region. However, plaques are known to be the cause for Alzheimer’s disease as they result in neuron degeneration which ultimately results in the death of a person. Korolev (2014) has added insights to this subject by introducing neuropathology to the general pathophysiology. This is to show how the neurons function and the clinical functions that are required to deal with those neuropsychological profiles. It is believed that mild cognitive impairment can sometimes progress to cause Alzheimer’s disease.
These articles stand as the base for the essay and they assist to develop possible conclusions based on the insights.

Numerous clinical approaches have been introduced to study cases of Alzheimer’s disease. It only showed that the disease evolved at a very young age and has spanned throughout the body of the patient as years went by. It is evident from the essay that early identification is mandatory to mitigate this case of dementia though it is impossible to completely overcome the disease.

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