


The overall issue of international investment is known to be posing three main aspects. First is set in accordance with the explanations on flows of trade between at least two countries. The second is set in accordance with the extent and nature of losses or gains across an economy. The third is set in concern with the impacts of trade policies across an economy. Majority of the theories related to international trade show key dedication to perceive the first aspect, while providing a theoretical response to these kinds of classical theory of trade, theory of factor proportion, and theory of product life cycle. Also, it is important to note that when compared to other sectors across the global economy, the catering industry can be considered as the fastest growing industry, accountable for almost one- third of the overall trade in global services. Also, Chinese food, as identified in the literature review is the favourite international cuisine of UK as identified by Mintel, a research organization. Food inspired by the most populous nation of the globe is the favourite cuisine of Britain both in ethnic restaurants and at home. Hence, the catering business of China in UK will be enjoying significant opportunities out of FDI.

This research aims on identifying the key challenges faced by ethnic entrepreneurs of China in order access funding from the bank. For this purpose, 15 interviews will be conducted in a format of semi- structure with ethnic entrepreneurs of china who presently have small catering businesses in Edinburgh and London. Each and every interview took approximately one hour and there was conducting of interviews across the accessibility of interviewees. There was conducting of interview in Mandarin Chinese in order to avoid any barriers of language in context with some ethnic entrepreneurs of China. There had been a development of interview questions before conducting the interviews. In addition, there has been collection of data as presented in European Investment Monitor by Ernst and Young. Other facts and figures have been referred to from UK database of trade and investment, Investment Report of different years, the OECD ODI report of China, and the World Investment Report by UNCTAD.

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