


The modernity in a modern architectural design has come a long way from being defined as a singular form of designs standards using glass, steel, and concrete, but it has lost its basic relevance and has taken a more broad definition which allows tremendous flexibility to alter it according to the call of nature. The modernity has taken many forms and has been evolving ever since there has been a revolt against it in terms of adapting to the changing external environment and accommodating all demands of the surrounding nature. The fundamental concepts of modern architecture are no longer constant and are bound to change with the rising demands of the transitory nature of modernist space, the demands of variable tectonics, and the formation of disruptive design patterns in modernism. The social structure constantly changing and representing its presence in the building design demands, the changing definition of modernism, and the changing cultural landscape demanding new ideas are major reasons for the loss of the fundamental pattern of modern architecture indicating the transitory nature of the confined limits of modern architecture.

The best example of the changing nature is the emergence of energy efficient buildings, which were never conceived a century earlier, but only came into being with the concerns of climate change and rising costs came into picture among architects and building developers. The use of glass was never a dominant factor in the designs of the last century, but is pre-dominantly the priority in energy efficient buildings in the current definition of modern architectural designs.

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