


Furthermore, there are several transformation strategies that Wolseley can adopt. The kind of approach is related with organization type and culture. The first transformation strategy is data driven. These strategies market development on logic based reasoning as a measure to bring over a social system change. Either internal or external, experts are contracted for analysing the system with the aim to make it highly efficient in nature (Lynch, 2012). Other strategies are participative and based on compliance. Participative change takes the assumption that change will happen if influenced individuals and units modify their thought process from old patterns of behaviour in favour of newer business practices. Typically, participative change is inclusive not only rationale change to act but also change regarding behaviour, skills, values and organizational precepts (Morschett et al 2015). For this to gain success change strategy should be dependent on all impacted units of Wolseley and participation from individuals should be demanded within the change by educating them consistently on why the change is taking place (Lynch 2012). The range of success has its dependency over the range till which units in an organization, influenced users and stakeholders have taken part in the transition plan for participative change.

Each of these stages will keep unfolding themselves as organization moves through the phase of transition wherein the required changes for transformation have been introduced, tested, accepted and understood in a way that allows individuals to let go of their current attitude and develop newer skills required for sustaining desired outcomes for businesses (Lynch, 2012). It is possible that Wolseley might lose market development or start creating newer initiatives without change process completion for a particular project. It is essential for transformation program success that the company understands this perspective and is completely prepared to go through with the project.

In the effort to transform, Wolseley UK should understand that there are several variables requiring consideration. Such variables are responsible for ranging culture to leadership, and attitude to behaviour. The company will make use of Organizational performance and change model by Burke-Litwin (Thompson et al 2005). This approach will help the company to bring environment and culture in alignment with each other under change (Lynch, 2012). The model furthermore will help in identifying essential factors for transformation and transaction that might influence planned change successful adoption. In most efforts for transformation, macro-environment, leadership, strategy as well as culture are considered the most essential drivers to create change across an organization.

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