


新教的使命在太平洋北部杰森李的工作之后,在新英格兰的教会成员。这是我们教会社会成员在本次讨论中需要了解的重要事实之一。经过两执法的传教士物资送到西部,这有助于在任务的扩展。需要注意的是,当时传教士在欧洲的各个地方旅行,只是为了教书和学习。这些捐款被教会承认,他们希望传教士来他们的学校和教导他们的孩子。在1841名传教士在帮助印度手工劳动培训学校,开始了现在被称为威拉姆特大学校园的发展。李和他的各种追随者在这方面的发展作出贡献,并通过一开始,他们没有承认的美洲土著部落,从西北太平洋定居在该地区与他们的后代。一开始文化理解缺失,这成为教会学校失败的主要原因,因为他们未能理解文化。那时,一些印第安人了解教育的必要性,他们开始在这些学院学习英语。在1840年初,传教士开始改变他们的教育的重点从印第安人的北太平洋的其他白人在教育的需要(Goodchild,et al.。2014)。今天居住在美国的印度社区需要记住,1841的传教士在生命失去和人们失去希望的时候所做的贡献。传教士作为一个希望来到,然后印度人开始意识到学习是重要的,这将有助于教育他们和解决他们的问题。这个概念仍然需要,因为作为一个社区的人被划分的基础上的种族,性别和宗教。如果这个分裂的概念出现,明天将是黑暗的,所有生活在社会中的社区将不得不一起工作,互相帮助而不考虑种族和宗教的界限。


Protestant mission during the pacific north Jason Lee work was followed by the members of the church who were present in New England. This is one of the important facts that need to be understood by the members of our church community in this discussion. After two enforcements of the missionaries supplies were sent to the west and this helped in the expansion of the mission. It needs to be noted here that missionaries at that time traveled at various part of Europe just to teach and learn. These contributions were acknowledged by the church and they wanted missionaries to come at their schools and teach their children. During 1841 missionaries helped in the development of the Indian Manual labor training school that started and now is known as the Willamette university campus. Lee and his various followers gave contributions in this development and through the beginning they failed to acknowledge the Native American tribes that were from the Pacific Northwest that settled in the area with their various generations. In the beginning cultural understanding was missing and this becomes the main reason for the failure in the missionary school because they failed to understand the culture. At that time some of Indians understood the need for education and they started to learn English at these institutes. During the early 1840 missionaries started to shift the focus of their education from Native Americans of the pacific north to other white people who were in need for the education (Goodchild, et al. 2014). Indian communities living in US today need to remember the contributions done by the missionaries during 1841 when lives were lost and people were losing hope. Missionaries came as a hope and then Indians started to realize that learning is important and this will help in educating them and resolving their issues. This concept is still required because as a community people are divided on the basis of race, gender and religion. Tomorrow would be dark if this concept of division will be present, all the communities living in the society will have to work together and help each other without considering the racial and religious boundaries.