


对于每个社区来说,都存在引发道德恐慌的威胁,并被称为民间恶魔。规则和法律的执行者是那些确保所谓的道德维系在社会中的人[乔治贝利,寻巫:或道德的胜利。康奈尔大学出版社,(1996):13-45]。新闻媒体利用新闻来讨论威胁并继续报道这些问题。将视觉符号图像附加到这些问题上。政客们试图煽动社会中现有的恐慌信息,从这些人们的不安全感中创造广泛的政治影响力。公众对威胁形成了担忧,他们要求采取行动来回应这些问题[斯蒂芬亨特,土着宗教。(London Routledge,2017)145]。人群意识形态的发展用来解释人群的行为。人群理论是由许多杰出的心理学家推导出来的[David Benatar,“反宿命论的恶心论据”,“可允许的后代?:生育和育儿的道德(2015):34-64。]。

Le Le人群理论和Allport理论
人群基于匿名的存在而出现。这是基于他们拒绝个人责任的事实。这个意识形态在这个团体中迅速发展,并且他们非常有意思。个人心理学中的人群是基于集体心态的。这些改变了个人的行为。根据Le Bon的说法,人们利用这些社会衰退时期来威胁人群的统治。奥尔波特理论是关于社会促进的原则。在这个原则中,有一种共同的刺激措施可以使两个人准备好相似的反应。观察到人们作出回应和释放的现象已被观察到提高了对方的反应。第二个原则是基于相互刺激.


For each community, there is the threat that incites moral panic and it is referred as the folk devils. The enforcers of rules and laws are the people who ensure that the so-called morality is maintained in the society[ George Bailey, The witch-hunt: or, the triumph of morality. Cornell University Press, (1996): 13-45]. The news media uses the news to discuss about the threats and continue to report on the issues. There is the attaching of the visual symbolic images to these issues. The politicians try to fan the existing panic messages in the society to create wide spread political leverage from these insecurities of the people. The members of the public developed concerns about threats and they demand actions as a response to these issues[ Stephen Hunt, Indigenous religions.( London Routledge, 2017) 145. ]. The development of the ideology of the crowd is used to explain about the actions of the crowd. The crowd theory is derived by many eminent psychologists[ David Benatar, “The Misanthropic Argument for Anti-natalism,” Permissible Progeny?: The Morality of Procreation and Parenting(2015): 34-64.].

Le Bon Crowd Theory and Allport Theory
Crowds emerge based on the existence of anonymity. This is based on the fact that they decline the personal responsibility. The ideologies move rapidly in the group and they are highly suggestible. The crowd in the individual psychology is based on a collective mentality. These transform the individual behaviour. According to Le Bon, the people use these times of social decline to threaten the rule of the crowds. Allport theory is about the principles of social facilitation. In this principle, there is a common stimulus that prepares the two individuals for similar response that they are prepared. The sight of people making a response and release has been observed to heightens the reaction of the other person. The second principles are based on the inter-stimulation