


亚舍拉这个名字在希伯来圣经中出现了18次。最初它被称为女神(“先知的阿舍拉”,“阿舍拉的雕像”,服务于“巴力和阿舍拉”的人),是一种木制的祭礼,可以种植、建造、打碎和焚烧。亚舍拉很少与名为巴力的祭坛有关。虽然根据旧约,其他神的存在,那么耶和华是消极的,但事实不能否认,亚舍拉是在古以色列人的心中。关于这个词没有进一步的解释。只能假定这个名字是古人知道的。古代以色列及其邻国的宗教活动是考古学研究的热点。这一研究在耶路撒冷学者中具有重要意义。在对May(1935)的经典研究中,Albright(1956)和de Vaux(1965)都表现出了对古代近东宗教传统的信仰和依赖。在某些情况下,考古资料也被用来检验圣经中所述宗教活动的真实性。例如,在1920年发现了一个四角祭坛,这被认为是来自铁器时代II。



The name Asherah could be found 18 times in the Hebrew Bible. At very first it is referred to as the goddess (‘prophets of Asherah’, a ‘statue of Asherah’, people who served ‘the Baäls and the Asherahs’), it is some kind of wooden cult, it can be planted, build, broken and burnt. Asherah is seldom relating to the altar named as Baal. Although according to the Old Testament the presence of other gods then Yahweh is negative but the fact could not be denied that Asherah was in the mind of ancient Israelite people. There is no further explanation is given about this word. It can only be assumed that this name was known to the ancient people. The religious practices of the ancient Israel and its neighbours have the topic great focus in the archaeological research. This research is mainly been important among the researchers of Jerusalem. In the classic research of the subject May (1935), Albright (1956) and de Vaux (1965) have showed they belief and relied on the archaeological evidences of ancient Near Eastern cultic tradition. In some of the cases the archaeological data was also used to test the authenticity of religious practices as described in Bible. For example in 1920’s a four horned altar was found, which is believed to be from the Iron Age II.

The description and appearance of this altar fits in the description of four horned incense altars in the Hebrew Bible. Some of the scholars have used this evidence to reveal the validity of the practices of burning incense as cited in the Bible.During the recent year the comprehensive approach of collecting the archaeological data to study the religious practices of Bible has been shifted to a new approach. Earlier researches were limited to the artefacts and the text descriptions. But with the greatly expanded archaeological reports of the Iron Age II, scholars are finding dramatic findings about the religious practices of Israelites and Philistine. In the year 1929, thousands of cuneiform tablets were found in the archaeological excavation Ugarit (now known as Ras es-Shamra, Syria). These tablets include the stories, myths and legends of the goddess Athirat. Many scholars have agreed o it that it is similar to Asherah. Athirat was considered to be the chief goddess of the city; she was also the wife of high god EI but again it is associated with Baal. According to the claim of Hadley (2000) she might be called as “creatress” which means the ‘mistress of the gods’ or the ‘mothers of gods’. She is considered to have some kind of relation with sea and fertility.