


然而今天,虚荣心似乎打开了一个全新的一团糟。现在的虚荣心是一种美德,令人钦佩的区分穷人穷人富人!模型的虚荣或有利的选美皇后把她作为她struts,周围的人们都下降,她甚至一个小窥她的整个人格的总和她的衣服,她的化妆和总体态度。一个哲学教授,罗伯特·贝尔德说:“虚空的虚空。,凡事都是虚空”(Baird 117 – 124)。




 Today, however, vanity seems to have opened up a whole new can of worms. Here and now vanity is a virtue that distinguishes the poor have-nots from the admirable haves! The vanity of a model or a beauty queen holds her in good stead as she struts about and has people falling all around her to catch even a small glimpse of her entire personality which is a sum total of her dress, her make-up and her overall attitude. A Philosophy professor, Robert M. Baird has said “Vanity of vanities.., all is vanity” (Baird 117-124).
Vanity has become a much coveted asset for those who are in the business of showing off, be it the fashion world, the movies, the corporate big wigs or even the creative functionality of the event managers.

Events may be official or personal the underlying feature is always the big fat ego and vanity of the one paying the big bucks for the arrangements. Thus, it is the personality of the individual that overpowers all other considerations to be able to make a statement about the opulence and affordability of assets that the individual wants to have highlighted among his peers, clientele and his subordinates. Therefore there is a great deal of accomplishment in the aspects of   showing off for a certain bracket of people who have made the exhibition of their vanity and larger than life egos the very focus of their business enterprise and overall profitability index.