


众所周知,业务所有者,人力资源经理和管理人员都有责任管理多样化的高科技工作场所。经理必须具备调查某些领域的能力才能成功管理多元化的环境(Harvey 2012)。首先,管理者必须考虑组织内多样性管理的战略意义,并理解必须承担领导责任的界限以及管理者的支持。除此之外,管理人员必须考虑招聘员工和绩效与发展管理方面的政策或做法(Harvey 2012)。更进一步,管理者必须考虑制定和谐和包容性工作场所的政策或做法。最后但并非最不重要的是,管理者必须持续关注并跟踪和监控其有效性。

众所周知,有效的管理者非常清楚创造多元化和成功的员工所需的具体技能。首先,管理者必须考虑了解歧视和相关后果。管理者也在承认他们自己的文化偏见和偏见方面发挥作用。多元化的概念并不是关于人群之间产生的差异,而是关于个体之间产生的差异(Ozbilgin 2009)。众所周知,每一个人都是独一无二的,并且看起来并不代表某一特定群体或代表某个特定群体说话。除此之外,管理者必须表现出愿意在必要时改变组织结构,或根据组织目前的结构管理多样性和技术进步。


Owners of business, managers of human resources and managers are known to have the responsibility of managing diverse and extremely technological workplace. A manager must be having the skills of looking into certain areas in order to be successful in the management of diversified environment (Harvey 2012). Firstly, a manager must consider the strategic significance for the management of diversity within the organization along with having an understanding of the limit to which there must be commitment in leadership as well as support of the manager. In addition to this, a manager must consider policies or practices in the recruitment of staff and the management of performance and development (Harvey 2012). Further ahead, managers must consider policies or practice for the creation of a harmonious and inclusive workplace. Last but not the least, managers must continuously focus to track and monitor the effectiveness.

Effective managers are known to be well aware that specific skills are needed for the creation of a diverse and successful workforce. Firstly, managers must consider having an understanding about discrimination and the related consequence. Managers also play a role in recognizing their own biases of culture along with the prejudices. The concept of diversity is not regarding the differences created between groups of people, but instead about the differences created between individuals (Ozbilgin 2009). Each and every single individual is known to be unique and does not seem to be representing or speaking for a specific group. In addition to this, managers must be showing willingness for changing the structure of the organization if needed, or manage diversity and technological advancement in accordance with the current structure of the organization.