


Islamic discourse was co-opted by Saddam when it was in his favor politically. This started in 1980s for maintaining Iranian revolution legitimacy and specifically by the end of Saddam’s reign as a response to U.S invasion potential. All in all, Saddam was ruthless when it came to all organizations of Islamists irrespective of the fact if the movement started by them was for violence or peace (Shia or Sunni).
Iraq based political affiliation is majorly based on the ideologies of secularism. As a matter of fact, it was regarded as a taboo for inquiring on or divulging an individual’s persuasion religiously. The Sunni dominated regime of Saddam was known to boast an essential presence of Shia even in power based upper echelons. He made sure that no group or individuals have the capability to be very strong. The forces for security also purged indiscriminately at anyone who was thought of as a threat. When possible, attempts were made for co-opting socio-economic minority group’s leaders, to strike a deal with them that helps in keeping indigenous resistance covered with a lid.
Even at the time of early U.S occupation stages, fairly the insurgency had its broader basis, with militias of Sunni and Shia united as one to drive out U.S viewed as occupiers. For undermining the trend, the U.S appointed Provisional Authority head in Iraq, Paul Bremer, undertook to deploy a strategy to “divide and rule” that could help in negotiating with the new states of Iraq. As a consequence the strategy of his colonial era continued reverberating across the region of Iraq.
In the Iraq of Bremer, the nation’s people were pressurized to declare a sect over all the documents issues by state. The identity of sectarian formed the base for political organization. Every sect was given a specific quota in the council of governance based upon the new contract for the society. The primary mode to express politics was then Islamism. Politicians started vying to achieve power in political realms to pit the groups of ethnicity and religion in Iraqwith each other. The aim here was to carry out such a precedent into forming a new government.
On one hand, realignment paved the way for a majority of population of Shia to be at radical stage within the government won under recent elections. Until Shias remained to be a bloc of united politics, their Iraqi politics dominance could not be challenged at any point of time to make sense out of it. This was Shias watershed moment, who even after accounting for more than 65 percent of population in Iraq, were relegated for being disenfranchised in terms of politics. The marginalization of Shia is dated in Iraq to the era of Ottoman, across the mandate of British and into the monarchy as well as Baathist regime of Saddam. As a matter of fact, even though the account of Shias was approximately half of the Middle East Muslim population, Sunnis were still favored by regional power dynamics. Such an imbalance remained to be manifested even in the countries with majority of Shia, like, Bahrain. The transformation of Iraq into a state of Shia was a promise to upend the balance of religious power in a radical sense. This was a prospect with which U.S, Washington did not show comfort especially when considering the fear of U.S on Iran.

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