


当然,其他时候也会有别的女人。他们可以忘记整件事,继续前进,而不是让一名女性在法律的帮助下履行她的肯定同意义务,这显得有些可笑(多尔蒂,240)。这种法律上对责任的规定不仅会使关系进一步恶化,而且会使男子难以找到其他性伴侣,因为哪位妇女愿意重蹈前任的覆辙?很多时候,性绥靖协议的道德方面是站得住脚的。一个女人在最后一刻拒绝可能就像拒绝给朋友一个承诺的小礼物,或者在最后一刻没有给出足够的借口就拒绝了一个晚餐邀请,但仅仅是因为她没有想象到在那个特定的时间点的情况(West, 23)。这类似于一名妇女在最后一刻拒绝她的同意。因此,在全国范围内认真执行这项法律是不可取的。一个致力于保障妇女公民的安全和提高其地位的国家怎么能使她们暴露于这种形式的法律的变幻莫测之中呢?这种法律使她们违背自己的意愿,对一项她们不再有兴趣履行的合同作出性方面的让步。
在某些情况下,这也可能被认为是违背意愿的,然后进入“违背同意”的领域(多尔蒂,240)。因此,了解年轻人的心理是强制性的,他们正在签订这样的合同,通过法律支持他们的话来寻求性上的绥靖。在一个女人的承诺中,她应该对履行她的承诺负责,不管她可能感到多么沉默,或者即使她不得不违背她内心深处的恐惧(Power et al., 50)。尽管争论的双方都有几乎相同数量的支持者,但在这个问题上也应该有考虑道德立场的空间。如果肯定同意法以泛美的形式被接受,那么很有可能妇女的情况可能不那么好(Pineau, 220)。他们可能会发现自己处于不利的境地。即使他们再三考虑,也无法摆脱承诺的关系。


Surely, there would be other women other times. Instead of holding one woman to fulfill her affirmative consent obligations with the help of the law and appearing somewhat ridiculous, they could forget the entire episode and move forwards (Dougherty, 240). This form of legal fixation of responsibility would not only further embitter relations, but also make it difficult for the man to get any other sexual partners, as which woman would want to have a repeat of the predecessor’s predicament? Many a times, the moral aspect of the sexual appeasement contract could hold water. A woman denying at last minute could be like refusing to give a promised bauble to a friend or turning down a dinner invitation at the last minute without giving adequate excuse, but simply that one did not fancy the situation at that particular point in time (West, 23). This was similar to the case of a woman denying her consent at the last moment. Therefore, it was unadvisable to implement this law in seriousness all over the country. How could a country committed to the safety and promotion of its women citizens expose them to the vagaries of this form of a law, which made them give in against their wishes to giving sexual acceptance to a contract that they were no longer interested in fulfilling.
In some cases, this could also be held to be against the will and would then go in to the realm of ‘against consent’ (Dougherty, 240). It is mandatory therefore, to understand the psyche of the young people, who are entering into such contracts whereby they seek sexual appeasement through legal bolstering of their word. In a woman promises, then she should be held responsible for honoring her promise no matter how reticent she may feel or even if she has to go against her innermost fears (Power et al., 50).While both sides of the argument have an almost equivalent number of votaries, there should be room for considering the moral standpoint on the issue as well. In case the law of affirmative consent becomes accepted in pan-American form, then there is every chance that things may not turn out so well for the women (Pineau, 220). They might find themselves in an unfavorable predicament. They would not be able to get out of promised liaisons despite their having second thoughts.