


There are many areas in which plagiarism is seen. Plagiarism is seen in the field of research and in academic field. Students knowingly or unknowingly indulge in plagiarism. Common forms in which students plagiarize content are as follows.
Sometimes students pass of direct quotes summary in their own essay without proper in- text citations and reference. Some students deliberately try to pass of another person’s work as the work done by them. In some cases students repeat content from their previous work. Even in those situations, it is considered to be plagiarism. Sometimes students forget to cite some sources when using multiple sources of information. They cite a few and forget to cite some other sources of information. There should be proper format for the citations. In some cases students try to use multiple sources of information and do not have an argument or assertion of their own. This is also a form of plagiarism even though all sources are referenced accurately. It is important for the students to develop a central argument from the information. There should be clear objective or claim that must be critically analyzed. This process of avoiding plagiarism needs to be developed by the students individually by indulging in a number of writing practices. From this it is understood that plagiarism exists in different forms. Some of the aspects of plagiarism can occur by lack of knowledge. Nevertheless, they should be corrected. Students should ensure that diligent process is undertaken in order to avoid any conceptions of plagiarism.
Students sometimes do not have proper awareness of the protocols that should be followed in order to avoid plagiarism. University of Derby has developed some standard protocols in order to avoid plagiarism by the students. The tools developed by the University are known as PLATO. PLATO is a tool for understanding about the rules to be followed in order to avoid plagiarism. It stands for PLAgiarism Test Online (Szondi, & Martindale, 2004). Basically, there are a set of standard codes and instructions that are provided in order for the students to avoid any conception of plagiarism.
From reading about plagiarism, it is quite clear that intellectual theft is similar to stealing. There are many sources of data and information that is available in the current times and efforts must be taken to properly cite them. From using this PLATO tool, it is understood that when using information from sources, there should be relevant reference and in-text citation. It should ensure that the process does not have any misconceptions of plagiarism. A central assertion must be made while writing an essay and sources should be used to strengthen the assertion. When citing multiple sources, it should ensure that all sources must be properly cited. To conclude, the importance of not plagiarizing and avoiding all forms of plagiarism was understood from this exercise.

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