


知识产权合同之间存在显著差异(Marotta‐Wurgler, 2007)。合同通常可以分为三个领域。它们是合同前的条款、合同的执行和合同签订后的阶段。合同每一条款的具体内容和要求,应针对合同的三个阶段中的每一个阶段作出明确规定。这是一个复杂的过程,需要系统的推理和勤奋。应该重申的是,所制定的合同有多种类型。有些合同条款非常简单和固定。关键绩效指标是在合同条款之前确定的(Dietz, 2012)。这是合同最清晰的形式之一。研究发现,在许多情况下,这对于明确减少诉讼和避免冲突是有用的(Dietz, 2012)。然而,它在许多情况下是不可行的。在这种情况下,单位价格合同是根据需求制定的。合同条款分为个性化的单位(Dietz, 2012)。


A contract manager has a number of essential duties in project management. There are a number of integral processes that need to be addressed. Important tool in the contract management is development of contract. Contract helps smoothen relationship and discusses liability of each party. Important aspects of a Contract manager job from a personal standpoint are explained in the following. As a contract manager of IT Company, a contract needs to be drawn for the hardware and software services. Contracts are formed by homogenized standard practices of companies operating within and outside the European Union. In this report important elements of contract and need for contract are discussed. Ways to decrease liability, implication of tort law and potential pitfalls is discussed. Along with this a plan for smooth running of operations and recommendation for an IT company is investigated in this report. Contracts developed in IT Company can be of many types. It is developed based on the requirements of the company. Contracts can be either indefinite, long term contract or time sensitive and transient. Agreements are usually drawn between vendors, sales personnel, partners, employee;

intellectual contracts are all markedly different from each other (Marotta‐Wurgler, 2007). Contracts can be typically divided into three arenas. They are pre contractual terms, execution of the contract and the post award phase. Specifics and the requirements of each term of the contract should be clearly defined for each of the three phases of the contract. This is a complex process that involves systematic reasoning and diligence. It should be reiterated that contract that is developed is of many types. Some contract terms are pretty straightforward and fixed. Key Performance Indices are defined prior to the contractual terms (Dietz, 2012). It is one of the clearest forms of a contract. It is found to be useful for clearly reducing litigations and avoiding conflict in many situations (Dietz, 2012). Nevertheless, it is not feasible in many situations. For those times, Unit price contracts are drawn in this type based on requirements. The contractual terms are broken into individualized units (Dietz, 2012).






Right from the very first tenure of every life, one needs to have a mission. In the school the teacher crafts the mission for the child while he does the same for himself, later. Thereby, it is very important to have a mission for anything in life. Mission statement for the company is important as it helps to communicate the company’s values, helps the employees and clients to understand the business. Also, it provides the goals and objectives to the people. Another benefit of the mission statement is that it helps to avoid the conflict of decision between different people associated with the business. It has been discussed that the mission statement is something which is very important for the company. But, there have been many instances where the company has been successful even without any kind of mission statement. So is a mission statement required for the business? There are different scenarios where the mission statement may not be needed. When the founder or the leader is the helm of the organization, there may not be the need for the mission statement. Also, many a times mission statement may prove to be quite boring.

Another important thing is that the mission statement may make me inspiring and memorable. Many companies are there in which there is a myth related to the innovation and creativity for the mission statement. What is not present in the same is the out of the box thinking. The very first article wins out because whenever a company or an organization is started, the primary factor which will lead it to the success is its mission statement. Mission statement may be defined as a measure which is helpful for the company to align the people to work in a similar fashion and confined their mind towards the development and the growth of the organization. In addition to this, every company is created with an aim. The mission statement of the company may be a description of the aim of the company. Thus, it is important for the company to have a mission statement. In contrary, giving a reason that there are successful companies without mission statement is not justifiable. If there is something is which is not correct and it becomes successful, making it a justifiable statement isn’t true.




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2014年谷歌的收入约为660亿美元,其中大部分(约68%)约450亿美元来自谷歌的网站。使用谷歌来搜索与搜索结果相关的结果,用户也可以通过AdWords advertiser的建议页面进行更新。竞标这些广告位的广告客户将被放在广告位列表的顶部,其他广告客户将被从列表中删除,或被给予较低的优先级。所有谷歌应用程序开发,如Gmail、YouTube、谷歌Maps等,都连接到AdWords平台。竞价的广告商最终会根据每个网站的点击量(点击量付费)向谷歌付费。一些广告主可能只花几美分,而另一些广告主可能会花50美元。


Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin with the search engine BackRub being the initial developments of the company. It was incorporated in 1998 with Initial Public Offerings opened in 2004. Google was primarily invested in the search engine and as of present have diversified into many products ranges based on custom developed technologies. Some of their developments include google browsers such as the Google Chrome, mobile products, google map applications, other applications for words, businesses and marketing such as adwords, admob, etc. It also includes personal and business applications such as gmail, youtube, cloud mail and more. Most of these products are available to customers free of cost. Some of the services associated with the product are premium services and the customer has to pay for them. However, the major part of the Google business is from its propriety advertising service called Google AdWords.

Of Google’s revenue of around $66 billion revenue in 2014, the bulk of the revenue (around 68%) around $45 billion came from Google’s websites. Using Google to search for something results in a relevancy of results mapped for the search and the user is also updated with suggested pages from AdWords advertiser. Advertisers who bid for these spots will be placed at the top of the list and others will be removed from the list or would be given a low priority. All the Google application development such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, and more are connected to the AdWords platform. The advertisers who bid end up paying Google as per the clicks of customer per site (Pay per click). Some advertisers may pay a few cents and others may end up paying as much as 50$.



SWOT是优势、劣势、机会和威胁的缩写。一个好的公司会分析它的优势。对实力的分析将帮助公司确定那些应该继续下去的事情。识别弱点并消除它是公司关注的另一件重要事情。这将有助于公司消除所有这些可能影响公司品牌形象的因素。除此之外,公司还将努力发现他们有哪些增长机会。他们将尝试调查他们可以成长的行业或他们有充足机会的地区(Piercy & Giles, 1998)。一个好的公司不仅会考虑自己的内部因素,还会确保那些对公司来说可能是致命的威胁。他们将确保这些威胁都不足以消除公司的品牌和地位。优势:公司最重要的优势之一是地理分布。公司遍布全球26个国家,在全球拥有2000多家门店。

这使得它在世界上许多地方很容易获得,使它成为人们很容易获得的东西。劣势:目前公司已成功打入发达经济体,但尚未打入新兴经济体。它还没有进入印度等新兴经济体,印度被认为是增长最快的经济体。机会:由于新兴经济体拥有巨大的市场,公司目前的最佳机会是充分利用新兴经济体。这将有助于提高其在整个世界的表现(Tozzolo & Anthony, 2009)。威胁:来自世界其他公司数量的激烈竞争是马厩面临的最大威胁之一。该组织一直在努力维护自己的品牌形象和人民的信任,但也有一些市场巨头正在努力取代它的位置。


SWOT is an acronym which stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and threats. A good company will analyze its strength. The analysis of the strength will help the company to identify those things which should be continued. Identification of the weaknesses and its removal is another important thing which a company will focus upon. This will help the company to eliminate all such factors which may affect the brand image of the company. In addition to this, the company will try to find out what the available growth opportunities are for them. They will try to investigate the sectors where they can grow or regions where they will have ample of opportunities (Piercy & Giles, 1998). A good company will not only consider its internal factors but also will ensure the threats which may prove to be fatal for the company. They will ensure that none of the threats may be powerful enough to eliminate the branding and position of the company. Strength: One of the most important strength of the company is its geographical distribution. The company is present in 26 countries in the entire world and has more than 2000 stores worldwide.

This leads to its easy availability in many parts of the world, making it as an easy access for the people. Weakness: At present, the company has been successful in penetrating in the developed economies of the world, but it has not made penetration in the emerging economies of the world. It has not entered in the emerging economies of the world such as India, which accounts to be the fastest growing economy. Opportunities: Because of the availability of a large market in the emerging economies, the best opportunity for the company at present is to make the best of the emerging economy. This will help to boost its performance in the entire world (Tozzolo & Anthony, 2009). Threats: Intense competition from the number of other companies in the world is one of the biggest threats for Stables. The organization has tried to maintain its brand image and the trust of the people, but there are a number of market giants who are working to take its position.















PS是很正规的文书,不要用些口语化的词语(kinda, sort of, wanna, it’s, can’t,shouldn’t)。最好让老外帮你改改。不要满眼的语法错误,typo或者通篇I, I,I开头的句子。对方招留学生肯定会考虑英语写作水平的。做为一个留学生,能把PS写的通顺流畅绝对是加分项。大哥,看那些诘屈聱牙的中式英语真心痛不欲生啊。





通篇用了一大堆innovative, motivated, dynamic, team spirit, problemsolver之类的词,没有实际例子去支持。你整天去跟妹子说你乐观开朗幽默成熟靠谱聪明器大活好等等等等,却半点证据都没有,谁信啊?说一个特点,就讲一个让人信服的证据。不然,就别瞎扯了。










There has been a seismic movement in the war for talent. The people who don’t come to know of this transformation and don’t change their way to deal with talent management will face severe issues. Australia has experienced unmatched financial development for over 10 years. One result of this is an expanding deficiency of skilled workers, which can possibly restrain further development. This circumstance likewise seems to be rising in numerous other propelled western markets. This way HR function is vital for businesses for planning, laying paths, and trying retain, guide and train the workers for continuous benefit of the firm. The requirement for MNCs to be highly focused in the worldwide market has expanded drastically in the course of recent years. For IHRM, this has implied numerous key prospects for IHRM (International human resource management). This prospect for talent managing started to grow in the later years of 1990s with the approach of the test of “worldwide talent managing.”

In the previous couple of years, this prospect has extended to incorporate difficulties with managing talent deficiencies, talent excesses, finding and moving talent, and intensities of remuneration of talent. Collectively, these circumstances are all “worldwide war of talent”. In this report, we depict these few worldwide war of talent and the vital prospects they present to businesses. Thus we put forward the ramifications of these for businesses and for the area of IHRM.Today’s business environment is quickly moving, and is a great degree unverifiable. There is an exceptionally aggressive worldwide atmosphere, so businesses all over the globe are experiencing various wars of talent. Worldwide war of talent is noteworthy (vital and highly effective). HR-driven business issues stress on dealing with a business to guarantee only the perfect measure of the right talent and inspiration, at the correct spot, at the accurate cost, amid all monetary and budgetary good and bad times in an exceptionally aggressive world.



为了增加对中国市场的影响,苹果正努力在中国扩张。重要的是,为了反复灌输扩张的理念,让同样的成功成为现实,苹果公司的人力资源经理需要实施一些策略。苹果公司人力资源部门使用的策略之一是建立一个集中的系统。在这个系统中,本组织不需要在不同的国家设立不同的办事处,而是在总部控制和监督该国当地管理人员的工作人员的帮助下维持这些条例(Milliam et al . 1991, 318)。因此,总部的工作人员需要确保当地的管理人员以完美的方式工作。总部员工和当地经理需要向全球经理汇报工作,以便以适当的方式开展业务。因此,在集中系统的帮助下,苹果将成功地在中国扩张。另一个扩张的原因是市场销售和产品的增加。展开是很重要的。

他们需要确保有这样的策略和技术,使公司与中国的客户建立理想的关系。苹果应该在中国销售越来越多的产品。他们应该争取越来越多的客户群。人力资源部门可以采取的另一项举措包括本地化系统;有一个变化的基础上的位置。产品策略也因地点而异。必须根据与业务有关的问题作出决定,其方式应使产品战略因地点而异。以地点为基础的战略将有助于制订全球一级的扩张战略。而在定位策略上,苹果需要确保产品的本土化,比如为中国人创造一个不同的界面,让他们可以使用中文手机,为中国人提供更多受欢迎的内置应用。除此之外,苹果还可以在中国建立一个本地实体(Peng & Mike 2001,803)。


In order to increase the impact over the Chinese market, Apple is trying harder to expand in China. It is important that in order to inculcate the expansion and make the same successful reality, the HR manager from Apple need to implement a number of strategies. One of the strategies which used by the HR at apple is to have a centralized system. In this system, the organization needs not to create different offices in different nations but the regulations are maintained with the help of the staff situated in the headquarters that control and supervise the local managers in the nation (Milliam et al 1991, 318). Thus the staff members in the headquarters need to ensure that the local managers are working in a perfect manner. The headquarter staff members and local managers need to report to the global managers in orders to do the business in a proper manner. Thus with the help of centralized system the apple will be successful in expanding in China. Another reason for expansion includes the increase of the sales and products in the market. It is important to do the expansion.

They need to ensure that there are such strategies and techniques that the company builds an ideal relationship with the customers in China. More and more number of products should be sold by Apple in China. They should try to capture the customer base more and more. Another initiative which can be taken by the HR includes the localized system; there is a variation on the basis of the location. The product strategy also varies by the location. The decisions are required to be undertaken on the basis of the issues related to the operation in such a manner that the product strategy varies on the basis of the location. The location based strategy will help to formulate a strategy for the expansion at the global level. While with the location strategy, the Apple needs to ensure that there should be the localization of its products such as the creation of a different interface for Chinese people where they can use the phone which has Chinese languages, giving more number of popular inbuilt apps for Chinese people. In addition to this, Apple can make a local entity in China (Peng & Mike 2001, 803).



我们在这里考虑的传播设计工作室是Fremantle Media。它在大约29个市场设有多个办事处,是一家全球性的内容公司。它在世界各地都有庞大的网络。他们是世界上许多最著名和最受喜爱的内容的创造者、发行商和生产者。在数字表演和传统商业中,很少有知名的内容是:- the X factor, Danger House, Got talent, Deutschland ‘ 83等等。这是贝塔斯曼旗下RTL集团旗下英国国际公司的内容。这是欧洲最大的电视公司,总部设在伦敦(沃伦,2007年)。新电视节目的创意是在传播设计工作室的帮助下产生的,传播设计工作室的帮助使创意得到清晰的落实。这表明了如何做的广告和广播节目,是介绍给市场(Aveyard, 2009)。

cd的使命:-英国Fremantle Media cd的使命是设计电视节目的传播、广告和品牌。公司的USP是利用广泛的媒体网络、人才网络和顶尖的一线设计师,这将有助于提供高端的输出。公司现有员工1001 -5000人。覆盖超过10000小时的编程,年营业额£14.86亿。Fremantle media的传播设计工作室是公司为在市场上进行对外传播、营销和新业务所准备的部门(Aveyard, 2009)。工作室是在数字市场新品牌的人才和营销的帮助下,建立传播设计的地方。这也有助于他们对所提供的不同服务进行营销。当他们在任何一个国家发布一个电视节目时,公司的营销就完成了,然后在节目结束时,他们展示自己的品牌。


The communication design studio which we are considering here is of the Fremantle Media. It has a number of offices in about 29 markets and is a global content company. It has a huge network in different parts of the world. They are the creator, distributor, and producer of many of the best known and loved content throughout the world. Few of the known and famous content across digital performance and traditional businesses are: – the X factor, Danger House, Got talent, Deutschland ’83 etc. This is the content of British international, a subsidiary of Bertelsmann’s RTL group. This is the largest TV Company throughout Europe and has the headquarters at London (Warren, 2007). The creativity in the new TV shows is made with the help of communication design studios, which help in implementing the ideas on the clear. This shows the way that how the advertisement and broadcasting are to be done in the programs that are introduced in the market (Aveyard, 2009).

Mission of CDS: – The mission of CDS in Fremantle Media UK is the design of the communication, advertisement, and branding of the TV shows. The USP of the company is to use the wide network of the media, talent and on the top of the line to use the in – house designers which will help in delivering the high – end outputs. The number of employees of Fremantle Media is 1001 -5000. Covered over 10,000 hours of programming throughout the year, with annual turnover £1,486 million.The communication design studio of Fremantle media is the department of the company which is prepared for the external communication, marketing and new business in the market (Aveyard, 2009). The studio is the place where the design of the communication is set up with the help of talent and marketing of the new brands in the digital market. This also helps them in doing marketing of different services which they offer. The marketing of the company is done when they release a TV show in any country, then at the end of that show, they show their brand name.








Table of contents(目录)













