


为了增加对中国市场的影响,苹果正努力在中国扩张。重要的是,为了反复灌输扩张的理念,让同样的成功成为现实,苹果公司的人力资源经理需要实施一些策略。苹果公司人力资源部门使用的策略之一是建立一个集中的系统。在这个系统中,本组织不需要在不同的国家设立不同的办事处,而是在总部控制和监督该国当地管理人员的工作人员的帮助下维持这些条例(Milliam et al . 1991, 318)。因此,总部的工作人员需要确保当地的管理人员以完美的方式工作。总部员工和当地经理需要向全球经理汇报工作,以便以适当的方式开展业务。因此,在集中系统的帮助下,苹果将成功地在中国扩张。另一个扩张的原因是市场销售和产品的增加。展开是很重要的。

他们需要确保有这样的策略和技术,使公司与中国的客户建立理想的关系。苹果应该在中国销售越来越多的产品。他们应该争取越来越多的客户群。人力资源部门可以采取的另一项举措包括本地化系统;有一个变化的基础上的位置。产品策略也因地点而异。必须根据与业务有关的问题作出决定,其方式应使产品战略因地点而异。以地点为基础的战略将有助于制订全球一级的扩张战略。而在定位策略上,苹果需要确保产品的本土化,比如为中国人创造一个不同的界面,让他们可以使用中文手机,为中国人提供更多受欢迎的内置应用。除此之外,苹果还可以在中国建立一个本地实体(Peng & Mike 2001,803)。


In order to increase the impact over the Chinese market, Apple is trying harder to expand in China. It is important that in order to inculcate the expansion and make the same successful reality, the HR manager from Apple need to implement a number of strategies. One of the strategies which used by the HR at apple is to have a centralized system. In this system, the organization needs not to create different offices in different nations but the regulations are maintained with the help of the staff situated in the headquarters that control and supervise the local managers in the nation (Milliam et al 1991, 318). Thus the staff members in the headquarters need to ensure that the local managers are working in a perfect manner. The headquarter staff members and local managers need to report to the global managers in orders to do the business in a proper manner. Thus with the help of centralized system the apple will be successful in expanding in China. Another reason for expansion includes the increase of the sales and products in the market. It is important to do the expansion.

They need to ensure that there are such strategies and techniques that the company builds an ideal relationship with the customers in China. More and more number of products should be sold by Apple in China. They should try to capture the customer base more and more. Another initiative which can be taken by the HR includes the localized system; there is a variation on the basis of the location. The product strategy also varies by the location. The decisions are required to be undertaken on the basis of the issues related to the operation in such a manner that the product strategy varies on the basis of the location. The location based strategy will help to formulate a strategy for the expansion at the global level. While with the location strategy, the Apple needs to ensure that there should be the localization of its products such as the creation of a different interface for Chinese people where they can use the phone which has Chinese languages, giving more number of popular inbuilt apps for Chinese people. In addition to this, Apple can make a local entity in China (Peng & Mike 2001, 803).