


无产阶级这个词是由资本主义的兴起创造出来的。“劳动力可以作为商品出现在市场上,但前提是,它的加工者,也就是劳动力所在的个人,将其作为商品出售或出售”(Mintz, 1978)。这可以看作是无产阶级劳动力量的首要标准。根据第二种解释,出卖劳动力作为服务的人不能出卖自己。如果他“一劳永逸”地出卖自己的劳动力,那么他就仍然是一个自由的卖家。无产阶级劳动力的第三种解释是,一个人应该被迫出售他的劳动力,因为他没有什么东西可以出售来养活自己,他仍然没有选择出售他的劳动力以外的任何东西(Innes, 1988)。


The curse of slavery had haunted many people, who had been through this repressive system. The labor from African countries was forcefully sent to North America to work in plantations. Slaves were highly humiliated and separated from their families. Slavery system was also based on gender, race and age. Children were separated from their parents and were forced to work in other plantations away from their families. Plantations were the land where agriculture was done and crops were grown. Plantation slaves were the labor forces, who were compelled to work for long hours without any rest. This humiliating system was in practice for over four hundred years.According to the Marxist theory of Karl Marx, the term proletariat is used for the social class who do not have any ownership over the means of production and their ownership is only over their labor power. Buying and selling of the labor power is the major part of the production in the capitalist society. However, it must be understood that a labor does not become a proletarian immediately.

The term ‘proletariat’ was coined by the rise of capitalism. The term “labor power can appear on the market as the commodity, only if, and so far as, its processor, the individual whose labor power it is, offers it for sale, or sells it as commodity” (Mintz, 1978). This could be considered as the first criteria for the proletarian labor power. According to the second explanation, the one who sells labor power as the service cannot sell himself. If he sells his labor power ‘once and for all’, by this he would remain a free seller. The third interpretation of proletarian labor power is that the person should be compelled to sell his labor power as he has nothing to sell to feed himself, and he remains with no choice to sell anything other than his labor power (Innes, 1988).




这种瑜伽在运动领域可能是革命性的,但并不是很多人喜欢。因为瑜伽不仅是年轻一代的表演,老年人也喜欢瑜伽(Stand Up Paddling TV, 2014b)。重要的是,这里要提到的是,老年人缺乏平衡,以及执行这种具有挑战性的瑜伽的注意力。然而,我有一个问题,如果瑜伽可以在陆地上进行,那么为什么有人想在水上进行呢?也许有人会说,水一直都是放松的理由,但话又说回来,如果一个人可以坐在水对面,得到同样的放松,他们可能更愿意坚持老式瑜伽。只有新一代的人才能接受这种瑜伽。因此,限制能做这件事的人的数量,全心全意地接受这个想法。


Although sup yoga seems a very relaxing and focused type of yoga, it also appears to be difficult. There may be ample questions and fears that may arise in the beginners mind. Not everyone is comfortable with the water around tem especially if they do not know how to swim (Stand Up Paddling TV, 2014a). Moreover, people who have phobia of water may not be willing to do this. I would like to mention here that individuals suffering depression and stress may not have that kind of focus and balance. Normally, when I am stressed, I want to do less challenging tasks as compared to more challenging ones, as those only add to further stress. Therefore, balancing on a board may require a lot of practice as well as focus that may not be exerted by all individuals.However, Sup yoga is limited to those who are not scared to be surrounded by water and are a fan of water sports such as swimming.

This type of yoga may be revolutionary in the field of sports but not many people would prefer. As yoga is not only performed by younger generation, and older people also enjoy yoga (Stand Up Paddling TV, 2014b). It is important to mention here that older people lack balance as well as focus to perform such challenging yoga. Nevertheless, one question I have is that if yoga can be performed on land, then why would someone want to perform it on water? It might be argued that water has always been a reason to relax somehow, but then again if one can sit opposite water and get the same relaxation, they might prefer to stick to the older forms of yoga. Sup yoga may only be acceptable to the new generation. Hence, limit the number of people who can do it and accept the idea whole heartedly.




超过66%的印度人口从事农业生产来谋生,使其成为最大的部门(Balasubramanyam, 2001)。制造业的增长率预计也将取得显著进展,尤其是在政府把重点放在“印度制造”运动上的情况下。这包括建筑、生物技术、航空、旅游、零售、电信和制药。然而,服务部门的扩大使印度成为客户服务和技术支助领域外包过程的中心。印度经济的发展在整个独立时期完全遵循社会主义观点的政策。这一时期主要是对国有部门的广泛监管和控制(Pritchett, 2000)。它导致该国与全球市场的贸易利益隔绝。即使独立后,印度的人均收入年增长率也只有1%。


The Economy of India is the 7th largest in terms of nominal GDP in the world. Though it is one of the fastest growing economies throughout the world, but it is still considered a developing economy witnessing a growth rate of 7 percent on an average over the past two decades. India, a south Asian country, shares its borders with Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The country is rich in terms of abundance of resources and is classified as a newly industrialised country. In the context of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), the economy of India ranks 3rd largest in the world. However, besides income disparity, poverty still remains a significant concern.A steadily expanding and dynamic economy of India is characterised by a number of major sectors comprising of agriculture, manufacturing, handicrafts and textile industry and services sector. The Indian economy is as diverse in terms of opportunities as it is large in terms of area.

Over 66 percent of the population of India is engaged in agricultural production to earn its livelihood, making it the largest sector (Balasubramanyam, 2001). Growth rate in the manufacturing sector is also expected to make dramatic progress especially with the focus of government on ‘Make in India’ campaign. This includes construction, biotechnology, aviation, tourism, retailing, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals. However, the expansion of service sector has made India a hub of outsourcing processes in the areas of customer services and technical support.The development of Indian economy followed a policy completely inspired by the socialist view throughout the period of independence. This period was dominated by extensive regulations and control of state-owned sectors (Pritchett, 2000). It led to the isolation of the country from the benefits of the trade with global market. Even after independence, the per capita income of India increased at an annualised rate of only 1 percent.






An aggressive growth strategy was pursued by the IKEA Group in the year 2014, in order to enhance its sales by 2020 up to 50 billion Euros. The management of the group planned achieving the growth through market share increase of their present 303 stores and through opening 200 plus stores several of which tapped into several new customers across the emerging economies of Russia and China. The key strategic issue that the company faced, while planning for such strategic expansion was the fact that the company faced problems with regard to aligning its aggressive growth strategy with its equally ambitious strategy for sustainability. Issues of sustainability within the group’s wood supply chain were particularly challenging in nature as the company looked at procuring wood and products of wood closer to the markets of customers for minimizing the costs of transportation but the plans of growth focused over emerging nations wherein supply chain for wood lacked properly developed wood markets that met the stringent standards of sustainability by the company.

The wood procurement for IKEA Group at enormous scale made it a particularly salient problem for the bottom line of the company, activist group environmentally and various ecosystems. This supply chain was one of the various dimensions of strategy that the Group would require addressing, when moving forward within its plan of ambitious growth. From these perspectives, the case involves strategic tensions in the sense to balance ambition and sustainability. Strategic paradox understanding is also essential from this perspective with regard to balancing the growth and sustainability strategy over the paradoxical nature. Nature of strategic thinking furthermore, in this situation will result in providing much benefit to the extent of this case and the explanation formulated over it. IKEA has been expanding and its growth strategy is also focused over the same. This brings forward the issues of cross cultural management and analysis over the same to describe strategic thinking.



供应链结构:Zara的供应链结构分析包括实物物流、信息管理和组织结构。Zara的设计部位于总部附近,由于实体之间的代理关系,这使得公司能够进行流畅的信息交流。订单管理是通过Zara总部的买家、设计师和专家集体进行的(Stevens, G.和Johnson, M.)。,2016)。一个决策团队被分配来管理基于决策的信息,这是一个很好的解决方案,它支持部门之间的内部信息交换。根据商品信息的实物流动,所有产品都要经过Zara的主要配送中心。配送中心使用最复杂和更新的自动化系统,其中大部分是通过Zara的员工在供应商的支持下开发的(Kozlenkov et al., 2015)。对于每个商店,订单被打包成不同的货架或纸箱,通常在收到订单后8小时内准备发货。公司不断提高生产能力,以满足需求,进行实物的良性流动。

此外,组织的结构是使信息从上直接流向下和所有层次。Zara在第三方研究人员和制造商之间进行数据整合和共享。这使得公司得到他们的供应链整合(Christopher, 2005)。供应链绩效:包括客户服务和价格,相关的标杆和单独的物流功能绩效。Zara的整个供应链对于理解它的成功尤为重要。通过供应链的参与,该公司致力于针对24至35岁年龄段的女性。该公司试图通过确保其门店位于城镇中心,并将更多注意力放在这个年龄段的女性身上,来达到target的市场(Fernie, J. and Sparks, L.)。,2014)。生产中的短期运行导致了给定设计的稀缺性,而这反过来又产生了一种紧迫感和客户在库存完成前购买的理由。该公司根据市场需求而不是制造成本来定价产品。


Supply chain structures: for Zara will be analysed by including physical goods flow, management of Information and structure of organization. Zara’s design department is located near its headquarter and in turn this results in allowing company for fluent exchange of information due to the proximities present between entities. The administration of order is carried out collectively through buyers, designers and specialists in the Zara headquarters (Stevens, G. and Johnson, M., 2016). A team to make decisions is allocated to manage decision based information which is a good solution and it supports internal exchange of information between its departments. As per the physical flow of goods information, all products pass by the major distribution centre of Zara. The distribution centres use the most sophisticated and updated systems for automation most of which are developed through the staff of Zara with their supplier’s support (Kozlenkov et al., 2015). For each store, the orders are packed into distinct racks or cartons and generally are made ready to be shipped within 8 hours after their reception. The company keeps increasing its production capacities to meet with demands and engage in positive flow of goods physically.

Furthermore, the structure of the organization is that makes information flow from top directly to the bottom and all the levels. Zara operates with decent data integration and sharing between third party researchers and manufacturers. This allows the company to get their integration of supply chain (Christopher, 2005). Performance of supply chain: inclusive of customer service and price, relative bench-marking and individual logistic functions performance.The overall supply chain of Zara is especially critical to understanding its success. Through engagement in its supply chain the company engages in targeting women from age group between 24 and 35. The company tries reaching the market at target through making sure that it locates its stores in the centres of cities and towns and places higher focus over women from this age group (Fernie, J. and Sparks, L., 2014). Short runs in production result in creating given designs scarcity and this in turn generates an urgency sense and a reason for customers to purchase until the stock finishes. The company prices its items based on the demand in the market not only on manufacture cost.






General Motors is the chosen company for this paper. GM is endowed with complex and humongous corporate portfolio which is interconnected, multilevel and complex. The corporate portfolio include various divisions, and with the divisions are brands, within brands are models, within the models are mechanical and cosmetic variations of dealers, supply chain, manufacturing plants, and market segments. The operation of the corporate portfolio is out of control currently and lacking focus in the market. This has been going on at the portfolio’s every level. There is a portfolio of GM’s products that has a list of 95 cars. The market demands are in relation to the two critical condition’s existence related to strategy and planning. For the strategy and planning to succeed the market segment shares of the cars must be created. Along with it positive cash flows for the cars must also be created. The GM’s problem of not being focused to the market is evident with the fact that it is planning to launch 19 new vehicles. GM is in the business of designing, building, and selling cars, automobile parts, and trucks in most countries of the world.

The automotive financing services are also provided by GM through GM Financial. There are four automotive segments of GM including GMIO (GM International Operations), GMNA (GM North America), GMSA (GM South America), and GME (GM Europe). GM has also been selling to customer fleets, the trucks that include lease to governments and companies, customers of commercial fleet, and car rental companies. The vehicles are sold to fleet customers through the dealers network or directly. GM’s fleet and retail customers are able to obtain wide range of after sales products and services for the vehicles through the network of GM’s dealers, such as accessories of the vehicles, collision repairs, light repairs, maintenance, and service warranties. The offering of the company includes 13 Flex Fuel vehicles for 2015 in United States in addition to four models to commercial and fleet customers that have the capacity to operate on E85 ethanol, gasoline or the conjunction of the two.




在这些定义中有三个共同的要素:它指的是群体一致性的同一性和意识形态的共享性。组级别标识文化的范围。行为的一致性体现了文化的特征。最后,共享行为展示了群体层面的逻辑和思维过程。与此同时,文化并不是一成不变的,它会随着外部事件而变化(Latane, 1996;科恩,2012)。文化的动态性表明,可以进行干预和积极的变革。Jenco(2013)在研究中以五四运动为例,说明如何看待中国文化的变化。新文化运动强调民主和科学,而不是传统的以儒家思想为基础的中国文化。近代以来,西方意识形态大量涌入中国文化。现代中国文化是传统意识形态和西方影响的混合体。


Culture is found to have influenced in many aspects of our life and it has been defined by different anthropologists in different ways. In the words of anthropologists, the culture may be termed as an umbrella which can lead to create a covering on the social activities and it may even have an influence on the behavior of the person, the communication, the relationships and other different social aspects. It is important to have different studies related to the culture which can lead to the investigation on the influence of the core cultural values and beliefs about the Chinese culture. Most of the everyday activities of an individual’s are a reflection of their innate culture. This is reflected in the organizational performance and even in the academic performance of the students. It is important to understand the roots of culture to develop strong interventions for safety. Definitions of culture vary, however, the basic foundation of each definition is the same.

There are three common elements in those definitions: it refers to the identity of the group consistency and sharing of ideologies. The group level identifies the range of the culture. Consistency of the behavior presents the characteristics of the culture. In the end, the shared behavior shows the group level logic and thinking process.At the same time, culture does not remain stationary, it is found to change according to external events (Latané, 1996; Coen, 2012). The dynamic nature of culture shows that there can be interventions and positive changes. Jenco (2013) in the research provides an example of how changes can be viewed in Chinese culture by stating the example of the May Fourth movement. The new culture movement emphasizes democracy and science as opposed to the conventional Chinese culture which is based on Confucianism. In the modern times, there has been influx of the western ideologies in the Chinese culture. The modern Chinese culture is a mix of conventional ideologies and also the western influences.



目标国家的长期增长前景。如果长期增长前景不佳,营销人员可以选择重新考虑细分市场,因为很难收回关键费用。这个变量有助于确定更多的证据,选择适当的目标市场,必须采取有效的组织,同时使用营销理念的哲学(Cova和Dalli, 2009)。对目标市场的仔细分析有助于使企业处于有利地位,以满足客户的需求并实现关键目标。做生意的成本,包括税率和工资,商业基础设施的可用性和成本,熟练工人以及资本市场的可及性。这些成本对于每一个企业来说都是非常重要的,因为市场营销是企业的主要功能,它会为企业组织创造一个客户。理解营销费用的意义、会计的定义以及税收的处理(Hair and Lukas, 2014)变得极其重要。

从典型意义上讲,营销的一些常见费用包括广告费用、公共关系费用、促销费用、营销研究费用和营销工资。竞争环境包括来自外国和本地公司的总体竞争强度水平。在战略管理和市场营销中,竞争分析是评估潜在和现有竞争对手的优缺点。这种特别的分析有助于为确定关键威胁和机会提供防御和进攻的环境。对竞争的重要来源分析对于支持有效和高效地制定、调整、监控和实施战略具有重要意义(Hair, 2015)。它是企业战略制定的重要组成部分。关键的论点是,大多数公司还没有进行这类分析系统的充分性。一个良好的战略框架是强制性和必要的,而不是感知各种猜测、直觉和非正式印象。


Prospects of long term growth in the target nation.If the prospects of long-term growth appear to be poor, the marketer has the choice of reconsidering a segment as there lies difficulty in recouping the key expenses. This variable helps in determining more evidences for the selection of appropriate target market that have to be adopted effectively by the organization, while using the philosophy of marketing concept (Cova and Dalli, 2009). A careful analysis of the target market helps in placing the business in a strong position for serving the needs of customers and achieving the key objectives. Cost to do business that include rates for taxes and wages, the availability and cost of infrastructure commercially and the accessibility of skilful workers along with the capital markets.Such costs can be considered extremely significant for each and every business as marketing is the primary function of business, that results in the creation of a customer for the business organization. It becomes extremely crucial for understanding the significance delivered in the expenses for marketing, the definition of accounting, and treatment of tax (Hair and Lukas, 2014).

In the typical sense, some of the common expenses of marketing include costs of advertising, public relations, promotion, marketing research and marketing salaries. Competitive environment that includes the overall intensity of the level of competition from foreign and local companies. In strategic management and marketing, analysis of competition is to assess the weaknesses and strengths of the potential and current competitors. This particular analysis helps in providing both defensive and offensive context for the identification of key threats and opportunities. A significantly sourced analysis of competition is significant in supporting the effective and efficient formulation, adjustment, monitoring and implementation of strategy (Hair, 2015). It is a significant element for the establishment of corporate strategy. The key argument is that majority of the company have not been conducting this category of analysis systematic sufficiency. Rather than perceiving conjectures, intuition and informal impressions, a well strategic framework is mandatory and necessary.



第二个重要领域是伦理。正如他们的网站所提到的,他们的项目的目的是保护员工的健康,确保他们的安全,保护他们的人权,也确保供应商履行社会责任的期望。为了得到安全的食品和对顾客诚实,经营这项业务是很重要的。公司需要以遵循第三个E即环境的方式运作(Johnson, 2001)。本公司的网站声明,本公司使用计分卡量度与耗水量、减少废物及改善空气质素有关的环境表现,而这些表现可能与麦当劳(麦当劳)的产品制造有关。盟,2016)。麦当劳与所有供应商合作,帮助他们提供持续的、长期的食品和包装质量,以对环境产生最小的影响。作为世界上最大的快餐连锁店之一,麦当劳在营销和销售方面采取了一系列举措。

为了做到这一点,它利用平面媒体、社交媒体进行广泛的广告宣传。仅2014年,公司在美国的广告预算就达到了14.2亿美元(Statista, 2016)。麦当劳的营销策略因地区而异。公司的营销策略是有用的,因为它有助于实现公司的三个目标。麦当劳的营销策略之一就是回馈公司。因此,为了扩大市场,公司经营着大量的募捐者和慈善机构。麦当劳是一个值得信赖的品牌,它在全世界都很受欢迎。顾客可以享受到优质的品质、服务、清洁和物有所值,并能为顾客带来欢笑的能力。作为一个社区,麦当劳做了很多事情来赢得人们的信任。


The second important area is ethical. As their website mentioned that the aim of their program is to protect the health of the employees, ensure their safety and protect their human rights and also to ensure suppliers are performing the social responsibility expectations. In order to get the safety food and be honest to customers, it is important to operate the business. The company needs to operate in such a manner that it follows the third E i.e. environment (Johnson, 2001). The website of the company states that it uses a scorecard for doing the measurement of the environment performance related to consumption of water, minimization of the wastes and the improvement of the air quality which may be related to the manufacture of the products of McDonalds (McDonald.au, 2016). McDonalds work with all suppliers and help them to provide continuous, long-term quality of the food and packaging in order to have a minimum impact on the environment.Being one of the largest fast food chains in the world, McDonalds takes a number of initiatives for its marketing and sales.

In order to do the same it uses print media, social media for extensive advertisement. The advertising budget of the company in US alone equaled to USD 1.42 billion in 2014 (Statista, 2016). The marketing strategy of McDonalds is different as per the different regions. The marketing strategy of the company is useful as it helps to meet the three goals of the company. One of the marketing strategies of the company is that McDonalds gives back to the company. Thus, in order to increase its market, the company runs a large number of fundraisers and charities. McDonalds is brand name to trust which is popular in the entire world. The customers can enjoy superior quality, service, cleanliness and value for money, and the ability for customers to bring laughter. As a community, McDonalds does a number of things in order to win the trust of the people.







PS的全称为Personal Statement,或者Statement of Purpose/Objectives。我更倾向于后一种,因为,留学文书的价值在于向学校展示你的研究水平,或者更全面地说,就是说服学校你就是他们需要招收的人才。也可以这么说,PS其实就是个人简历的展开。








