

论文有明确要求字体格式、大小等时,根据要求来操作;论文没有明确要求字体大小等时,一般用用times new roman字体;12(小四);1.5倍行距;Word默认页边距;标题字体可加粗;每段落之间空一行;每段直接写,无需空格;在每页的右下角插入页数。

1) Table of Contents,一定要用Word自动生成格式。

2)Executive Summary,一般要出现 “The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍 这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。


3) Introduction,在一篇Report中,Introduction部分相当于是一个Background,而不是概括Report的内容。请注意与Essay的区别。Report中的Introduction不概括文章内容;不介绍文 章结构(因为目录里已经有结构介绍了);只介绍Background。

4) Body,总原则“少写理论,多结合实际情况分析”,不要空谈。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言 提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。

5) Conclusion / Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。


6) Reference: Reference 是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的in-textreference和文末的reference list。






我最喜欢的是亲属制度,它允许“土著社会的每个人都可以根据彼此的关系来命名。”“这种文化的另一个迷人之处是‘法律母亲规则’,即不允许一个人直接与他们的法律母亲交谈(土著文化,2015)。”“Arrival and传教士”模块是我特别喜欢的模块,它帮助我对澳大利亚的各种领土条约进行了深入的研究,同时了解了传教士的主要动机(Doouge, 2004)。对邦吉拉卡和文化遗产中心的访问对我来说是一次很有教育意义的经历,因为我了解了他们各自的文化。此外,在本吉拉卡博物馆,我了解了澳大利亚第一民族的复杂性和多样性,特别关注维多利亚。此外,我还了解了维多利亚州多元的语言、不同的宗族团体,以及现今的生活文化。另一方面,在Koorie Heritage Trust,我接触到了支持、推广和庆祝澳大利亚东南部土著文化的独特服务和项目。主要的焦点是建立和新兴的土著艺术家,而侧重于现代Koorie艺术。


The main motive for my reflective journal is to document my personal progress, development and also to improve my personal awareness regarding this course. I would participate in various comprehending and reading exercise so as to achieve the same; some of these would include conducting desktop research, listening to experience of others, reading journals, effective communication, interacting more in class and comprehending important impact of culture. I would take into consideration various opinions and ideas from various individuals depending on their earlier experience; this would assist me in concluding a wider point of view on a narrower issue. This course intrigued me from the starting and rendered me an opportunity each and every day to understand something new; hence I always looked forward to attending all the lectures of this particular course.The weekly modules were both enlightening and helpful to my personal interest in this particular course. The module named ‘The Kulin’ kindled my interest further in the lives of Aboriginal people. This module rendered me a deep insight into the history of Aboriginal people. Another module named ‘Kinship and Totems: relationship to country’ was the one wherein I personally has a little bit difficulty in understanding the social organizations of the Aborigines; however, with some deep study and help from my peers, I was able to understand the intricacies of the entire culture.

The best thing I liked was the kinship system wherein it allowed “each person in the Aboriginal society to be named in relation to one another.” Another fascinating thing about the culture was ‘The Mother in law rule’ wherein a person was not allowed to talk directly to their mother in law (Aboriginal Culture, 2015). The module named ‘Arrival and Missionaries’ was the one which I particularly loved as it helped me to conduct a deep research about various Australian territories Treaties and the same time learning about the main motive of the missionaries (Doouge, 2004). The visit to both Bunjilaka and Heritage Cultural Central was quite an educational experience for me as I got to know a lot about their respective cultures. Moreover, in the Bunjilaka Museum I learned about the complexity and diversity of the first peoples in Australia with a special focus on Victoria. In addition, I learnt about the diverse language and the clan groups of Victoria and the living culture which is practised today as well. On the other hand, at the Koorie Heritage Trust I was exposed to the unique range of services and programs to support, promote and celebrate the Aboriginal culture of South-Eastern Australia. The main focus was on the established and the emerging Aboriginal artist while focusing on the modern Koorie art.



1952年至1965年由于一些事件在澳大利亚立法中发挥了重要作用。Maralinga原子试验是在这一时期进行的(Broome, 2010)。马拉林加是南澳大利亚的一个偏远地区。1954年,维多利亚女王签署了《原住民福利条例》,将原住民从该地区迁出定为法律。这项法律被认为是种族清洗的一种形式。它迫使土著居民从他们的家乡搬迁。由于这一行为,传统文化和习俗严重丧失。1956年,这里被命名为400区,进行原子测试(Broome, 2010)。在这一特定时期,在该地区进行了后来的原子试验。这次核试验污染了土地及其传统用途。原子测试实际上是在1957年进行的。由于这次核试验,阿瑙古县的土著人民被迫离开家园。这导致了黑雾的形成。由于受到辐射,它给土著人带来了许多疾病。

1957年6月10日,棕榈岛附近的人们抗议不公平的工资和种族隔离政策。警察被派遣,人们在枪口的威胁下返回他们的任务地区(Broome, 2010)。1958年,为了保护土著人民的权利,成立了提高土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民地位联邦委员会。该委员会在推翻1967年全民投票政策方面发挥了重要作用。直到1960年,土著儿童被迫参加传教活动。这种做法在1960年停止。1961年土著福利会议主要授权土著人民享有权利(Berndt & Berndt 1988)。在这段时间内消除了歧视性做法,并考虑将其包括在内。1962年,联邦选举法修订,允许土著人在该国投票(Berndt & Berndt 1988)。西澳大利亚、昆士兰和北领地都遵循了这一政策。


1952 to 1965 played an important role in Australian Legislation owing to some events. Maralinga Atomic tests were conducted in this time period (Broome, 2010). Maralinga was a remote territory in South Australia. Aborigines Welfare Ordinance 1954 was signed by Queen Victoria that made it a law for the Aborigines to relocate from the area. This law was considered to be a form of ethnic cleansing. It forced the Aboriginal people to relocate from their native land. There was significant loss of traditional cultures and practices owing to this act. The place was named as Section 400 in 1956 where atomic tests were conducted (Broome, 2010). There were subsequent atomic tests conducted in the area during that particular time period. This nuclear testing contaminated the land and its traditional usage. Atomic testing was actually conducted in the year 1957. Owing to this nuclear testing the Aboriginal people in the Anaugu County were forced to relocate from their homes. This resulted in the formation of the Black mist. It caused the Aboriginal people a number of diseases due to being exposed to radiation.

On 10th June 1957, around Palm island people protested against unfair wages and policies of Apartheid. Police were dispatched and people were returned to their mission lands at gunpoint (Broome, 2010). Federal Council for the Advancement of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders was set up in 1958 for protection of the Aboriginal people rights. This committee played an important role for overturning of the 1967 referendum policy. Up until 1960 Aboriginal Children were forced to attend missions. This practice was stopped in 1960. In 1961 Native Welfare Conference primarily mandated rights to the Aboriginal people (Berndt & Berndt 1988). There was removal of discriminatory practices and inclusion was considered in this time period. In 1962 Commonwealth Electoral Act was amended for Aboriginal people to vote in the country (Berndt & Berndt 1988). This policy was followed in Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory.




尽管最初人们认为“服装”和“时尚”这两个词可以同义使用,但在这件事上,前者被忽略了,因为它与花哨的服装和化装舞会有关(Fletcher, 2008)。因此,当今世界的时尚显然与这些类型的服装、服装和配饰有关,这些服装和配饰男女皆可买到,因为潮流可以是女性化的,也可以是阳刚化的,也可以是雌雄同体的。然而,随着提到的对象,时尚本身也包含了对服装的研究,服装,趋势和其他一切时尚定义。现在得到一个清晰的了解时尚到底是什么,还需要理解这是一个非常重要的问题一直在循环,因此常常成为讨论的点之间的人被认为是男性的时尚产业问题是可以可持续时尚吗?。可持续性虽然是一个性质非常复杂的概念,但一般来说只是指在不耗尽其资源的情况下进行的任何一种发展。


The word fashion is mainly associated with clothing and garments. One cannot but deny that this word is something that is used in everyday life and by almost everyone who goes out to the market to buy something to wear. We use this term to describe something which might be popular amongst the people and might be a kind of clothing which is being worn by the number of people of the said area, and at the same time this might be something which we might have noticed going viral on social media. Very often the sentences like ‘this thing is in fashion’ have been heard by one and by all. Thus in simple words one can say is fashion is nothing but a popular style or a trend amongst the people, a practice which can be overtly associated with clothing, accessories, bags and caps, footwear, makeup and maybe furniture too. It is the trend and the style which has been habitual by a person or group of people, which is nothing but the way they dress. Thus everything that one wears in order to present according to the current trend of the respective place is fashion. It includes the different styles which have already been created by respective designers and also the new ones which are trending or are in on-going processes.

Though initially it was thought the terms ‘costumes’ and ‘fashion’ could be used synonymously, the former has been disregarded in this matter owing to its usage in association to fancy dresses and masquerades(Fletcher, 2008). Thus fashion in today’s world is clearly associated with garments and clothing and accessories of these kinds, which are available for both men and women, as the trends can be feminine or masculine or simply androgynous. Nevertheless along with the mentioned objects fashion also incorporates within itself the study of the garments, clothing, trends and everything else which fashion defines.Now that one gets a clear idea about what fashion actually is, one also needs to understand that there is a very important question which has been circulating and thus often becomes the point of discussion amongst the people who are considered to be men of the fashion industry and the question is that ‘Can Fashion be Sustainable?’. Sustainability though is a concept very complex in nature, but simply in general refers to any kind of development which takes place without depleting its resources.




一、 长短句原则


As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar.




二、 主题句原则




三、 一二三原则






2008年美国大选是美国人民乃至全世界最重要的事件之一。这项运动得到了社交媒体的大力支持。在奥巴马及其政党的竞选活动中,获得社交媒体的持续支持是最重要的部分之一。根据大众媒体和美国政治(Doris Graber, 2009)的说法,2008年大选中奥巴马和麦凯恩在投票上的主要区别在于社交媒体。据统计,奥巴马在Facebook上的粉丝约为200万,而麦凯恩只有60万。由此可见,奥巴马因为Facebook的影响力远高于麦凯恩。根据《纽约时报》的这篇新闻报道,2008年,人们讨论了奥巴马使用社交媒体的有效性(West, 2013)。另一项由Matthew James Kushin和Yamanoto进行的研究显示,与其他群体相比,30岁以下人群的洞察力使他们更倾向于政治信息,这是因为社交媒体。

哈佛政治学院的另一项研究也显示,大约27%的年轻人是因为社交媒体而被政治所吸引。这些结果清楚地反映了社会媒体如何改变了世界上的政治运动。这表明,由于社交媒体的存在,政治成为了年轻人生活的一部分。根据奥巴马的官方youtube页面,有很多视频显示了名人和其他人的支持。因此,从上述研究可以清楚地看出,社交媒体在过去曾被用于政治竞选(Effing et al, 2011)。2008年的美国大选是第一次社交媒体发挥重要作用的选举。此后,这一数字有所上升。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research reports)的研究报告显示,五分之一的成年人在选举期间通过互联网求助于社交媒体,以获得至关重要的选举。此外,每个月有1.7亿美国人使用社交媒体平台。


The 2008 election in USA was one of the most important occurrences for the people of USA and the entire world. This campaign was strongly supported by the use of social media. Getting the constant support from social media was one of the most important parts of the campaign which was conducted by Obama and his party. According to the Mass Media and American Politics (Doris Graber, 2009), it was stated that the major difference in the voting in the 2008 elections between Obama and McCain was because of social media. As per the stats, the Facebook followers of Obama were around 2 million while that of McCain were only 600000. Thus, it can be clearly observed that the reach of Obama because of Facebook was much higher as compared to McCain. According to the news article by New York Times, in 2008, the effectiveness of usage of social media by Obama was discussed (West, 2013). Another study conducted by Matthew James Kushin and Yamanoto revealed that the insight of the people under the age of 30 was able to incline them towards political information because of the social media, in comparison to any other group.

Another study conducted by the Harvard Institute of Politics also revealed that around 27 % of youth was attracted to politics because of social media. These, results clearly reflect how social media has changed the political campaigns in the world. This reveals that because of social media, politics was able to be the part of life of youths. According to the official You Tube page of Obama, there were a number of videos where the support of the celebrities and other people were revealed. Thus, from the above study it can be clearly revealed that social media has been used by for political campaigns in the past (Effing et al, 2011). The American elections of 2008 were the very first elections where social media played a major part. After this there was an increase in the same. The studies by Pew Research reports have revealed that one in five adults uses internet turned to social media during the elections in order to get vital elections. Also, more than 170 million who have been staying in USA have used social media platforms every month.



技术已成为任何个人生活的一个组成部分,他们大多数人无法想象没有技术的情况。在所有形式中,无论是移动平台、计算机还是任何其他设备,技术已经驱动了生活的所有阶段和类型。它改变和改变了生活的方方面面,从食物到旅行到医学,甚至是学习。就像每枚硬币都有两面一样,它的积极影响之一是为人们提供了充足的选择和自由(Armstrong, 2013)。然而,另一方面,也有很多负面的方面,一个人必须权衡成本和利益,以得出一个决定,这一变化是否真的有利于社会和整个人类。学习是一个不断发展的过程,并在许多形式和模式中开始。从那时起,人们就产生了一种强烈的兴趣,要把学习过程从诸如时间和地点的限制中解放出来。语言学习是一个相当困难的领域,就口语而言,在适应移动技术方面有很多困难。

随着90年代电脑的出现以及本世纪头十年平板电脑和其他手持设备的出现,通过手机学习语言的范围向前迈进了一步。在过去的十年中,随着便携式数字助理和iPod等设备的出现,出现了一种新的学习方式,被恰当地称为移动辅助语言学习(Ion.uillinois.edu, 2015)。这些设备通常是商人工具包的一部分,最近开始渗透到学术界。本研究的目的是了解这种学习方式对青少年学习一门新语言的影响。了解青少年对这种新的学习方式的接受程度,他们对这种学习方式的感受,以及它是如何帮助他们加快学习速度或为他们提供其他好处的,是这项研究的其他目的。在研究了研究背景和研究目的之后,本报告将向读者介绍所使用的研究方法。其次是数据收集、分析和研究结果。最后,在主要研究结果的基础上给出结论,并列出对学生和教育机构进一步推广这种学习方法的建议和建议。


Technology has become an integral part of the lives of any individual and most of them cannot envisage a situation where this is not present. In all forms, be it mobile platform or computers or any other device, technology has driven all phases and genres of life. It has transformed and converted all aspects of living, right from food to travel to medicine and even learning as well. Just like there are two sides to every coin, on one side the positive impact of this has been the ample availability of choices and freedom for the people (Armstrong, 2013). However, on the other side there are a lot more of negative aspects as well and one would have to weigh the costs and benefits to arrive at a decision as to whether this change has been really beneficial to the society and human mankind at large.Learning has been an evolving process and has begun ages back in many forms and patterns. Ever since then there has been an evincing interest to free the process of learning from constraints like that of place and time. Language learning is quite a difficult area and when spoken language is concerned, there are many difficulties in the adaptation to mobile technologies.

With the advent of computers way back in the 90s and tablets and other handheld devices in the 2000s the scope of language learning through mobiles has taken a step forward. The introduction of Portable Digital Assistants and devices like the iPod in the past decade has given rise to a new style of learning that is aptly called as Mobile Assisted Language Learning (Ion.uillinois.edu, 2015). These devices which were generally a part of the businessman’s kit have recently started its penetration into academia. The objective of this research is thereby to understand the impact that this style of learning has had on the youth in studying a new language. Understanding the acceptance of this new mode of learning amongst the youngsters, what they feel of this and how it has helped them in accelerating their pace or learning or provided them with other benefits are other aims of this research. After having studied the background and the aim of the research, the report will take the reader through the methodology of study used. This shall be followed by the data collections, its analysis and the findings from the research. Finally, the conclusion shall be presented on the basis of the main findings and the suggestions and recommendations for the students and educational institutions to take this learning method forward shall also be listed.




裁员是指通过裁员来降低成本,这有助于降低成本。它有助于建立一个有效的竞争力水平,提高盈利能力,即使在困难时期。在竞争非常激烈的情况下,它是创造业务发展的一个重要方面,公司不可能提高商品或服务的价格。对于企业来说,确保能够在客户中形成对自己能够提供高质量服务的更强的信心是至关重要的,因此,为了在组织中创建有效的领导和团队,缩小规模就变得至关重要。杠杆收购是指公司购买其他公司的股票,并分享资产和能力。在不同组织的战略目标之间建立平衡是至关重要的,因此并购是极其重要的。重要的是,有效的资源共享可以帮助公司形成更强的能力水平,这有助于为组织建立更好的增长和发展(Lawton Smith, Dickson and Smith, 2005)。


Restructuring involves change in the organization’s business structure as well as financial structure. Down scoping, leveraged buyout and downsizing are three forms of restructuring that improve business development significantly. It is essential that there be better growth and development which is possible only through the utilization of strategies like down scoping and downsizing as these strategies help build an effective level of resource management in the organization. It involves the buying and selling of shares of other companies or the company itself in the external markets. Down scoping refers to the process of reducing the level of company unrelated, wherein they try to build focus on their core business rather than managing a largely spread and diversified business. The aim is to focus on expertise and economies of scale which can help a business build better levels of competencies and competitiveness. It helps the business grow in terms of market share, and also create better levels of business expertise. It is essential to create an effective level of growth for the business, and down scoping helps the business focus on a particular domain.

Downsizing refers to reducing costs by lying off employees, which helps ensure that there is cost cutting. It helps build an effective level of competitiveness by increasing profitability even in times of distress. It forms an important aspect of creating business development when competition is extremely high, and it is not feasible for the company to increase prices of the goods or services. It is essential for the business to ensure that it is able to formulate a stronger level of confidence among its clients that it can provide high quality services, and so downsizing becomes essential in order to create effective leadership and teams in the organization. Leveraged buyouts are instances where in companies buy shares of other companies and share assets and competencies. It is essential that there be a balance created among the strategic goals of various organizations and so mergers and acquisitions are extremely essential. It is important that there are effective sharing of resources which can help the companies form a stronger level of competencies, which helps build better growth and development for the organization (Lawton Smith, Dickson and Smith, 2005).



世界海洋正在不断增加其水平,并以逐渐增加的速度造成威胁。与本世纪前80年相比,近20年的平均增幅可达两倍。据报道,这种上升主要是由于海水的热膨胀。海洋变暖导致海平面上升。此外,当冰川和冰冠在炎热的季节被加热时,它们的冰融化,成为海洋的一部分,增加了海洋中的水量。其结果是,夏季的海平面读数较高,而冬季由于反复形成冰而保持平衡。但是在最近的情况下,由于大气温度升高导致的冰的融化并没有在冬季形成冰来平衡。此外,海洋温度的上升导致冰盖的破裂,增加了海洋的水量和体积,进一步提高了其温度。自上个世纪以来,世界各地的总水位上升记录高达101 – 203毫米,而如果查看过去20年的记录,则显示平均每年上升3.3毫米/年(Meehl, 2005)。

目前的海平面状况和预期的未来统计数字对居民的生活以及一个国家的发展造成了严重的有害后果。下文将详细讨论其中的主要后果。当今世界的每一个沿海地区都面临着洪水的威胁。海平面的上升因此增加了世界各地洪水的频率和强度。世界人口的很大一部分居住在沿海地区。据估计,世界沿海地区的人口多达6亿,来自世界各地。这些人生活在海洋的边缘,那里的地面高度不超过10英寸,海平面为0英寸。这6亿人在任何时候总是处于洪水的危险之中(Woodruff, Irish and Camargo, 2013)。2016年4月18日,世界上最近的一次洪水——休斯顿洪水,也是海平面上升的最终结果。最近的洪水还包括密苏里洪水、智利北部洪水和印度南部洪水。所有这些洪水都是由涨潮和海平面上升引起的。


The oceans of the world are continually increasing their levels and creating threats on gradually increasing pace. The rise in recent two decades can be averaged as double as compared to previous 8 decades of the century. This rise has been reported mainly due to thermal expansion of water in the seas and oceans. Warmer oceans make the higher sea levels. Moreover, when glaciers and ice tops were heated during hot seasons, their ice was melted and became a part of sea increasing the amount of water in the sea. As a result, higher readings of level of sea were noted during summer which was balanced in winter due to repeated formation of ice. But in the recent scenario of the world, this melting of ice due to higher atmospheric temperature is not balanced by formation of ice in winter. Moreover the increase sea temperature causes breakage of ice sheet which adds the amount and volume of water in oceans further increasing its temperature. The overall water level rise around the world since the last century has been recorded up to 101 – 203 mm. whereas, if the records of last two decades are viewed, it is shown that the average rise per year has been 3.3 mm /year (Meehl, 2005).

The present condition of sea level and expected future statistics poses severe harmful consequences to the life of inhabitants as well as the growth of a country. The major consequences among them are discussed in detail below. Every coastal region of the world is, nowadays, at stake of flooding. The increase sea levels have consequently increased the frequency and intensity of floods around the world. A large portion of world’s population lives around coastal areas. According to an estimate, coastal population of the world makes up to 600 million people from all over the world. These people are living on the edges of sea and oceans, where the ground level is at most 10 inches marking sea level as 0 inch. These 600 million people remain, always, on the stake of flooding at any time (Woodruff, Irish and Camargo, 2013). The most recent flood in the world, Houston flood on 18th April 2016, is also an ultimate consequence of risen sea level. Other recent floods include Missouri flood, Northern Chile flood, and South Indian flood. All of these floods were caused due to high tides and risen sea level.



1977年塑料袋闯入超市。从那时起,塑料袋的使用正走向巨大的需求。以上每年塑料袋使用量的数据可以用另一种方式表示,即每人每4天半使用一个塑料袋,或每分钟使用100万个塑料袋。家庭垃圾的三分之一是塑料包装和塑料袋。由于程序困难和回收成本高,塑料袋通常不回收。因此,每分钟有100万个塑料袋被丢弃在垃圾填埋场或水中。在垃圾填埋场,塑料袋需要1000年才能分解。其次,研究表明,在海洋中,每平方英里漂浮着46,000个塑料碎片/袋子/包装(Roach, 2003)。这些塑料碎片在水中添加了有毒化学物质,对海洋生物是致命的(Perkins, 2010)。此外,大量的石油正被用于制造这些可用于其他建设性目的的塑料袋。塑料袋的制造过程释放有害气体,污染空气(Dincer, 1998)。因此,有必要设计一个有效的经济政策来控制塑料袋造成的环境污染。



Plastic bags intruded in super markets in 1977. Since then, the use of plastic bag is going towards massive demand. The above figure of plastic bags usage per year can be said in other way as every person uses one plastic bag in every 4 and a half days, or 1 million plastic bags used in a minute. The one third part of garbage of household contains plastic packaging and bags. The plastic bags are not usually recycled due to difficult procedure and high cost of recycling. Therefore, these 1 million plastic bags per minute are discarded at landfills or in water. At landfills, plastic bags take up to 1 thousand years to break down. Secondly, research has shown that in oceans, there are 46,000 plastic pieces/bags/packaging floating over every square mile (Roach, 2003). These plastic pieces adds toxic chemical in water, which are lethal to marine life (Perkins, 2010). Moreover, a generous amount of petroleum is being used for manufacturing of these plastic bags which could be used for other constructive purposes. The manufacturing process of plastic bags releases harmful gases and pollutes the air as well (Dincer, 1998). Therefore, it is necessary to devise an efficient economic policy to control environmental pollution created by plastic bags.

To avoid the above discussed consequences of excessive use of plastic bags within Australia, government of Australia is responsible of applying an economic policy to attain equilibrium in the market and sustainability of environment. This report suggests that there should be a tax on consumption of plastic bags. A person, whether he is producer, retailer or consumer who uses plastic bags must pay a positive amount for it.There are certain things which can be understood with the help of the above graph. The point marked with ‘b’ is the point of market equilibrium where suppluand demand graphs meet when no taxes are applied (present condition). At this point assume that the quantity of plastic bags is Qo (a straight line from b to quantity axis). Afterwards, if taxes are being applied on plastic bags, market equilibrium is lost and there is an upward shift in supply. It is evident that an upward shift in supply will lead to a decreased amount on quantity axis. Thus, reduction in quantities of plastic bags being used is achieved through imposition of tax on plastic bags. Another important factor which can be examined through above graph is the portion of added amount paid by producer and consumer. The above rectangle in the graph shows the portion of amount paid by customer and the lower box shows the amount paid by producer.