



尽管最初人们认为“服装”和“时尚”这两个词可以同义使用,但在这件事上,前者被忽略了,因为它与花哨的服装和化装舞会有关(Fletcher, 2008)。因此,当今世界的时尚显然与这些类型的服装、服装和配饰有关,这些服装和配饰男女皆可买到,因为潮流可以是女性化的,也可以是阳刚化的,也可以是雌雄同体的。然而,随着提到的对象,时尚本身也包含了对服装的研究,服装,趋势和其他一切时尚定义。现在得到一个清晰的了解时尚到底是什么,还需要理解这是一个非常重要的问题一直在循环,因此常常成为讨论的点之间的人被认为是男性的时尚产业问题是可以可持续时尚吗?。可持续性虽然是一个性质非常复杂的概念,但一般来说只是指在不耗尽其资源的情况下进行的任何一种发展。


The word fashion is mainly associated with clothing and garments. One cannot but deny that this word is something that is used in everyday life and by almost everyone who goes out to the market to buy something to wear. We use this term to describe something which might be popular amongst the people and might be a kind of clothing which is being worn by the number of people of the said area, and at the same time this might be something which we might have noticed going viral on social media. Very often the sentences like ‘this thing is in fashion’ have been heard by one and by all. Thus in simple words one can say is fashion is nothing but a popular style or a trend amongst the people, a practice which can be overtly associated with clothing, accessories, bags and caps, footwear, makeup and maybe furniture too. It is the trend and the style which has been habitual by a person or group of people, which is nothing but the way they dress. Thus everything that one wears in order to present according to the current trend of the respective place is fashion. It includes the different styles which have already been created by respective designers and also the new ones which are trending or are in on-going processes.

Though initially it was thought the terms ‘costumes’ and ‘fashion’ could be used synonymously, the former has been disregarded in this matter owing to its usage in association to fancy dresses and masquerades(Fletcher, 2008). Thus fashion in today’s world is clearly associated with garments and clothing and accessories of these kinds, which are available for both men and women, as the trends can be feminine or masculine or simply androgynous. Nevertheless along with the mentioned objects fashion also incorporates within itself the study of the garments, clothing, trends and everything else which fashion defines.Now that one gets a clear idea about what fashion actually is, one also needs to understand that there is a very important question which has been circulating and thus often becomes the point of discussion amongst the people who are considered to be men of the fashion industry and the question is that ‘Can Fashion be Sustainable?’. Sustainability though is a concept very complex in nature, but simply in general refers to any kind of development which takes place without depleting its resources.