
從《神風》這本書中,我可以了解到這是一個關於友誼的故事,友誼的損失和友誼的背叛。這部電影講述的是哈特麗·彭羅斯(Hartly Penrose)在澳大利亞的一個文化小鎮上愛上了一個日本女孩的故事。布魯姆是一個多元文化的城市,但在我看來,在猜疑統治的年代,它是不穩定的。與此同時,日本和澳大利亞之間爆發了戰爭(Nodelman & Reimer, 2003)。這使得哈特利和日本女孩米西蒂之間本已復雜的關係變得更加複雜。他們所分享的愛和友誼,在當時正處於危險之中。雙方之間的關係是不允許的,因為在戰爭期間明顯出現了偏見。兩人之間的愛情經歷了許多的波折和跌宕起伏,所以他們在這個過程中得到了很多希望。
作為一名未來的教師,必須承擔起教育孩子們如何克服遇到的問題並克服它們的責任(McDonald, 2013)。此外,必須強調的一點是,情況可能非常嚴峻和不友好,但人們必須向前看。很明顯,從故事中可以看出,在這種情況下,朋友和親戚扮演著非常重要的角色(Nodelman & Reimer, 2003)。教師可以讓孩子們了解愛的概念,關係和遇到的困難。一旦經歷過,它將有助於解釋孩子和未來的幾代人學習相同的東西。當我們發現Hartly和Mishti所面臨的問題阻礙了他們的鬥爭時,我們可以教導孩子們在未來採取行動時要謹慎。用書中人物的經歷來展示他們,可以幫助他們理解錯誤行為的後果。因此,作為未來的教師,我們應該以正確的方式教育孩子,讓他們有責任感,並幫助他們在生活中採取正確的步驟。


From the Book “The divine wind” I could learn that it is a story about friendship, loss in friendships and the betrayal in friendship. It is about the story of Hartly Penrose who happens to fall in love with a Japanese girl in the town of many cultures in Australia. Broome being the city of multiple cultures but according to my opinion it was unstable during the time when suspicion was ruling. During the same time there was a war between Japan and Australia (Nodelman & Reimer, 2003). This led to bringing more complications in the already complicated relationship between Hartley and Mishti, the Japanese girl. The love and friendship that they share, happens to be in jeopardy at the time. The relationship between both of has been not allowed because of the prejudices that apparently showed up during the war. The love between the two takes a number of turns and experiences various ups and downs and so they get many hopes in the process.
As a future teacher, one must take the responsibility of teaching the children that ways of conquering the problems coming in the way and overcoming them (McDonald, 2013). Moreover it is a point that has to be given importance that situations can be very harsh and unfriendly but one has to move on. It is evident and reflects in the story that friends and relatives play a very important and vital role in such conditions (Nodelman & Reimer, 2003). Teachers can make the children learn about the concept of love, relations and the hardships that come in the way. Once experienced it would be helpful to explain the children and the forthcoming generations to learn the same. As we find the problems faced by Hartly and Mishti proved to be hindrances in their struggle, we can teach the children to be careful in taking moves for the future. Demonstrating them with the experiences of the characters of the book can be of help to make them understand the consequences of wrong moves. Hence as future teachers one educates children in the right way and make them responsible and help then take the right steps in life.

多伦多 大学:预防肥胖

多伦多 大学:预防肥胖

患者必须长期采用缓慢而稳定的减肥方法,因为这是永久减肥最安全的方法。必须避免像速成节食这样剧烈而不切实际的饮食变化,因为它们在长期内不会有成效(Van Greevenbroek, Schalkwijk, and Stehouwer, 2013, p.176)。肥胖的治疗需要大量的运动和体力活动,而这些都可以通过有规律的散步和慢跑来完成。生活方式的改变可以通过行为矫正计划来实现(Milagro, Mansego, De Miguel, and Martinez, 2013)。个人必须评估他们目前的习惯,以分析造成肥胖问题的压力源和情况。个人的行为变化必须针对个人的关注点进行调整。肥胖是世界上最大的问题。为了预防肥胖,必须采用改良的饮食,每周合理减肥。
这一目标可以通过每天减少500到1000卡路里的摄入来实现,从而在一周内减轻1到2磅的体重。个人必须选择健康的脂肪作为摄入,如单不饱和和多不饱和油(Pedram, Wadden, Amini, Gulliver, 2013)。非工业化社会通常由肥胖人群组成,当他们食用典型的西方饮食时。在这种情况下,个体的基因没有发生变化,而是由于环境因素和个体间接传递给基因的信号而发生变化。对高脂肪和垃圾食品的上瘾是一个复杂的问题,它有难以克服的生物学基础。当一个人对任何这样的习惯上瘾时,他们就间接地失去了选择的自由,而大脑的生物化学功能决定着这个人的命运。

多伦多 大学:预防肥胖

The person must adopt ways for slow and steady weight reduction techniques for long-term as that is the safest way for reducing weight permanently. Drastic and unrealistic changes in the diet like crash diets must be avoided as they will not be fruitful in the long-run (Van Greevenbroek, Schalkwijk, and Stehouwer, 2013, p.176). The treatment of obesity demands high amount of exercises and physical activity that can be simply done with regular walking and jogging. Lifestyle changes can be done through adoption of the behavioral modification programs (Milagro, Mansego, De Miguel, and Martinez, 2013). Individuals must assess their current habits for analyzing the stressors and situations that contribute in obesity problem. The behavioral changes of individuals must be tailored for addressing the individual concerns. Obesity is a biggest problem in the world. For preventing obesity, a modified diet must be adopted for reasonable loss in weight per week.
This target can be achieved by intake of 500 to 1000 less calories a day that can lead to weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds in a week. Individuals must choose healthy fats for intake like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils (Pedram, Wadden, Amini, Gulliver, 2013). The societies that are non-industrialized generally consist of obese people when they consume typical western diet. Under this kind of condition, there is no change in the genes of the individuals instead the changes occur due to environmental factors and signals that are indirectly sent to the genes by the individuals. Addiction to fatty and junk foods acts as a complex issue that has biological basis which is difficult to be overcome. When individuals become addicted to any such habit, they indirectly loose freedom of choice and the brain’s biochemistry calls the shots for individuals.



生活就是学习、成长和发展。在惊讶的三个阶段中,第三阶段获得本质。这是因为学习成果在人类头脑中存留了相当长的一段时间。虽然艺术的体验和发展是为了引起艺术爱好者的好奇心,但关键的学习经验对未来的应用更有帮助。不同的好奇心柜通过展示给观众知识和体验。视觉体验由于吸引人的注意力而导致身体麻痹,并将信息传递给艺术观赏者(鲍姆加斯,C。O ‘ reilly, D。,2014)。人类的大脑在吸收信息和过程的同时,也在记忆艺术的关键亮点。学习是指通过观看艺术的体验而获得的技能。外表冲击心灵,在人类心灵中创造信息。Wunderkamme和Kunstkammer激发了人们的好奇心,随后引起了人们的注意。好奇心导致艺术观者对艺术在不同时期的意义和发展提出质疑。
人类从提问中学习,从与艺术有关的展示中获得可行和满意的反馈。学习过程包括对艺术事务过去和现在阶段的了解,以预测未来。学习阶段是人们为了个人的成长和发展而获取知识的过程。昆斯特卡默以博物馆的形式,用不同的材料创作出不同的艺术作品。排列系统有助于长时间记忆事物,并基于不同的概念建立事物之间的联系(Rodner, V。,克里根F。,2014)。艺术创作过程中材料的重要性在于材料的本质。此外,由于不同的材料在不同的时间段被使用,人们可以用时间段来建立材料。学习是一个缓慢的过程,人类通过对艺术的学习和观察逐渐积累知识。Wunderkammer和Kunstkammer都具有鲜明的特点,不仅能引起身体的吸引,还能促进历史艺术的学习。


Life is all about learning, growth and development. In the three stages of astonishment, the third stage gains essence. This is because of the fact that learning outcomes remain in human minds for a considerable time period. Though art is experienced and subsequently developed for arousing curiosity among art lovers, key learning takeaways are more useful for future application. The different cabinets of curiosity impart knowledge and experience to viewers through display. Visual experience causes physical paralysis due to attraction of attention of human mind and conveys information to art viewers (Baumgarth, C., O’Reilly, D., 2014). The human mind takes in information and processes while memorizing key highlights of art. Learning refers to the acquisition of skills after experience of viewing art. The physical appearance strikes mind and creates message in human mind. Wunderkamme and Kunstkammer arouse curiosity in human minds and subsequently catch attention. Curiosity leads to questioning from art viewers about the significance and development of art in different phases of time period.
Human learns from questioning and feasible and satisfactory feedback from presentations pertaining to art. Learning process comprises of desire to know about past and present stage of art affairs for future prediction. Learning stage gains essence as people acquire knowledge for individual growth and development. Kunstkammer develops insight about different arts made of different materials arranged in the form of museum. Arrangement system helps to remember things for a long time period and establish linkage between things based on various concepts (Rodner, V., Kerrigan, F., 2014). The significance of materials used in the art preparation process lays emphasis on the nature of materials. In addition, people can establish material with time periods since different materials were used in different time period. Learning is a slow process and humans build knowledge gradually after studying and observation of arts. Both Wunderkammer and Kunstkammer do not only have striking features and cause physical attraction but also facilitate the learning of historical art.