标签存档: 加拿大论文代写



将西班牙前殖民地文明化是吉卜林论点的基础。新帝国主义也被称为新帝国主义;这个时代的时期是19世纪末和20世纪初。新帝国主义是关于美国和欧洲国家殖民扩张的意识形态。美国已经像英国过去一样,走上了殖民化的原则。他们想扩大边界,殖民许多岛屿。世界各地发生了猖獗的殖民统治。欧美国家和美国已经开始猖獗地殖民周边地区。由于这种殖民化,殖民地国家内部也出现了一些骚动和骚动。像吉德林(Rudyard Kipling)这样的诗人希望美国承担起“白人的包袱”的重担。这与殖民地国家建设行为类似。这篇文章分析了吉卜林的诗歌如何反映新帝国主义和时代精神。



Civilizing the former Spanish colonies forms the basis for Kipling’s arguments. New Imperialism also known as neo imperialism; the time period of this era was late 19th century and the early 20th century. New imperialism is about the ideologies that existed in the United States and the European countries regarding colonial expansion. The United States had embarked on the principles of colonization like the United Kingdom had done so in the past. They wanted to expand its boundaries and colonized many islands. There was rampant colonization happening around the world. The European countries and America had started to colonize the surrounding areas in a rampant manner. As a result of this colonization, there were also a number of unrests and agitations happening internally in the colonized states. The poets like Rudyard Kipling wanted the United States to take up their burden, “the white man’s burden”. This was similar to the act of nation building in the colonies. This essay analyzes how far Kipling’s poem is a reflection of New Imperialism and the spirit of the age.

The manhood is, however, filled with problems. When the United States has to support a set of civilizing colonies, it will be forced to do so in ways where it will have to supply resources from its own countries, tax its people and more. At one end, it can be said that the United States would be supported in its work, but in another it can be said that the United States would not supported, people, politics and more would actually rise against their act. There were many people who objected to this imperialistic policy saying that it was acts of oppressions and dominance of some countries. They basically said the stronger countries were acting in acts of aggression and controlling over its weaker counterparts and said this principle was not right.



在这方面林肯电影也需要提及。在这部电影中,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格描绘了十六任总统执政的最后几天,当时他试图废除奴隶制,结束内战,也拯救了共和国。这部电影基于Kearns Goodwin写的传记。它涵盖了林肯生命最后四个月的时期。这部电影聚焦于1865年1月总统为取得美国众议院通过的第十三修正案而作出的努力。




In this regard the movie Lincoln also needs to be mentioned. In this movie, Steven Spielberg had portrayed the final days of the Sixteenth President in office, when he was trying to abolish slavery and to end the Civil War and also to save the Republic. This movie is based on the biography written by Kearns Goodwin. It covers the period of final four months of the life of Lincoln. The movie has focused on the efforts made by the President in January, 1865 to get the Thirteenth Amendment passed from the US House of Representatives.


In this way, it can be easily seen how Lincoln would have considered the abolitionist attitude towards slavery as being in all of this to the attitude adopted by the “old reformers” who damned the slaveholders without providing any remedy. Therefore in the opinion of Lincoln, the moral posturing and agitation of the abolitionist amounted to the incorrect method in elected culture as it was not compatible with the rule of the majority. In this way, although slavery was ethically incorrect, Lincoln assumed that Founders have placed the slavery on a path of ultimate extinction by various means (Miller, 2011). Instead of agitating for the speedy removal of slavery, he thought that it would be a more sensible idea to prevent slavery from increasing further and in this way it will ultimately die. Ironically, the adversaries of Lincoln did not agree with this position.



种族主义的含义是将居民与外国居民区分开来,世界上几乎所有国家都经历着差异和偏见。新西兰最初虽然否认了种族主义的事实,但后来却承认,在行政管理层面,这种偏见已经出现。这个国家决定只提供一些可以留下来谋生的选民。美国有一个配额制度。这项研究旨在审视战后种族主义的证据。在选择基础上的偏差的影响,总是会有外国居民被吸引到不断增长的国家(Lashley,M E,2000)。



The meaning of racism is to differentiate the inmates from the foreign inhabitants and differences and bias is experienced in almost all countries throughout the world. New Zealand, initially though denied the fact of racism, later did admit that in the administration level this bias has been seen. The country decided to provide immigration to only few selected people who could stay and make a living accordingly. There was a quota system as followed by America. This research aims to look at the evidence where racism was followed post war. The impact of bias based on the selection basis as there will be always foreign inhabitants getting attracted to the growing nation (Lashley, M E , 2000).

Discrimination followed:
At first, the country like New Zealand did not agree to the allegation that the discrimination was done based on the immigration facility was given. Many Indians were denied immigration even when there was no discrimination found in the law specified or followed by them. They said that the policies that Australia was following was not the apt one and that the same was not followed. A lot of discrimination was done by both the countries, although they kept denying to it. Australia and New Zealand had actually got this transferred during the inter-war period of time (Jupp, J, 2002). There was discrimination in the comfort provided to the Asians in both the countries. The conflict was in providing the base comfort to the foreigner in the country and now everything was brought into light by some of the well-know scientists like Walter Nash, who actually specified to remove the racial barriers to have a healthier relation within the countries at large. This was necessary as there was a method as this seen followed, ‘Whites only’ (Lawrence, S, & Davies, P, 2011).




1.伊扬娜和亚伯拉罕(Iyanna and Abraham,2011)在他们的杂志中阐述了各大洲主要大学的学生的生活成本。他们包括美国,澳大利亚,英国,加拿大,新西兰,马来西亚和阿拉伯联合酋长国的研究。他们把成本分成两部分,包括生活费用,包括大学的所有费用和学费,从而给学生最好的成本估算。


The data to be gathered to formulate a cost estimate report is quite complex, as different service providers have different margins and service requests. Thus, this data has been collected keeping in mind the academic purpose of the course and not to be compared with any lavish outing or a holiday. The data has some basic services costs which are taken from various sources. The international tuition fees in Sydney resembles the full cost for students which includes everything (Iyanna and Abraham, 2011).

The data collected was in a definitive manner, since the course is for 3 days and different services charge different rates for their services depending on the length and quality of the event. The data was collected from the following sources as under:
1. Iyanna and Abraham (2011) in their journal elaborates the cost of living for students in major universities across continents. They have included America, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Malaysia, and United Arab Emirates in their research. They divided the cost into two parts, as cost of living which includes everything and the tuition fees of the university, thereby giving the best estimate of the cost to the student.
2. Various websites which provides detailed information about the cost of living and the tuition fees. The following websites were referred in determining a definitive cost estimate:
Sydney.edu.au, International.unsw.edu.au, Health.gov.au, and other published university and travel operator’s promotion campaigns.
3. Besides, the actual fees for the hostels were derived by going through some of the hostel websites like hostelz.com, and australianexplorer.hb-247.com. These gave a near to accurate figures of the accommodation type and rates to be quoted.



领导者可以部署多种技术来对项目组成员进行权力和控制。领导者拥有合法权力,由于对项目全面负责,因此有权要求团队成员在周末登录更多的时间,以确保达到最后期限。他们可能会选择惩罚错误的团队成员从事非生产性工作,如果需要的话,可以把他们从项目中拿走。领导者在技术上展示他们的技能对于同事们的尊重作为专家是非常重要的。期望理论的组织理论指出,人们对可实现目标的奖励反应良好(Wanous,Keon and Latack 1983,p74)。领导者确保项目团队成员的奖励,表彰和晋升的能力也是他应该具有的权力能够在团队中锻炼。



Leader can deploy multiple techniques to exercise power and control over the project team members. Leaders have legitimate power, by virtue of overall total accountability for the project and hence have the mandate to request team members to log in more hours in office over weekends etc. to ensure deadlines are met. They may choose to punish errant team members for non-productive work and take them off project, if require. It is often important for the leader to showcase their skills technically to leverage respect from fellow team members as an expert. Organizational theory of Expectancy Theory states that people respond well to rewards associated with achievable targets (Wanous, Keon and Latack 1983, p74).Leader’s capability to ensure rewards, recognitions and promotions for the project team members is also an indicator of the power he shall be able exercise on the team.

Once the team is set up and motivated enough to start execution, it is vital to set up mechanisms to monitor periodically the performance of the team. Leader’s involvement in setting up key performance indicators for the project team members and overall team productivity is essential to ensure acceptance by the team to these parameters. Leaders must engage external stakeholders to conduct regular impartial audits based on the performance criterion and take feedback from the team members. This shall ensure a cohesive high performance team working together to achieve the project objectives.
In the phase of project execution, leader’s role is more of a coach and a facilitator to allow team members to take charge of their responsibilities, but often there shall be conflicts within the team. Reasons could be technical disagreements between experts, contradictory priority tasks or schedule issues. In such scenarios, leader has to be alert enough to conduct meetings with relevant stakeholders quickly and take actions to resolve this conflict.







The decision making process is a critical step in a project-based firm. It is important to understand that the decision making process cannot be identified by a specific method or approach. In order to make a decision, there might be several other approaches which might enable a decision maker to take a decision (Barrett&Sexton, 2006). The process of innovation and decision making are two separate processes altogether. However in a project-based firm, if analyzed carefully then it can be observed that both of these activities are closely linked to each other and up to a great extent they are interlinked as well.


Importance: To understand what a project-based firm is,and that unlike a functional organisation project based firms are basically focused on the products and services they offer to their customer. That is why in such firms function in a different manner as compared to other non-project based firms. Decision making in a project based firm is an extremely critical activity. Therefore, association of decision making process with the process of innovation is of high importance for a project based firms.Roughly, the potential beneficiary is project-based firms or organizations.



关于知识管理过程的相关文献表明了在组织内部和/或之间发展企业知识或个人知识的制度化学习过程的意义(De Long和Fahey,2010)。每个组织的设计也经历了某种形式的制度压力,以保持合法性,发展灵活性和参与串联(Dasgupta and David,2014)。相关文献还提出,组织内部的安排与每个知识传播和获取过程的有效性和效率密切相关。

为了更好地理解知识管理的过程是否还有其他重要的方面,这是体制上的支持。机构支持基本上是指组织试图通过主要在中国或其他新兴经济体国家的监管当局和主要的地方工业企业获得的支持(Cyr 2009)。从特定行业的当地企业获得的机构支持包括协助和/或支持每种商业行为的标准。这些支持某些组织进行知识管理的地方工业参与者被称为互补资产(Crossan等,2009)。许多研究人员和从业人员认为,知识商业化需要相关组织获得协助业务的不同活动的访问权,主要由属于相关组织的分销网络的其他组织提供。其他一些组织从地方政府获得必要的机构支持。


The relevant literature on the process of knowledge management demonstrated the significance of an institutionalized learning process in developing the corporate knowledge or individual knowledge within and / or in between the organizations (De Long and Fahey 2010). The design of each organization also experiences certain kind of institutional pressure for the maintenance of legitimacy with the development of flexibility and engagement in string alliances (Dasgupta and David 2014). The relevant literature also suggested that the arrangements within an organization is closely associated with the effectiveness and efficiency of each of the process of knowledge dissemination and acquisition.

To gain a better understanding if the process of knowledge management there is one other significant aspects, which is institutional support. Institutional support basically refers to the support that the organizations attempt to attain through the regulative authorities and key local industrial players, mainly in China or other countries with emerging economies (Cyr 2009). The institutional support obtained from the local players within a particular industry include the standards of assisting and / or supporting each of the business practices. These local industrial players that support certain organizations with the process of knowledge management are termed as the complementary assets (Crossan et al. 2009). Many of the researchers and practitioners suggested that the knowledge commercialization require the associated organizations to acquire the access to assist the different activities of the business, mainly offered by other organizations that are part of the concerned organization’s distributive network. Some other organizations acquire necessary institutional support from the local government.



PEST分析的第二个方面是经济分析。这涉及到进入一个新领域的经济学。在进入新领域的同时,首先需要考虑的是商品的需求和“购买意愿”。文献回顾显示,苹果的产品属于炫耀性消费类别。自然,它的需求受到人民收入的制约,效果非常大。 iPhone显示出“势不可挡的效应”,意味着只有收入超过一定水平的消费者才愿意购买此产品。此外,iPhone也表现出“vebleen效应”,说明产品的需求会随着价格上涨。这两个因素严重限制了苹果的目标客户群,因为尽管人口众多,但更有可能成为显眼产品的高净值人群(HNWI)仅为758000(凯捷,2014)。高净值个人是指拥有高净值或者具有很高融资能力的个人,通常超过100万美元(Pary,2001)。




The second aspect of the PEST analysis is the economic analysis. This concerns the economics of moving into a new territory. While moving into a new territory, the first thing that needs to be taken into account is the demand of the commodity and the “willingness to buy” of the people. Literature review shows that Apple’s products fall into the category of conspicuous consumption. Naturally, its demand is restricted by the income of the people to a very large effect. iPhones exhibit “snob effect” meaning that only those with income above a certain level will be willing to buy this product. Furthermore, iphones also exhibit “vebleen effect” which says that the demand of the product will rise with its price. These two factors severely restrict Apple’s target customer base because despite a huge population, the High Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) population who are more likely to go for a conspicuous product is only about 758000 (Capgemini, 2014). High Net-Worth Individuals are those which have high net worth or, have very high financing abilities, typically more than USD 1 million (Pary, 2001).


Assuming that only HNWIs are interested in conspicuous consumption, the natural target customer base of Apple shrinks to merely 0.05% of the total population of China. So, the alternative for Apple here is to either reduce the price of the products or remain as a conspicuous product and limit its target audience. Literature review also shows that being a global company maintaining its repute is very important for Apple. Otherwise, reducing price in China will affect its global performance and profits. So, Apple does not really have a choice other than remaining the “luxury brand”. The good thing however here is that Umeng’s 2013 survey shows that every 8 out of 10 high end phone users are actually Apple users. So, the penetration of Apple in its (restricted) target audience is very high. All in all, the products of Apple are tailor made for luxury-consumption and the behavior of this product defies all the standard economic laws.






This calls for an extension of literacy pedagogy up to a certain range so as to prevent undue privilege of alphabetical representations instead multimodal representations are used for teaching and learning in the classrooms mainly of advanced digital media. With the use of advanced modes for communication and representation the new literacy pedagogy is more connected communication environment. It even helps in providing the new literacy pedagogy with powerful foundation and mode switching.

E-learning: It was earlier known as ‘internet-based learning’ and ‘web- based leaning’. It is a form of delivering education through internet network and computers. It enables the transfer of skills and knowledge through the use of e-learning processes, modes and applications. E-learning includes web-based learning, virtual classrooms and computer based learning through digital collaborations (Alvermann, 2009). The learning content is delivered to learners through internet, intranet, audio-video tapes, TV and CD-ROM etc. E-learning represents the delivery of learning, training and any educational program through electronic means like through computers with internet connections or any other electronic devices such as smart-phones and laptops etc with which the learners are easily provided with the learning material. It involves great variety of equipments for conducting its learning process of online modes such as internet and DVD’s etc.
Here the topic of discussion will be “The role of multi- literacies and e-learning experiences in supporting young learners”. The data collected for the discussion is collected from varied sources such as books, journals, articles and free sources available online. The discussion will be done on the importance of Multi-literacies and e-learning’s on the young learners and the challenges still prevailing in the adoption of these advanced techniques.



所有这些都增加了道德行为和道德观的复杂性。然而它不会导致冗余(Prasad和Elmes 2005)。也可以认为,即使道德能够为我们提供工具,准则,标准和标准,以便在困境中使用。然而,有人认为,道德的关键作用只是提出与我们的决定,行动和信仰相关的问题。有些情况下,在道德问题上可能存在合理的分歧,也是不可避免的紧张和困境(Elliot 1985)。因此,思考最佳行动方式,即使不确定是否存在环境义务的无可辩驳的,绝对的或决定性的理由,也增加了学习,讨论和说服的基础。这对于评估我们的行为和信仰以及建立更多样化的议程非常重要。

因此,在解决环境问题时,消除所有的道德参考意味着即使在游戏开始之前,对手也会尝试通过将错误地解释和批评相同想法的个人的想法给予对手。在环境危机的情况下,道德观点被认为是不可避免的 – 即使它不会危及我们的生存和全面的崩溃。但是,我们最喜欢的东西有可能会像某些农业产出,物种多样性,审美经验以及像水等一样容易获得的资源而丧失(Starkey and Crane 2003)。另一方面,由于他人造成的环境破坏,会使无辜的人受到不必要的痛苦。另外,由于人的活动在环境中发生,人的行为也可以从道德的角度来看待,所以对于我们对环境的影响的道德方面表现出关心是过渡性的合理的。


A great complexity is added by all of them to the moral action and the moral outlook; however it doesn’t result in making it redundant (Prasad and Elmes 2005). It might also be regarded that even though morality could render us instruments, guidelines, criteria and standards which could be used in case of dilemmas. However, it is argued by others that the crucial role of morality is only to ask questions which are relevant with regards to our decisions, actions and beliefs. There are cases where in moral matters there could be reasonable disagreement and also an inescapable tensions and dilemmas (Elliot 1985). Thus, thinking about the best course of actions adds to the rudiments for learning, discussion and persuasion even though if one is not sure regarding the irrefutable, absolute or definitive grounds for the existence of environmental duties. This is important to evaluate our actions and our beliefs and also to establish a more diverse agenda.

Thus, when addressing the environment the elimination of all the moral references means the victory being tasted by the opponent even before the start of the game by giving the ideas to the individuals who wrongly interpret and criticize the same ideas. In case of the environmental crisis, the moral point of view is regarded as inevitable – even if it didn’t contribute to jeopardizing our survival and also to the total collapse. But, there is a possibility that the things which we love the most could be lost like certain farm output, diversity of species, aesthetic experience and an easily available resource like water etc. (Starkey and Crane 2003). This on the other hand due to the environmental damage cause by others would cause innocent people to suffer unnecessarily. In addition, it is transitively reasonable to show concern for the moral aspect of the impact we have on the environment because activity of the human takes place in the environment and actions of the human could also be viewed by the moral lens.