标签存档: 加拿大代写论文






An aggressive growth strategy was pursued by the IKEA Group in the year 2014, in order to enhance its sales by 2020 up to 50 billion Euros. The management of the group planned achieving the growth through market share increase of their present 303 stores and through opening 200 plus stores several of which tapped into several new customers across the emerging economies of Russia and China. The key strategic issue that the company faced, while planning for such strategic expansion was the fact that the company faced problems with regard to aligning its aggressive growth strategy with its equally ambitious strategy for sustainability. Issues of sustainability within the group’s wood supply chain were particularly challenging in nature as the company looked at procuring wood and products of wood closer to the markets of customers for minimizing the costs of transportation but the plans of growth focused over emerging nations wherein supply chain for wood lacked properly developed wood markets that met the stringent standards of sustainability by the company.

The wood procurement for IKEA Group at enormous scale made it a particularly salient problem for the bottom line of the company, activist group environmentally and various ecosystems. This supply chain was one of the various dimensions of strategy that the Group would require addressing, when moving forward within its plan of ambitious growth. From these perspectives, the case involves strategic tensions in the sense to balance ambition and sustainability. Strategic paradox understanding is also essential from this perspective with regard to balancing the growth and sustainability strategy over the paradoxical nature. Nature of strategic thinking furthermore, in this situation will result in providing much benefit to the extent of this case and the explanation formulated over it. IKEA has been expanding and its growth strategy is also focused over the same. This brings forward the issues of cross cultural management and analysis over the same to describe strategic thinking.



供应链结构:Zara的供应链结构分析包括实物物流、信息管理和组织结构。Zara的设计部位于总部附近,由于实体之间的代理关系,这使得公司能够进行流畅的信息交流。订单管理是通过Zara总部的买家、设计师和专家集体进行的(Stevens, G.和Johnson, M.)。,2016)。一个决策团队被分配来管理基于决策的信息,这是一个很好的解决方案,它支持部门之间的内部信息交换。根据商品信息的实物流动,所有产品都要经过Zara的主要配送中心。配送中心使用最复杂和更新的自动化系统,其中大部分是通过Zara的员工在供应商的支持下开发的(Kozlenkov et al., 2015)。对于每个商店,订单被打包成不同的货架或纸箱,通常在收到订单后8小时内准备发货。公司不断提高生产能力,以满足需求,进行实物的良性流动。

此外,组织的结构是使信息从上直接流向下和所有层次。Zara在第三方研究人员和制造商之间进行数据整合和共享。这使得公司得到他们的供应链整合(Christopher, 2005)。供应链绩效:包括客户服务和价格,相关的标杆和单独的物流功能绩效。Zara的整个供应链对于理解它的成功尤为重要。通过供应链的参与,该公司致力于针对24至35岁年龄段的女性。该公司试图通过确保其门店位于城镇中心,并将更多注意力放在这个年龄段的女性身上,来达到target的市场(Fernie, J. and Sparks, L.)。,2014)。生产中的短期运行导致了给定设计的稀缺性,而这反过来又产生了一种紧迫感和客户在库存完成前购买的理由。该公司根据市场需求而不是制造成本来定价产品。


Supply chain structures: for Zara will be analysed by including physical goods flow, management of Information and structure of organization. Zara’s design department is located near its headquarter and in turn this results in allowing company for fluent exchange of information due to the proximities present between entities. The administration of order is carried out collectively through buyers, designers and specialists in the Zara headquarters (Stevens, G. and Johnson, M., 2016). A team to make decisions is allocated to manage decision based information which is a good solution and it supports internal exchange of information between its departments. As per the physical flow of goods information, all products pass by the major distribution centre of Zara. The distribution centres use the most sophisticated and updated systems for automation most of which are developed through the staff of Zara with their supplier’s support (Kozlenkov et al., 2015). For each store, the orders are packed into distinct racks or cartons and generally are made ready to be shipped within 8 hours after their reception. The company keeps increasing its production capacities to meet with demands and engage in positive flow of goods physically.

Furthermore, the structure of the organization is that makes information flow from top directly to the bottom and all the levels. Zara operates with decent data integration and sharing between third party researchers and manufacturers. This allows the company to get their integration of supply chain (Christopher, 2005). Performance of supply chain: inclusive of customer service and price, relative bench-marking and individual logistic functions performance.The overall supply chain of Zara is especially critical to understanding its success. Through engagement in its supply chain the company engages in targeting women from age group between 24 and 35. The company tries reaching the market at target through making sure that it locates its stores in the centres of cities and towns and places higher focus over women from this age group (Fernie, J. and Sparks, L., 2014). Short runs in production result in creating given designs scarcity and this in turn generates an urgency sense and a reason for customers to purchase until the stock finishes. The company prices its items based on the demand in the market not only on manufacture cost.



目标国家的长期增长前景。如果长期增长前景不佳,营销人员可以选择重新考虑细分市场,因为很难收回关键费用。这个变量有助于确定更多的证据,选择适当的目标市场,必须采取有效的组织,同时使用营销理念的哲学(Cova和Dalli, 2009)。对目标市场的仔细分析有助于使企业处于有利地位,以满足客户的需求并实现关键目标。做生意的成本,包括税率和工资,商业基础设施的可用性和成本,熟练工人以及资本市场的可及性。这些成本对于每一个企业来说都是非常重要的,因为市场营销是企业的主要功能,它会为企业组织创造一个客户。理解营销费用的意义、会计的定义以及税收的处理(Hair and Lukas, 2014)变得极其重要。

从典型意义上讲,营销的一些常见费用包括广告费用、公共关系费用、促销费用、营销研究费用和营销工资。竞争环境包括来自外国和本地公司的总体竞争强度水平。在战略管理和市场营销中,竞争分析是评估潜在和现有竞争对手的优缺点。这种特别的分析有助于为确定关键威胁和机会提供防御和进攻的环境。对竞争的重要来源分析对于支持有效和高效地制定、调整、监控和实施战略具有重要意义(Hair, 2015)。它是企业战略制定的重要组成部分。关键的论点是,大多数公司还没有进行这类分析系统的充分性。一个良好的战略框架是强制性和必要的,而不是感知各种猜测、直觉和非正式印象。


Prospects of long term growth in the target nation.If the prospects of long-term growth appear to be poor, the marketer has the choice of reconsidering a segment as there lies difficulty in recouping the key expenses. This variable helps in determining more evidences for the selection of appropriate target market that have to be adopted effectively by the organization, while using the philosophy of marketing concept (Cova and Dalli, 2009). A careful analysis of the target market helps in placing the business in a strong position for serving the needs of customers and achieving the key objectives. Cost to do business that include rates for taxes and wages, the availability and cost of infrastructure commercially and the accessibility of skilful workers along with the capital markets.Such costs can be considered extremely significant for each and every business as marketing is the primary function of business, that results in the creation of a customer for the business organization. It becomes extremely crucial for understanding the significance delivered in the expenses for marketing, the definition of accounting, and treatment of tax (Hair and Lukas, 2014).

In the typical sense, some of the common expenses of marketing include costs of advertising, public relations, promotion, marketing research and marketing salaries. Competitive environment that includes the overall intensity of the level of competition from foreign and local companies. In strategic management and marketing, analysis of competition is to assess the weaknesses and strengths of the potential and current competitors. This particular analysis helps in providing both defensive and offensive context for the identification of key threats and opportunities. A significantly sourced analysis of competition is significant in supporting the effective and efficient formulation, adjustment, monitoring and implementation of strategy (Hair, 2015). It is a significant element for the establishment of corporate strategy. The key argument is that majority of the company have not been conducting this category of analysis systematic sufficiency. Rather than perceiving conjectures, intuition and informal impressions, a well strategic framework is mandatory and necessary.







PS的全称为Personal Statement,或者Statement of Purpose/Objectives。我更倾向于后一种,因为,留学文书的价值在于向学校展示你的研究水平,或者更全面地说,就是说服学校你就是他们需要招收的人才。也可以这么说,PS其实就是个人简历的展开。















The fourth category is that of affective autonomy where the individual is understood in the context of promoting affective positive experience for the individual as related to others. So for instance, an individual would act in ways that would create a positive feel for the people around them too. Competency is a category where the dominance of the surroundings is considered with values assigned as priorities in the making of individual ambition or success or risk. Harmony is a category where the cultural impact is viewed once again as a combination of the indivudal and the society or environment. Once again Schwartz challenges the individualistic and collectivistic dimension. So for instance, an individual could exhibit more individualistic traits and still worry about how harmonious they are with nature. The final category is that of the Egalitarian compromise. In societies, where there is a mutual concern with regards to the well-being of one another, it can be said that there is an egalitarian compromise. Intellectual and affective autonomy will play a positive role here. The strengths of the Hofstede culture are that it has relied on the time honored approach of individualistic collectivistic dichotomy to present different categories.

Hence, it provides an easy transition for people studying cultural discipline to understand the Hofstede dimensions. Hofstede furthermore has presented a very universal framework to understand how cultural dimensions might exist across countries and how culture could be understood better in terms of cultural differences more than just as an individual culture. To this end, Hofstede has managed to summarize culture like software. The understanding of values across individuals of a culture is what hence drives the culture. The score approach that has been used in the case of differentiating Hofstede’s dimensions are useful for applying them in understanding different country’s cultures in the case of research studies or for management uses. There are however weaknesses to the theory, Baskerville (2003) argue that Hofstede in attempting to define many cultural beliefs and norms as values, has narrowed the cultural definitions.






The data collection methods were based on how the students adjusted to the newer situations. This research was based on primary qualitative research and hence there was no quantitative statistical analysis. The primary reason for the researchers to undertake this research was to find out the issues felt by the students. It was found that the data collection was open ended questions and consent was obtained from all the students. The questions that were asked to the students revolved around what exact issues they had felt in this process and their fundamental challenges in the academic environment. Findings of the research was that their education system of Britain was found to be lacking cultural empathy towards international students. The Asian students in the universities had the basic linguistic ability and had the required standardized testing scores to join the university. They were not able to understand what the professor was teaching in the class even though they had English skills. They could not understand the inside jokes or understand the context in which the professor was speaking. This was because the Asian students had knowledge of the language but did not have proper knowledge of the culture of the place.

Predictive validity of the IELTS tests state that the students have the required skills to sustain in the newer environment. There was serious gaps or deficit information given to the students. Students had stated that they were not able to completely understand what the professor had stated in the classes. They were also not able to understand the cultural connotations of the place. The students were privately facing the issue of loneliness by being in a foreign country. During this time, they also face the issue of language barrier and not able to make friends in the new place. This lack of social ties causes the students to feel alienated in the new country. In spite of these hurdles, the students are found to cope very well in the newer nations owing to the fact of responsibility of the student and their focus on the ultimate objective of gaining the degree. These results indicated that the majority of the students were able to obtain a degree but faced a number of hurdles in this process.



2015年,这一比例甚至更高,这不仅是充分的,也是不必要的。管理当局将需要降低流动资产的水平,或将流动资产的一部分投资于短期有利息的投资。如果通过有效的催收降低贸易应收账款的水平,然后将多余的现金进行短期投资(Atrill, 2013),那么这个比例可以变得更好。速动或速动比率衡量的是费尔菲尔德有限公司在下个季度偿还未偿流动负债的能力,比率水平表明在这方面有足够的资产。2014年的速动比率为2.67,2015年则高达4.54。这意味着库存水平的下降,因此公司有足够的资产在短期内应付立即付款(Dyson, 2007)。

负债比率是指公司(费尔菲尔德有限公司)的整体资本组合中债务的使用情况,常与所使用的股本进行比较。高负债意味着很高的固定利息成本,这给企业经营带来了压力。Fairfield limited的资本负债率较低,2014年为32.46%,2015年为47.68%。所以对债务没有太大的顾虑,情况完全在公司管理层的控制之下。同样,2014年的时报利息是6.78倍,2015年是15.83倍。这意味着长期和有利息债务的供应商没有直接的担忧,因为公司的经营利润足以覆盖公司的固定利息成本。(卡尔·s·沃伦,2012)


In 2015, the ratio has even gone higher which is not only adequate but unnecessary. It would be required on the part of the management to reduce the level of current assets or invest part of the same in short term interest bearing investments. The ration can get better, if the level of trade receivables is lowered through effective collection, and then putting the excess cash in short term investment (Atrill, 2013). The quick or acid test ratio measures the ability of Fairfield Limited to make payments of current liabilities outstanding in the next quarter and the ratio levels indicates towards availability of adequate assets in this regard. The quick ratio is 2.67 in 2014 and the same is quite high at 4.54 in 2015. This indicates towards lower inventory levels, and thus the firm has adequate assets in the short term to deal with immediate payments (Dyson, 2007).

Gearing is an indication towards the use of debt in the overall capital mix of a company (Fairfield limited) and is often compared to the Equity utilized. A high gearing is an indication toward very high fixed interest cost and which puts strain of the business operations. The Fairfield limited has a low degree of debt in the capital employed since the gearing is only 32.46% in 2014 and 47.68% in 2015. So there is no great concern regarding debts and the situation is absolutely under control of the company management. Similarly, the times interest covered is 6.78 times in 2014 and 15.83 times in 2015. This means the suppliers of long term and interest bearing debts have no immediate cause of concern, as the operation profits of the firm has adequate cover for the fixed interest costs of the firm. (Carl S. Warren, 2012)






Document the specifications for the various components of the proposed compliance management system in accordance with organizational procedures and any relevant statutory requirements.The development of compliance management system would require adequate management of the working of the plan for the handling of the employees and concerned staff including the compliance officer. The statutory requirement mandates development of a position of a designated officer who is likely to develop norms and policies within the organization. Further, the statutory requirements make a necessity for clearly providing details of the processes, which have been carried out for the overall management of the compliances. It will get the organizational procedures in terms of hierarchy, and the flow of information which is supposed to take place within the working of the organization.

Document an action schedule for implementing, reviewing and maintaining the planned compliance management system and how would you then disseminate this action schedule to the relevant stakeholders?The schedule would first identify the main needs of the compliance management system. After which the objectives and the scope of the plans would be detailed. Once this process is done, the process of implementation of the system would entail development and setting aside of the various resources which are required for the purpose of this exercise. Once personnel and resources are clearly identified and allocated, the process of implementation will begin which would be reviewed on regular intervals as per pre-decided time-frame. The dissemination of the schedule to the relevant stakeholders would be done on the basis of the overall working information management system within the working of the operations of the organization.






My colleagues were very friendly and nice as well. Their amicability comforted my anxious mood posed by the unfamiliar environment. Next, I picked up my own stationery in the basement storage and printed the marketing guidebook. I got many documents from my supervisor which I was supposed to learn. I found them useful and professional for my working preparation stage. Finally, as a new trainee, I had to apply for regular privileges before starting to work, such as the access authority to office email, website, company social network and the internal communication platform. Thanks to the quite timely, accurate and detailed IT service, I installed essential software and got familiar with them soon. After finishing these three steps, I was ready to start working.My internship in the company were full of changes and variety, in which I really experienced and learnt a lot.

I had been involved in the management process of three events organised by the Department of Marketing, which will get explained in the following. It was a meeting of Partner Advisory Board held by the Channel Department of Huawei. CEOs from the top 30 strategic alliances and global partners were invited to communicate and discuss the cooperation plan for the next stage. This was the first activity that I got involved, so it took me more time than the other two to learn and tackle the tasks.As a member of the marketing team, even though there was no need for me to draft the agenda and the invitation list, I still did my share to assist my team in communicating with the Channel Department so as to confirm the agenda, the invitation list and the demands for a venue. Then we presented the requirements to the event suppliers, let them select the venue and book the conference rooms, hotels and flight tickets for the guests.






It has also been felt that this exercise has pointed towards how the future reading should be directed. The above mentioned factors can be used as a formula to determine the export readiness of a product. There should be more analysis and learning done by me to develop innovative ways to meet market requirements. I will use this as a basic focal point and continually develop to meet the changing market requirements. According to the resource based view, there is a need for the organizations to have knowledge about the industry, markets and manufacturing to gain competitive advantage. The companies should have the specialized knowledge that is comprehensive to address all these issues. There is the creation and internal transfer of knowledge that should be the fundamental element in the multinational forms. There should be a process in place by the companies to have continually learn the newer paradigms and unlearn the previous notions of manufacturing to meet the changing consumer demands. The companies should first screen the consumer demography about the need of a particular product. There should be accurate screening and selection of the product. The companies should be able to identify and negotiate the business partners. They should analyze how they would enable product penetration in the newer markets.

There should be clear understanding and development of the marketing paradigms. The company should have the resources to meet the emerging demands. For this, the first tenet is develop an export plan. The product that the company develops should be required by the external markets. The existing competition in the newer markets, target market demography should be clearly known to all the people involved. Based on the target market demography, there should be analysis of the ways in which the company should enter into newer markets. The growth of technology, internet and social media has facilitated the ease of multiple entries into the market. The marketing strategy should be based on the consumer demography and the budgeting resources of the company. The company should identify the target markets and clearly define the consumer demography (State government of Victoria, 2016 ). Hence, the basic aspect of the export plan is understanding that there is need for the product in the overseas markets.