标签存档: 加拿大代写毕业论文


其他國家也提出了這個問題,尤其是澳大利亞等鄰國。而像Devlin(2016)和Ensor(2016)這樣的媒體文章大多來自第三方,其目的僅僅是告知受眾關於騙局、當前的辯論等。 ACCC關於發票電子郵件詐騙的文章提供了詐騙如何運作,人們應該如何保護自己和他們應該如何報告的事實數據。觀眾可能會注意到,這個問題的主要框架是,媒體呈現的騙局問題現在已經被scamwatch確認(ACCC, 2016)。故事的整體表現似乎不受商業壓力的影響,但更多的是ACCC作為一個權威機構的責任或義務來保護。

澳新銀行新西蘭分行所呈現的新聞價值再次試圖為公眾描繪事實和細節,即他們應該如何意識到將細節發送給錯誤的人,以及他們可以採取何種形式的預防措施來避免被騙(澳新銀行,2016)。這裡提出的問題的主要框架更傾向於確保欺詐和相關問題得到預防。網站上提供的一般建議是針對各種各樣的騙局,而不僅僅是建築行業的騙局(ANZ, 2016)。商業壓力確實會影響整體表現,因為該網站包含許多形式的詐騙例子,以使消費者意識到所呈現的內容。澳新銀行(ANZ banking)有理由提高消費者的警惕性。


Other countries also present this issues, especially neighbors such as Australia. Where most of the media articles such as Devlin (2016) and Ensor (2016) were from a third-party which only aims to inform audience on the scam, the current debates and more. The article of ACCC on the invoice email scam presents the factual data on how the scams work, how people should protect themselves and how they should report. The dominant framing of the issue that an audience might observe here is that the scam issues presented by the media are now confirmed by scamwatch (ACCC, 2016). The overall representation of the story does not seem to be affected by commercial pressures, but is more of the duty or the obligation of the ACCC as an authority to protect.

The News values that are presented by ANZ NewZealand once again attempts to portray facts and details for the public on how they should be aware of the sending details to the wrong person and what form of precautions they can take to avoid being scammed (ANZ, 2016). The dominant framing of the issue as presented here is more aligned towards ensuring the scams and concerned issues are prevented. The general advice presented on the site are for a variety of scams and not just the scam of the building industry (ANZ, 2016). Commercial pressures do affect the overall representation as the site includes many form of scam examples to make the consumer aware of what was presented. ANZ banking has a reason to make its consumer more alert.





Aim of this report is to establish and prove that the managers who follow strict ethical approach in the workplace tends to be more successful and perform better than those who do not exhibit ethical behavior in making business decisions. The scope of this research is reflected in the material represented in it. It makes it an informed reading source for students as well as leaders seeking information on the ethical leadership, traditional approaches, models, consequences, methods to include it in practice and also the objective of profit behind this approach.The methodology used to compile this report is extensive use of books and journals on the topic of ethical leadership. The use of college library and archives has immensely helped in making this report possible. Due to the sheer vastness of the material available on the topic of ethical leadership, it became a mammoth task to decide what is most relevant to our research topic.

The material present here has its limitations as it is not all encompassing and reflects my views and understanding of the subject of ethical leadership. For the success of any organization, it is necessary that the scope, ambition and goals of the leaders match with those of the business vision, thus it is essential for the managers to have an honest approach towards their work. Conclusion includes some recommendations to ensure that the learning outcomes of this report are easily understood by the readers.The report also suggests that how in the present changing circumstances “crisis of trust” is becoming widened up among the managers and the employees and how this gap can be closen to bring the two essential factors of growth, managers and employees together.



另一个重要的问题,我经常想知道哪里的男人社会站在女权主义的意识形态。现代女权主义话语通常似乎讨论的方式的女性社会应该联合起来,对抗无政府状态。我见过很多男人更女性的女权主义。有一个偏见的方法处理时男性女权主义话语。没有真正的地方,男人适合女权主义的意识形态。是有限度的男性的观念主张男女平等的理想。应该有一个更综合的方法,包括女权主义的男人除了包容的男人在学术文献和散文史密斯(庭院& 39)。



One other important question that I had often wondered is where does the men in the societies stand in the ideologies of feminism. The modern feminist discourses often seem to discuss about the ways in which the women in the societies should unite and fight against anarchy. I have met many men who are more feminist that the women. There is a rather bias approach when it comes to deal with the men in the feminist discourses. There is no real place as to where the men fit into the ideology of feminism. There is a limit for the men in the notions of feministic ideals. There should be a more integrated approach that encompasses the men in the feminism apart from inclusion of men in the academic texts and prose (Jarden & Smith 39).

This makes the men in a predicament as to what they should actually do. From a personal standpoint and from reading a lot of feminist ideologies, I think feminism along with other social issues should be dealt together with the men. There is a lot of implied patriarchy that has reduced over a course of time. Nevertheless, it continues to exist in society. These patriarchy and bias should be addressed by strengthening the feminist movement. The reasons for many obscure definitions and wrongful perceptions about feminism lie in the media portrayal of women. These post-feminist ideologies seem to set back women and forget about the core ideals of feminism.






In his piece of writing “Confronting global threat to democracy”, Woods (2016) explain that how globalization has facilitated the growth of developing countries like Russia, Brazil, China, South Africa and India. However, it has given rise to significant economic inequality amongst the inhabitants and other ill habits like gambling debts. Thus, he believes that globalization needs to be controlled and managed so that people do not cheat and neglect their responsibilities towards the society.I feel that globalization introduce us to a completely new world of better technology and opportunity for advancement. In case of Air Canada also globalization provides growth opportunities to one of the powerful air carrier of the country.

Thus I feel that Air Canada must utilize the same to grow business. Nevertheless, at the same time, we need to control our own desires and habits and understand the ill effects of certain bad habits of other cultures and stay away from them to have a successful and prosperous life.Globalization is viewed as a challenge for the developing countries like India which is growing at a very fast pace. However, the side effects of the concept urge the need to be more self- reliant and self sustained to preserve its traditional values and culture.



本研究显示非常弱的负相关性害羞和时间花在Facebook上。这些发现与研究的结果由Sheeks和Birchmeier(Sheeks MS,2007)。不同的结果可能的原因可以当前研究的样本量较小。提到研究解释说,害羞的人很难与其他政党和其他社交聚会。同样的行为也在Facebook上见过。他们发现很难交流和表达自己的想法也在Facebook上。根据引用的研究中,害羞和内向的人发现社交网站作为一个合适的沟通方法。因此他们宁愿花更多的时间在Facebook上花时间和真实的人。

这样的结果可以证明所提供的模糊在线交流,具体来说,除去他们将面临很多障碍,面对面的沟通。同样的结果也证明脸颊JM(脸颊JM,2016)。目前的研究还显示弱阳性,而未予重视社交能力之间的相关性和时间花在Facebook上。相同的变量之间强正相关关系被发现,在一项由科雷亚et Al (Teresa科雷亚)。更善交际的人更容易混入人群在社交聚会。他们是舒适的表达他们的想法。同样也反映了他们的行为在社交网站上。他们花更多的时间在Facebook上。


Present study showed very weak negative correlation between shyness and time spent on the Facebook. These findings contradict the findings of study conducted by Sheeks and Birchmeier (Sheeks MS, 2007). The possible reason for different result can be smaller sample size of current study. The referred study explains that the shy people find it difficult to interact with other people in parties and other social gatherings. The same behaviour is also seen on Facebook. They find it difficult to interact and express their thoughts on Facebook also. According to the referenced study, the shy or introverted people find social networking sites as a suitable method of communication. Therefore they would prefer spending more time on Facebook then spending time with real people.

Such findings can be justified by the ambiguity provided by online communication, specifically, the removal of many of the obstacles they would face while face to face communication. The same findings are also justified by Cheek JM (Cheek JM, 2016). The present study also showed weak positive and statistically insignificant correlation between sociability and time spent on Facebook. A strongly positive correlation was found between same variable, in a study conducted by Correa et Al (Teresa Correa). Those who are more sociable find it easier to mix with the crowd at social gatherings. They are comfortable expressing their thoughts. Same also reflects on their behaviour on social media sites. They spend more time on Facebook.




奖励团队合作和良好的客户服务的过程中通过一篮子货币和非货币性奖励(Nagin, Rebitzer Sanders &泰勒,2002),有助于确保员工积极执行。所有组织都主要关注需要采取措施确保劳动力维持其高水平的性能(Osabiya,2015)。无聊和重复的任务只会降低动机(JFB, 2016)。因此,管理者需要不断挑战员工excel提供了新的和有趣的任务。从本质上讲,动机是与一个人的表现紧密相连;它需要不断补充和是驱动个人成功的一个工具(JFB,2016)。尽管有动机理论,在一个组织中最重要的方面的工作仍将是实际的劳资关系是影响组织中。员工更愿意在一个环境中工作参与型领导风格下一位有远见的领袖,而不是一个权威或独裁(Nagin,Rebitzer Sanders &泰勒,2002)。


Motivation is based on a driving force within each individual employee, which is used to achieve a specific goal so as to fulfil a need or expectation (Osabiya, 2015). This need may be monetary or non-monetary as has been discussed in Maslow’s need hierarchy theory (Zeiger, 2016). A successful manager not only identifies these needs, he also initiates the steps needed to ensure that these needs are in line with organizational objectives. If the needs of the employee are in conflict with organisational objectives, then neither the employee nor the organization is unable to perform to its optimal ability leading to poor growth for both employee and business.Employees at Pret-a-Manger are well rewarded in both cash and kind. The wages and salaries of the employees are higher than industry standards. This is seen across the board and not restricted to any particular level or grade of employee. Furthermore, employees and teams who perform are rewarded in several ways. Employees and teams who have displayed exceptional service are rewarded with all expenses paid night outs, Christmas and summer parties and so on as well as bonuses for employees who are rated high by customers.

The process of rewarding teamwork and good customer service through a basket of monetary and non-monetary rewards (Nagin, Rebitzer, Sanders, & Taylor, 2002), helps ensure that the employee is motivated to perform at all times. All organisations are primarily concerned about the steps that need to be taken to ensure that the workforce sustains its high levels of performance (Osabiya, 2015). Boredom and repetitive tasks only serve to reduce motivation (JFB , 2016). Thus, managers need to constantly challenge employees to excel by providing new and interesting tasks. Essentially, motivation is deeply connected with a person’s performance; it needs to be constantly replenished and is a tool which drives individuals to succeed (JFB , 2016). While motivational theories abound, the most important aspect of working in an organization will remain the actual manner in which the employee-employer relationship is affected in the organization. Employees would prefer to work in an environment wherein a participative leadership style under a visionary leader is followed, as opposed to an authoritative or dictatorship (Nagin, Rebitzer, Sanders, & Taylor, 2002).



会计进一步外部现实视图与个人问题。这些问题包括现实的经济学可以提出和外部自然的现实主义。这些矛盾问题,被认为是必不可少的方式。关键的问题是,系统处理对象的物理性质和对象的会计在类似的方式(Kakkuri-Knuuttila et al ., 2008)。潜在的假设的方式,可以减少一切一个物理性质的过程,但这种假设需要被删除。许多对象的会计等优点被社会建构和没有一个独立的存在与物理对象。会计对象的存在已经相当依赖会计规则以及流程。这些类型的规则获得通过设置过滤和体力劳动,这就是为什么他们是社会建构的对象(李,2006)。社会建设的对象存在,但它们并不是独立账户的人类。

应用程序的规则以及会计的过程,其中包括主观性质的因素塑造经济现实的图像。采用这种观点建构主义的主要范式解释的支持者。根据迈耶(1983),描绘,组织并发症。这种并发症包括机构与几个原因和技术不断扩张的断开连接的性质(Mouck 2004)。然而,会计本质,它迫使边界的概念性质是一样的。描述使用定义解决问题,获得这样的界限,这意味着要考虑现实收购的公司。据海恩斯(2002),描绘了,账户内金融性质的公司并不是唯一的数据通信公司,但他们也描述如何通过边界描述组织建设中扮演着重要的角色(Ahrens et al .,2006)。


Accounting further has an external reality view with its individual issues. These issues are inclusive of the way in which reality of economics can be presented and realism of external nature. These are ambivalent issues and considered as essential ways. The key issue is that the system deals with objects of physical nature and objects of accounting in similar fashion (Kakkuri-Knuuttila et al., 2008). The assumption of latent manner is that it is possible to diminish everything to a process of physical nature, but this assumption needs to be removed. Many objects of accounting such as advantages have been socially constructed and do not have an independent existence unlike physical objects. The existence of accounting objects has a considerable dependence over rules of accounting as well as processes. These types of rules obtain filter and are set through physical labor, and this is the reason why they are objects of social construction (Lee, 2006). Objects of social construction are present, but they are not independent of their accounts of humans.

Application of rules as well as processes of accounting are such that they include factors of subjective nature shaping the economic reality image. This view of constructionism is adopted majorly though paradigm of interpretive supporters. According to Meyer (1983), it has been depicted that an organization has complication. This complication consists of institutions that continuously sprawl with several reasons and technologies of disconnected nature (Mouck 2004). However, accounting has such a nature that it forces boundaries of conceptual nature over the same. The accounts depict the use of definitions for settling matters and to obtain such boundaries, it implies to consider reality acquisition for firms. According to Hines (2002), it has been depicted that accounts of financial nature within firms are not the only ones to communicate data of a company, but they also depict how organization construction plays an essential role through boundaries description (Ahrens et al., 2006).






There are a number of world related questions which are the part of the game. The questions such as will the racer win or lose? What will happen if the racer lose? What if the racer succeeds? What should be the different things a racer needs to be aware about?Another effective construction technique which has been used in the game is to define the key scene. When a player wins the Need for speed race, his car is shown in slow motion and also from different angles (Juul and Jesper). This is the key scene as the player has won the race. It is very important to build the important characteristics in order to create an effective game. The protagonist of the game is the player who participates in the races. One of the most important characteristic of the game is Amy. She gives the description of each and every race. She works as a mechanic for the Travis crew. Another important character of the game is Travis which appears as the leaders of the players’ crew.

In addition to this there are many other characters in the game. Thus the game has a single player character and a number of other non-player characters. The enemy of the player is the other players who are playing the game. In addition to this the police is also the enemy of the player. It is very important to build the concept of the game and its script. This can be a parallel process. In order to formulate a good story, it is important to know who are the most important characters, what is the story, what are the locations, what is the franchise, and what is the scope and scale of the game. The Game Need for speed has been built in an efficient manner and there has been a concentration of each and every point. The story of the game has been quite efficient, the characters have been built in such a manner that they help to develop the story and the locations are very appealing for the players.






In terms of textual category, the movies are classified based on the technical elements and expertise used in the movie making. In the case of industrial category, the tangential aspects are considered. In this category, the knowledge of the filmmaker and the expertise of the arrangement for the movie, the presentation of the movie to the audience and their knowledge in the basic tenets of film making are exposed. The same narrative theme or genre will have different modes of expression. Two key variables are considered for this process. Semantic approach and syntactic approach are the two kinds of classification that has been used to classify under the textual approach. This semantic approach explains about the different order of elements which are classified in a particular genre. The syntactic approach understands how the elements are classified in a particular manner.

The basic elements are explained in the semantic approach and the way it needs to be construed is explained in the syntactic approach. Lost Highway movie was directed by David Lynch and released in USA 1997. This is a film noir film. This movie genre is a black or dark psychological horror film. In this the main protagonist suddenly transforms into another man and leads a new life after being convicted of the murder of his wife. There are many cinematic liberties taken in this movie and it also contains many incredulous narrative themes. Rashomon movie was directed by Akira Kurosawa and was released in Japan in the year 1950. It is a typical example of film noir films (Clover, 2015).



本文另一个必不可少的好角度,西澳大利亚的是这篇文章代表了问题不是以戏剧性的方式,但在一个简化的方式仅供读者承认这个问题有因果关系(飞,2009)。根据Whyte-Venebles,(2010),约定模型专注在记者作为新闻。的过程,而新闻是一个双重交易包括生产者的新闻和接收器的新闻尽管它们之间的关系是模糊与公民新闻和交互媒体迅速增长(Wolfsfeld, 2011)。少做了定义要素,描述基于新闻受众感知。这是特别,因为它将明显不可能定义一个通用因素产生大众利益。



Another essential good perspective in the article by West Australia was the fact that the article represented the issue not in a dramatic manner, but in a simplified manner for a reader to only acknowledge the issue as having a cause and effect relationship (Flew, 2009). According to Whyte-Venebles, (2010), convention models focus over what journalists regard as news. Rather the process of news is a dual one with transactions inclusive of both producers of news and receivers of news even though the relationship between them is blurring rapidly with citizen journalism and interaction media growth (Wolfsfeld, 2011). Less has been done for defining essential factors, which depict news based audience perception. This is especially because it would be apparent is impossible to define a general factor which generates mass audience interest.

Basing such judgements, it is evident that anything which can threaten peace of people, their well-being as well as their prosperity is the articles of news which have a likeliness of making headlines (Flew, 2009). This is essential proven by the perspectives depicted in both these selected news articles. The reason behind the wide differences is evident from the perspective that the agenda in both the news is different (Bogart, 2013). The news framing in one is spontaneous, while in the other it is more uncontested and dominant in nature. Therefore, from the perspective of this essay, it is believed that West Australia newspaper has presented an example of good journalism.