标签存档: 加拿大大学论文代写






写作前按照提纲一直写下去。一定按照写作提纲或参照写作大纲题写文章,而且一定要保证整篇文章的完整性(介绍, 主体和结论)。如果中途卡住了,想想我们课堂里老师的各种打开思路的策略,总有一个办法在这里适合。





风险管理和处理灾难问题是任何企业最重要的方面(Mason, 2015)。我认为,这一进程中最重要的因素是确保有关利益相关者的安全和福祉。人们对新南威尔士州工人健康安全的影响很感兴趣。酒店的案例研究帮助我了解了在了解员工安全和尽职调查时需要考虑的许多方面。本分析的目的是探讨与安全相关的尽职调查相关的不同方面。他们被发现证明该企业正在履行其安全义务。无形因素会导致公司的持续发展。它们表明企业关心员工。这将鼓舞员工士气。


这有助于澄清这一进程的作用和责任。有关于这些问题的文件。在这个过程中,基准测试是有效的。企业还可以破译理解可接受实践的方法(Mason, 2015)。整个过程的所有利益相关者都意识到他们的责任,这增加了企业的整体安全。员工有足够的空间来表达他们对争论中的问题的看法。这将导致更有凝聚力的工作环境,从而提高生产率和士气。与员工就解决方案进行头脑风暴将导致更多对管理层可行的解决方案。该流程最终将成为公司的业务流程,并且该流程中的所有涉众都将因此受益。


Risk management and addressing the issues of disaster are some of the most integral aspects of any businesses (Mason, 2015). I felt that the most important factor in this process is ensuring the safety and well-being of the stakeholders involved. The impact of the WHS (Worker Health safety) in NSW had piqued by interest. The case study of the hotel helped me to probe into the many facets that need to be considered while understanding the worker safety and due diligence. The purpose of this analysis is to probe into the different aspects that are related to due diligence related to safety. They are found to demonstrate that the business is addressing its safety obligations. The intangibles factor can lead to the company sustaining. They show that the business cares for the employee. This would boost employee morale.

There aid in clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the process. There is documentation of the issues. Benchmarking is done effectively in this process. The businesses can also decipher methods to understand acceptable practices (Mason, 2015). All the stakeholders of the process are made aware of their responsibilities and this increases the overall safety of the businesses. There is space for the employee to voice their opinion about the issues in contention. This would lead to more cohesive working environment that would boost productivity and morale. Brainstorming of the solutions with the employee would lead to more solutions that are feasible for the management. This process will eventually become the business process of the company, and all the stakeholders in the process will be benefitted as a result of this issue.





缺乏这一点会给公司带来严重的影响。为了制定有效的风险管理政策,组织应该有有效的治理、预防、响应、恢复计划和有效的风险管理计划(Foster, 2012)。在开发这个地方的过程中,有许多领域和变量需要讨论。本报告将重点介绍关键的法律法规,并确定解读风险管理计划的风险。这份报告是由总经理给最高管理层准备的。有识别风险、危险和解决这个问题的方法。


Hotel needs to address some severe and serious offences. The issue of the chemical hazards has not been notified. There is no risk management policy in the hotel. The hotel is at risk of being under category 1 offence of the WHS. They need to ensure that there is a better risk management and safety training for the employees. Failure to do so will lead to the hotel being closed with imprisonment along with severe penalties. The ways to address this issue have been explained in this analysis.Workplace safety and risk management are important. It would help prevent death, financial setbacks, property and health damage and it would prevent productivity of the Hotel and the society as a whole.

Lack of this would lead to serious repercussions for the company. To have an effective risk management policy, the organization should have an effective governance, prevention, response, recovery plan and an effective hazards management plan (Foster, 2012). There are many spheres and variables that need to be in contention while developing this place. This report will highlight about the key legislations and identify the risks to decipher a risk management plan. The report has been prepared by the General Manager to the top management. There is identification of the risk, hazards and the ways to address this issue.



员工脱离组织的原因有很多,比如对管理的信任、与组织愿景的联系、成长的机会等。管理层不相信员工的能力,所以没有给员工分配任何责任。这是员工脱离组织的主要原因。如果管理者不相信员工,不给员工机会让员工表现,那么员工就不能在上级面前展示自己的才能。员工离职的另一个原因是员工,不清楚组织的目标是什么,他必须在其中执行什么,以及员工的任务是什么(Albrecht.et)。艾尔,2015)。这是因为经理没有向员工解释角色和责任。下一个原因是员工没有机会在组织中成长。经理没有给员工升职是为了表现好。所有这些原因都是导致员工离职的主要原因。Wollard, k(2011)的研究将在很大程度上帮助我研究员工敬业度。它提供了需要评估的基础、员工离职及其影响。员工的离职有各种影响公司发展的原因。有时员工和老板有问题,比如老板很严格,没有提供成长机会等,这在员工心中造成了老板的负面形象,让他们对老板一无所知。




There are various causes of employee disengagement in the organization like trust on the management, connection to organizational vision, opportunities to grow etc. Management did not trust on the capability of the employee so did not allot any responsibility to the employee. This is the major cause of employee disengagement in the organization. If a manager did not trust the employee and did not give the chance to the employee for the performance, then employee will not be able to show the talent in front of the seniors. Another cause of employee disengagement is employee, it is not clear with the objective of the organization that in which he has to perform and what will be task of the employee (Albrecht.et.al, 2015). This is caused just because that manager did not explain the roles and responsibility to the employee. Next cause is employee that did not get the opportunity to grow in the organization. The manager did not give the promotion to the employee in order to perform well. This all reasons are the major causes of employee disengagement in the business. The research study of Wollard, K. (2011), will help me in the research of employee engagement to a great extent. It provides the very foundation required to be assessed, the employee disengagement and its impacts.Disengagement of employees has various reasons that affect the growth of the organization. Sometimes employees have the problem with the boss like boss is very strict, did not provide the growth opportunity etc. Thus this creates a negative image of the boss among the employees in their mind and makes them ignorant towards him.

This is also a reason of employee disengagement at the workplace. Employee made the perception about the boss like bad boss, did not think about the welfare of the employees, and cannot asses the personal problems of the employees etc (Michel.et.al, 2015). Sometimes, employees did not have the boss which results the employees did not get the instruction of the work that results the employee disengagement. It has been also found that the employee engagement helps an organisation to have better business outputs. It is very much important to keep the employees engaged so that to make them work with their best efforts and lead the business towards the desired goals. Employees did get the proper training in the organization that how to perform the task because these employees will not be able to perform the task in the group and this results to disengagement. Many times, employee gets hearted by the abusive language of the team leader, this leads to employee disengagement. Employee disengagement can be caused due to various things in the organization, but it is the duty of the leader to keep the employees motivated towards the goal achievement. The research study of Moore et al, (2012) will be immensely useful in my research as it opens up a plethora of options to be considered for the concept of employee engagement.



对于留学生们来讲,在找人代写毕业论文时,对于论文代写价格是比较关心的,毕竟这是牵扯到自己的经济利益的问题。但是留学毕业论文代写价格是不能够一概而论的,影响代写价格的因素有很多,只有结合实际情况才可以使论文的价格更加合理。 一般来讲,留学毕业论文都是外语写作,价格较国内的论文相对偏高,每千字收费300-600元不等。下面我们就留学毕业论文代写中影响论文代写价格的因素具体的为大家介绍一下吧。




4、用什么语言来写作。英语论文一般比较普遍,能写的写手多一点,但是有些小语种论文,比如日语、德语、法语这些能写的写手少之又少,能写的不但要用这些语言写作, 还要结合语法这些问题,写作难度相当大,价格每千字在600元左右,贵一点属于正常。

5、 论文的修改。代写机构只要接单了,论文都是可以完成的,但是如果客户的要求比较高,在写作后总是不满意,又提出超出签单的时候修改要求(比如增加字数,增加特殊要求等),代写机构也是会适当的收取额外费用的。但是只要是修改不超出签单要求,一般都是可以免费反复修改,直到客户满意为止。


现在大家对于留学毕业论文代写价格已经有了基本的了解,学生们在寻找代写机构的时候,一定要先对自己的要求、专业等详细的介绍,这样代写机构才可以根据你的需求来进行报价。 在选择机构的时候也要多留心甄别,选择正规的代写机构,不然不仅浪费了金钱,也浪费了时间。






日产汽车的未来在于动员具有强大差异化战略的目标群体。汽车工业最近一直感到市场的压力。像丰田这样的公司倾向于在美国销售大量来自日本的汽车。另一方面,日产(Nissan)和本田(Honda)等公司拥有更好的敞口,他们的产品在艰难的环境中取得了良好的效果(Minette, 2001)。在美国,据估计尼桑的销售表现不会更好。尽管如此,由于其战略,日产的远期收益已经翻了一番。日产的微环境遍布全球,并以三菱的积极面为优势(Landsburg, 2001)。例如,三菱在东南亚拥有强大的市场,而日产并没有把这视为优势。日产也试图引入汽车金融业务,因为三菱没有。公共选择理论认为在任者将根据目标的利益利用权力(Alberto, 2005)。


日产(Nissan)和三菱(Mitsubishi)的合并,得到了目标受众的积极响应,使他们的合作受益,并将其提升到一个新的水平。在英国退欧谈判后,政治气氛发生变化后不久,日产试图以相对于同行相当低的价格做多。在交易结束时,公司获得了4.2%的跟踪股息,显示出了安全性和吸引力。这最终将政治气候转变为有利于日产的状况。日产目标人群的识字率和认知度都很高(Shamir, 2011)。通过价格合理的定价策略,该公司在客户中产生了强大的影响力,并获得了全球汽车行业的巨大份额。社会和技术环境再次对日产有利,因为日产汽车生产迅速,能够保持销量增长(Nissan, 2015)。在分析宏观环境差异化战略时,将实际产品与扩增产品相结合听起来既有趣又独特。


The future of Nissan lies in mobilizing the target groups with strong differentiation strategies. The automotive industry has recently been feeling the pinch in the market. Companies like Toyota tend to sell a large number of cars in US that are from Japan. On the other hand, companies like Nissan and Honda have had better exposures and their products have yielded good results amidst the tough environments (Minette, 2001). In US, it was estimated that Nissan wouldn’t perform better in terms of sales. Still, the forward earnings of Nissan have doubled due to its strategy. The micro environment of Nissan is spread to customers across the globe and it has utilized Mitsubishi’s positive aspects as its strengths (Landsburg, 2001). For example, Mitsubishi has a strong market in Southeast Asia whereas Nissan does not having taken this as strength. Nissan has also tried to introduce auto finance operation as Mitsubishi did not have one. The public choice theory has suggested that the incumbents would utilize the power as per the target’s benefit (Alberto, 2005).

Nissan and Mitsubishi combined together received favourable responses from the target audience that benefited their collaboration and took it to the next level. Soon after the political climate had altered after Brexit had performed the negotiation, Nissan has tried to long trade at a considerable discount to its peers. At the end of the trading, 4.2% trailing dividend was obtained which showed signs of security and attractiveness. This has eventually turned the political climate to a favourable condition to Nissan. The literacy rate and awareness of the targeted population about Nissan are very high (Shamir, 2011). Through affordable pricing strategies, the company has created a strong impact among the customers and also gained huge shares from the global automobile industry. The social and technological environments are again favourable towards Nissan as it had rapid production of vehicles that could keep the sales moving (Nissan, 2015). The combination of actual and augmented products to the customers has sounded interesting and unique when analysing the macro environment differentiation strategies.





作者指出,世界银行和国际货币基金组织等机构代表了一些西方强国。这些机构为世界金融改善工作提供了其他国家的经济利益,世界各地的传播消息的社会隔离,通过人民的剥削和所需的资源可能被认为是对于世界的人口(Chossudovsky 73)。作者研究了这些国际金融机构实例化了不同的项目。他说,这些项目一般都是秘密的军事和情报行动,这些行动可能由一些最强大的西方国家进行。作者还说,这些机构的目的往往是破坏、控制、破坏和支配国家及其人民。同样的一些例子可以从卢旺达和南斯拉夫的问题中得到。


In the present world, the economic conditions of the world are completely unprecedented. At present, the world has been undergoing an experience related to the number of the non-industrialized world which has experienced in the past years. Each and every nation in the present times is undergoing severe economic crises. It has been observed that in the recent past, many nations have encountered a lots of problems. The book “Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order” has been written by the author Michel Chossdovsky who takes the reader through the assessment of the ways in which the world Bank and the IMF has proved to be the greatest traders of poverty in the entire world in spite of the rhetorical claims. In this essay, I have done the review of the book by analysis of the message of the book and the research done in the same.

The author states that the institutions such as the World Bank and IMF represent some of the powerful western nations. These institutions work for the financial betterment of the world by providing the financial benefits to other nations, by spreading the message social apartheid around the world and by doing the exploitation of the people and the required resources which may be considered useful for the population of the world (Chossudovsky 73). The author examines that different programs are instantiated by these international financial institutions. He states that these programs generally go as per the covert military and intelligence operations which may be undertaken by some of the most powerful western nations. The author also says that these institutions often have the aim to destabilize, control, destroy and dominate the countries and their people. Some of the examples of the same can be taken from the issues of Rwanda and Yugoslavia.




世界經濟增長所面臨的主要問題之一是增加失業,特別是在青年中。根據英國下議院工黨圖書館(House of Commons library for Labour)的評估,英國16-24歲年齡段的失業人數已超過49.8萬人。與1992年以來的任何時候相比,年輕人受到這場危機的打擊最為嚴重,上述年齡組的失業率為14.4%,根據國家統計局(ONS)公開提供的數據(Boffey, 2015),年輕人佔總勞動人口的5.7%。英國政府制定了幾項計劃,打算在未來10年將既不學習也不工作的人數減少至少15%。政府制定了雄心勃勃的目標,要把失業率降至有記錄以來的最低水平。


Though the problems discussed here are of very wide nature and the data available for them is extremely huge, therefore the report is kept on track to include only the relevant data, facts and figures. These issues are global and the solution for them could not devised overnight. However, attempt is made in this report to summarize the possible solutions for various problems discussed here with reference to the UK.The world is making fast progress in every possible field. However, the issues which are dragging back its growth are the same old classic ones. The problem of poverty, inequality, unemployment and lack of skills is plaguing the social as well as the economic growth of several countries around the globe. Even though these problems are at worst stage in the under developed or still developing world economies, nevertheless, even in the developed nations like the United Kingdom (UK), these are the matter of concern for the government as well as capitalist structure.

One of the major problems faced by the world growth is increasing unemployment especially among the youth. In UK the unemployment among the people in age group of 16-24 had crossed the number of 498,000 as per the evaluation by the House of Commons library for Labour. The youth are worst hit by this crisis compared to any time since 1992 with unemployment rate being 14.4% for above mentioned age group, and 5.7% overall of the total working population as per the data provided publically by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) (Boffey, 2015).There are several plans laid out by the government of the UK to reduce the number of people who are neither studying nor working by at least 15 per cent in the coming next 10 years. It is ambitious goal set by government to bring down the unemployment rate to its lowest ever since the records began.

resume 代写:当代艺术

resume 代写:当代艺术


resume 代写:当代艺术

resume 代写:当代艺术

Contemporary art is mainly defined as the art that has been and continued to be created during our life time. Understanding the exact meaning of the contemporary art is very difficult because this topic challenges the established beliefs about art. There is no artistic definition, which could explain the contemporary art completely. The term ‘contemporary art’ is highly used today. The term contemporary is linked with the development and growth of the doubt. Such art has also gained the interest and attention of particular groups. The difficulty for the artists is that they are the part of something, which is defined and recognized by others.

resume 代写:当代艺术
The artists do not want themselves to be tagged with a label given by others. The denial of the artists could be acceptable because the contemporary art activates this denial. In the contemporary world, Contemporary art is not a practice, but it can be regarded as generally being in a context. The world of Contemporary art is very wide and this is the reason, this could not be called just as a practice. Mainly the artists working in visual arts and, who have graduated from studio programs are mainly called as contemporary artists in general. These artists are the subjective artists working within a territory. Yet with the changing time, the meaning of contemporary art is being redefined, by the new artists with their historical focus on the projections, ideas and products.







Synopsis:In this section, an outline of the entire research has been provided, which includes IFRS adoption based on countries and firms with management forecasts and without management forecasts. In addition, the countries, which have not adopted IFRS and the position of the firms use regression analysis. Introduction:A brief introduction of the topic and the current research project has been included here. Background:A detailed discussion on the IFRS adoption based on the previous researches and the existing literature has been made in this section. Furthermore, how the current project is related to the existing literature is also briefly presented here.

Hypothesis:This section covers a brief description of the hypothesis taken for progressing ahead with the research. Methodology:The ethical issues, research strategy, data collection process and data analysis plan have been briefly discussed in this section. Results:With the help of SPSS software, the secondary data collected has been tested with the help of regression analysis. Therefore, it includes a critical discussion of the statistical results generated from the software. Conclusion and Recommendations:Based on the above evaluation of results and the entire research, the researcher has made valid conclusions. In addition, this section also covers a brief elaboration of the recommendations, which would help in improving the future research and making valid inferences.