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essay代写-违反内幕交易法律的司法案例分析。在内幕交易方面,R v Curtis (No . 3) [2016] NSWSC 866案对违反内幕交易法律的人进行了真正的司法审判。此案对企业、员工个人和所有其他利益相关者都有影响。之所以存在这种影响,是因为企业越来越意识到有必要对内幕交易进行内部财务控制。该公司还受到ASIC的监视,而不仅仅是涉及他们内幕交易的人。柯蒂斯的案件表明,ASIC将严肃处理共谋指控。此外,有一项结论是,法院今后将以处理刑事案件同样严肃的态度处理内幕交易问题。ASIC的主要目标是确保澳大利亚市场不存在内幕交易和其他刑事过失行为,而2016年这起案件的趋势确保了这一点的实现。

The public views on insider trading regulations as observed form people and companies alike show that there is a need for improvement. Studies from market practitioner’s guide show that there is a negative view of the insider trading laws. People either believe that it is not adequate or is not adequately enforced. The investment director of Capital, suggested that questionable trading practices are still being followed in the industry and that these questionable trading practices are becoming very common. ASIC surveys that were conducted in the last ten years showed that around only 30 percent of the polled population believed that dishonesty in the context of insider trading is being found and punished (Flitcroft & Mason, 2016).
Secondly, exception was claimed on the context that Mr. Curtis was not being clandestine in his efforts. References were brought in that showed the actions of Mr. Curtis as being open for interpretation with no effort from Mr. Curtis end to hide information. The Judge held that “In any event, I do not see how the fact that Mr. Curtis left a clear forensic trail which resulted in there being a strong case against him mitigates the seriousness of the offence. If the suggestion is that the alleged openness of his conduct reveals he must have believed he was not doing anything wrong, I reject it. In all the circumstances, in my view the objective seriousness of the offence is high” (R v Curtis (No 3) [2016] NSWSC 866, 2016, para. 22-23). he Judge held that the damage resulting from offenses of Mr. Curtis, was damaging to the company, the clients of the company and the individual traders of the company as well. It put unnecessary pressure on the company and was seen to be damaging the integrity and confidence in the general market as well.
There was much material delay in the conviction of Curtis and the issues of delay and more were considered when pursuing high profile cases in parallel such as that of the one against Richard Kamay, Steven Xiao etc. The implication of this case on ASIC is that now ASIC is committed to pursuing cases with more zeal and having convictions arranged in a much faster context. ASIC has a market analysis and intelligence Unit that is seen to rely on intelligent data analysis for raising red flags in some cases. Suspicious activities will thus be flagged and the ASIC will pursue these activities. Much funding has gone into this. This is also projected to increase the success rate of ASIC convictions by around 85% now (Flitcroft & Mason, 2016).
An imposition is placed on businesses that they must be aware of and make individuals in their business aware that insider information trading was harsh and where they to breach the laws by involving themselves in sider trading then they could face a fine of up to $4,950,000. This is just a standard amount; the amount could be as high as thrice the financial benefit that was incurred by the individual (Flitcroft & Mason, 2016).
The penalties and the pecuniary are also just one part of the legal action that is intended to make the company face breach actions. The company in addition to these damages also faces reputational damages. These damages of reputation are much more expensive for the company to fix. A high-profile trial could in a very short time wipe out all the credibility and years of reputation that the company could have built. Where an employee involves himself in insider trading, it could so happen that the clients and other high profile investors of the company would not want to associate with said company. The company also comes under scrutiny for its placement of financial controls (Flitcroft & Mason, 2016).

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When the financial crisis hitNew York markets the market capitalization of the stocks turned only $68 million in stocks, these were the causes of the disproportionate troubles for the enterprises (Cetorelliand Peristiani, 2010).
In 2011, there were series of scandals that had caused the company to be hit the most. Many were misrepresentation in the financial reporting practices. There were issues that the companies found when the investors started to conduct due diligence. The Chinese companies stated that the accounting practices based on cultural differences were the reasons. Nevertheless, this fear caused the Chinese companies to have reduced investments. The investors started to fear that all the Chinese companies did not have regulatory systems and there was elevation of the performances. In this process, all the Chinese companies faced the brunt of the issue. The stock value in New York stock exchange reduced to 1/3rd of the value. Subsequent to the action in New York, the markets reacted in many ways (Huang, Elkinawy and Jain,2013). Of the 160 companies listed in Singapore, 10 companies were delisted. This lead to negative spiraling of impacts (Eng and Lin, 2012). To gain credibility of the process, the Chinese companies agreed to be audited from 2013 (Asker, Farre-Mensa and Ljungqvist, 2014).
There are changes in the corporate governance practice and there are a number of companies that still face profits in this system. Some companies continue to make profit in this paradigm. Qunar, a Chinese travel booking services, raised $167 million on November 1 with the share prices surging to 89% above the initial offering. 58.com raised over $187 million in NASDAQ market. However, there is considerable apprehension by the investors due to the previous events. More than 100 stocks were delisted by the NASDAQ for failure of compliance with their regulatory standards between 2011 and 2012 (Sarkissian and Schill, 2012). This caused a loss of $40 billion to the investors and this apprehension continues to reverberate in the investment community.
When a company invests in the foreign markets, the macro environment issues of the foreign nation come into play (Ke, Rui and Yu, 2012). Hence the market risks of the foreign nations cause the risks to the domestic Chinese companies. They need to understand the political risks and economic risks that the company needs to face in this system. Chinese companies must carefully conduct their due diligence when they want to enter into a foreign market. The foreign companies would conduct their due diligence.Hence the Chinese companies must be compliant with the local policies.

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Prior to the interview, the actual job requirements need to be deciphered. Once the job requirements have been detailed the next process for the HR, personnel is to identify the relevant stakeholders for the job. Once these candidates have been shortlisted, they are usually called in for the interview. In this conducting of the interview, there are certain important tenets that must be adhered by the interviews.
As an initial phase, the interviewers need to prepare themselves for the interview. They must deduct the important requirements for the job and present the set of requirements. The candidates need to be compared with this ideology and they must be marked. Some basic requirements of the job are as follows:
Candidate must be willing to travel outside the country.
Candidate must hold a valid passport.
Candidate must have no visa restrictions or legal bans that could prevent them from travelling outside the country and to the United Kingdom.
Candidates must have worked in chemical and mechanical factory jobs.
The right candidate must have the soft skills needed to develop in the workplace.
The right candidate would have finished high school and would have at least three years of professional experience.
They must take active interest and safety processes and schemes with their current employer or must show interest in learning about safety regulations with the new employer.
The questions that the interviewer asks the people must be based on the requirements of the job. Added to this, there must be critical and logic questions that should be posed to the people. Next step is the actual conducting of the interview. The interviewer must then set up a proper interview room that has minimal distractions. The room that is set for the interview should be informal and create a relaxed atmosphere. The applicants must feel comfortable to discuss with the panel members. The Selection Committee members who are in the interview need to have their full attention towards the applicants. They need to wait for the interview and meet the applicants.
The applicants must be allowed to express their opinion and ensure that they are comfortable in the surroundings. There must be members with knowledge about the specific subject in the panel when they make the specific deductions. The issues of confidentiality and mutual respect must be maintained. The structure and the purpose of the specific questions need to be made aware to the people. In addition, behaviour and attitude of the interviewees will be assessed. These are some of the ways in which the interviews can be conducted in a proper manner.

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The rivalry between the majority of Shia and the minority of Sunni in Iraq has remained at the core of political conflict within the region. Tensions of sectarian nature have caused hindrance to the processes of building state and country’s destabilization. But the government in Iraq has not made an apparent effort for overcoming the divisions and building a general identity in the nation. As a matter of fact, most of the actions taken till now have served only as a means for furthering the struggling state fragmentation.
The divide of Sunni-Shia, historically was caused due to debates and disagreements over politics, theologies and doctrine issues. The modern expression of this divide however is driven due to power, resource and status based competition. Increasingly, political relations have been dominated through communal representation idea in opposition to representation of citizens. This has been exacerbated instead of easing out the present divide. The sectarian identities institutionalization has further led towards conflicts on size, borders, status and power of Sunni or Shia community. Such conflicts have led towards a destabilizing impact particularly when the conflicts have led to legitimizing the violent group’s actions claiming to depict individual communities. The essential dependence of Iraq on oil as its key revenue source has exacerbated further conflicts due to no clear equation present for resource management.
Conflicts of sectarian nature are followed by a kind of polarization with systemic nature due to rising authority of Nouri al-Maliki as Iraq’ Prime Minister. He has managed consolidation of his authority and he has engaged in parliament marginalization as well as individual institutes, military control, apparatuses of security, judiciary subjugation and political patronage expansion at the cost of his competitors. This has caused the Shia detractors to be alarmed but has not caused them to break their ranks of sectarianism.
Without a doubt, it can be said that Iraq is divided. Sectarian relations have now become a tool used through entrepreneurs in the political domain. These entrepreneurs use sectarianism to formulate mobilization of communities that influence the attitude of political elites that are looking at creation of constituents and famous support. This is specifically right during the season of elections when confrontational discourse is adopted by leaders for winning the supporters.
On theoretical basis, sectarianism does not have inevitability in societies that are plural and there does not exist any end to suggestions given by researchers on voting systems that lead towards blunting sectarianism. On practical level, such systems hardly work successfully. Once, identities with sectarian nature start mobilizing when transformation is taking place. It often happens that they become non-reversible either in the mid-term or short-term. Attempts made for blunting conflict through mandatory representatives for all groups, can help in maintaining peace to a certain limit but this helps in creating vicious trap through reinforcement of identities.In combination, this may cause conflict as in the case of Lebanon’s.

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加拿大英语语言学论文代写-皮革市场的增长需求。在过去的十年里,皮革和毛皮的需求一直在增长。皮革市场正在快速增长,预计到2020年将达到947亿美元的收入。随着皮具和皮具箱包需求的增长,复合年增长率(CAGR)达到5%。皮具市场的增长主要集中在欧洲之后的亚洲地区(Unal, 2016)。对新颖时尚的创新设计的需求一直在增长。大众更倾向于奢侈时尚品牌生产的皮具。

Russia has a large historic experience within leather sector. The Russian leather production was scaled down post which was exported as raw stock while a significant amount of leather products are imported (Gundogdu et al., 2016). The demand reached to over $210 million for the leather products. The primary leather import in Russia is increased to $260 million by the year of 2011. The growth rate is approximately 16.97 per cent per year. Global import share of Russia is 2.88 per cent for leather import amounting to $159.89 billion in the year of 2011. Russia’s share in the overall leather market is 25 per cent.
The leather and fur demand has risen in the previous decade. The market of leather is growing at a rapid pace with the forecast already in place of reaching 94.7 billion dollar revenue by the year of 2020. There is increasing demand for the leather goods along with leather luggage with the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) by 5 per cent. The majority of growth within the leather products market is viewed within the Asia region after Europe (Unal, 2016). The demand is ever rising for innovative designs that are new and trendy. The public is more inclined towards luxury fashion brands produced leather goods.
The European market share consists of 24,000 organizations operating within the leather industry of Europe with 400,000 employed individuals. The total annual turnover is indicated to be above 31 billion Euros which made up of the following markets. 3.8 percent EU member states within their local market, 60 per cent intra-EU and 35 per cent exports through extra EU. The overall turnover becomes more than 50 billion Euro upon considering the leather of kinds and manufacturing segments like interiors, garments and upholstered furniture. Europe holds the world share of 26.7 percent.
Market share in the world/export market
It is found through the research that approximately 22 per cent of the processing and production of small cattle leather is gained from Turkey but the industry of leather has an aim to drive it further. The present world trade figure is $225 billion within the leather industry wherein the contribution of Turkey is $5 billion which is expected by the sector to increase in future (Togan, 2016). The overall national export has increased to $150 billion with forecast of reaching over $500 billion by the year of 2023 through making $10 billion from the export of leather.
The next section will focus on the market around the Mediterranean region, particularly on France as this is where Elibol is going to be expanded.

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Dividend per share shows 410 cents for the year 2016 and whereas it was 203 cents only in the year of 2014. Such increase in double of dividend will be great encouragement for the shareholders to make investment more with the company. Perhaps it may be life time history of the company. The payment of ordinary dividend share seems increase for the last five years. During the year 2012, the company paid 127.0 cents per share whereas 410 cents paid for the financial year 2016. It shows that the item of dividend is in the manner of upcoming behaviour. The increase in ordinary shares very little. Still the company able to pay the dividend with the increase of 102.0%. Interestingly, the payout ratio is in the mode of deceasing line i.e. 70.6% whereas it was 75% in the year o 2015.

The increase in current assets goes to $295 million. Simultaneously, it reflects an increase in the working capital. Around 57% of increase shown in the current assets. On the other hand, the portion of current liabilities also increased. The ratio of current assets to current liabilities for the year 2016 is 1.53 and whereas it was only 2.38 in 2012.

There is an increase of Goodwill and the year 2016 shows balance as 20,032 million while comparing with the year of 2015. In fact Goodwill is nothing but an invisible loss. The measurement of goodwill happens in excess of the purchase consideration where there is business acquisition or transfer. The continuance of such goodwill should be withdrawn systematically。

The Net profit for the year 2016 is 100,020 million. No doubt that it is an tremendous growth comparing with the earlier years. One of the reasons is the lower of Net interest expenses that might result non-payment of interest to the stakeholders or there may be payment of principal amount to the Debenture holders or preference holders. However the Net debt shows of 17,793 million which is a high increase while comparing with the year of 2014. The Net debt for 2014 is 7,069 million. It means that the debt that was collected during the financial year of 2016 was around 10,000 million and there is a huge payment of interest during the financial year of 2017.

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加拿大教育学论文代写-公司建立积极企业形象的方法。在当今全球化的世界里,来自全球公司的竞争十分激烈。保持诚信和可靠的形象是一个公司在现代蓬勃发展不可或缺的(巴兹尔和韦伯,2006)。对品牌的内在信任使得人们在市场上众多的品牌中做出购买选择。现代的公司正在寻找建立积极的企业形象和利基消费者基础的方法。企业社会责任的努力使企业的正面形象成为可能。有积极的品牌形象建设(McNabb、王& Pētersons, 2010)。现代企业的生存之道,只在于保持诚信的可信形象,并建立强有力的道德规范,与消费者建立积极的和谐关系。

In the current globalized world, there are intense competitions from the global companies. Maintaining a persona of integrity and reliability is integral for a company to thrive in the modern times (Basil & Weber, 2006). The innate trust in the brand leads the people to make choices to buy the brand of the numerous brands that are available in the markets. The companies in the modern times are looking for ways to build a corporate identity that is positive and a niche consumer base. The positive corporation’s image made possible by the CSR efforts of the company. There is the building of a brand image that is positive (McNabb, King, & Pētersons, 2010). The companies in the modern times sustain only by maintaining a credible image of integrity and having a strong ethical practice in place to build positive consumer rapport with the people.
In the case of a scandal or issues about the quality of the brand, there can be a complete haul of the operational procedures of the company. The company then needs to assuage the needs of the consumers and develop stronger CSR efforts. There are literature suggestions that the companies in the modern times can emerge even after a tainted scandal by having a better ethical practice in place. Even though it is an arduous task, the companies have been able to rise above the scandal and sustain in the markets by having a better CSR strategy.
The purpose of this analysis is to understand the nuances of these processes and develop a holistic view as to the important variables that are needed for the sustenance of the company. The ways in which some companies have been able to develop their brand image have been probed in the following sections.

A study was undertaken to examine the role of the business performance and the sustenance of the companies in the current times. An index was developed based on the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines to analyze the impact of the companies based on the cultural and political systems existing in the nations. A sample of 1598 companies was used from 2004 to 2010 (Garcia-Sanchez, Cuadrado-Ballesteros, & Frias-Aceituno, 2016). It was determined that the perspective of the companies improved significantly in the areas of public opinion when the right methodological approach towards CSR were adopted by the companies. It was determined that the companies that were able to gain public trust and bring in more investors (Garcia-Sanchez, Cuadrado-Ballesteros, & Frias-Aceituno, 2016). All the related stakeholders were benefitted by the actions of the company.
In the case of scandals or crisis by a company, there is a considerable loss of reputation by the company. The companies in those cases need to address their reputation. The companies cannot go back to the older mode of operations (Turker, 2009). It becomes evident that the scandal is owing to the operational procedures of the company. They should earnestly try to have a CSR strategy that would enable them to gain the lost patronage and show the consumer or the relevant stakeholders that they are ready to make the imperative changes to meet the demands of the situation. This is not an easy task (Kuasirikun, 2009).

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蒙特利尔论文代写-国际市场进入战略。国际市场进入战略是指在新的国际市场中对商品和服务进行规划和应用,称为国际市场进入战略。同样,它也没有几个公司不需要太多的规划,能够在新的国际市场上扩张(Paliwoda和Thomas, 2013)。然而,也有其他公司需要多种因素来适应新的市场空间。

There is no ideal marketing strategy as different marketing strategies may be adopted by different firms entering the same market, or the same firm entering different markets. Discuss why this is the case and support your answer with theory and examples.
There are numerous ways which can be adopted by the companies for entering into different markets of different countries worldwide. There is no one marketing entry strategy which works in the same manner for all the companies. In some markets, direct exporting work well for the business while in other joint venture would be successful. There are numerous elements which affect the choice of the marketing entry strategy by any company (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). Therefore, the right approach is adopted by the companies either entering the same market or different markets.
The international marketing entry strategy means the planning and application of the goods and services in the new international market are called as the international marketing entry strategy. In the same light, it has few companies which do not require much planning and are enable to expand in the new international market (Paliwoda and Thomas, 2013). However, there are other companies which require multiple factors for getting settled in the new marketing space.
In addition, these two market entry strategies namely, the waterfall strategy and the sprinkler strategy. In the former strategy, the business is enabling to expand into the international market by following the sequence of events. This consists of estimating the market potential, creating the brand awareness and so on. In the latter strategy, the business involves into more risky strategic framework and Product skimming strategy is used. Form both the strategies the former market entry strategy is less risky for the business and they prefer adopting the same (Hill, Cronk and Wickramasekera, 2013).
Hence, this discussion proves that there cannot be one marketing entry strategy which can be adopted by the companies in the international market.
Evaluate and discuss the notion that social and cultural considerations are at heart of international marketing and how this may influence consumer behavior. Use relevant theory and examples to support your answer.
Social and cultural characteristics are essential when devising the marketing strategies by the companies. This is because there is diverse population and different people view the brand with different perception (Lee and Kotler, 2011). The consumer behavior is affected by numerous factors in the service industry. The objective of the companies is to sell their products and services to the customers, and in order to do so, they make efforts to ensure that their target customers buy the products from their company. The analysis of the culture is very difficult, but the companies would adopt Hofstede’s model for classifying the cultural dimension of the people.

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代写-第四次工业革命所需的技能。第四次工业革命的关键方面可以说是计算机能力演进的空前增长、对所有利益相关者的影响以及全球化。不断变化的技术和不断增加的依赖性要求未来的一代具有灵活性、直观性和创造性(Siepel, 2017)。在不同的工业革命时期,与科学、数学、技术和工程相关的技能已经得到了发展和磨练。技术的进步可能对经济增长贡献不大。然而,如何利用这些技能可以对可持续性产生巨大的影响。利用这些技能的创造性和灵活性是非常重要的(Bloem et al., 2014)。除此之外,注重领导和团队合作的其他管理技能也很重要。

The skills related to management will ensure that the challenges are handled effectively and opportunities are grabbled which will ensure that the changes that are taking place are aligned and contribute more towards the growth of economy. There will be focus on different perspective of management. These include self management, organizational management, context management, relationship management and Change management (Gosling and Mintzberg, 2003). All these perspective have a different role for success in the fourth industrial revolution. Self management focuses on how to enhance the tasks that are performed. Organizational management refers to the analysis at the organizational level and enhancing the efficiency in utilization of different resources. In context management, the focus is on the changes that are taking place in the world and developing understanding of the market. This will enable the managers to exploit the market conditions and employ technology and other aspect that suits the business. Relationship management focus on maintaining balance in the team wherein team is developed comprising of different skills that are required contributing to the improvement in the efficiency in the business.
Lastly, change management ensures acceptability and brings in the changes in the organization whenever necessary in order to achieve the desired level of growth. Thus, all the aspects that have been discussed above are related to management, particularly financial viability wherein the different aspects related to business operations are considered rather than focusing on one aspect.

Master of Commerce acts as the base for developing such skills. These provide insight into the trends that are shaping the different industries and the innovative ways in which the things are managed. This provides the perspectives and impact of steps taken by the industrialists and enables applications of these aspects into other industries as well. This adds to the flexibility and creativity, which according to one of the articles, will be quite important for the success in the fourth industrial revolution. The resources are depleting and the frequent changes in the technology that are taking place. Thus economic viability is the key area of concern in fourth industrial revolution. Considering this aspect it can be said that studies in MCom contribute to understanding the financial viability and understanding how technology can be used in enhancing the value.

Overall, it can be said that key aspects of the fourth industrial revolution are unprecedented growth in the evolvement of the computer power, impact on the all the stakeholders and globalization. The changing technology and increased dependency require the future generation to be flexible, intuitive and creative (Siepel, 2017). Over the period of time with different industrial revolutions, the skills related to science, mathematics, technology and engineering have already been developed and honed. The improvement in technology may not contribute much to the growth. However it is how these skills are exploited can have huge impact on sustainability. The creativity and flexibility in utilizing these skills are quite important (Bloem et al., 2014). Apart from this, the other managerial skills focusing on leadership and team work will also be important.

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essay代写-印度面临的挑战。印度是世界上人口第二多的国家,幸运的是,它的大多数人口都在35岁以下。这对中国来说是一个巨大的优势,因为中国被视为一个主要的人力资源供应国,可以在工业和制造业的增长中发挥同样的作用。印度经济一直在以6%至7%的速度显著而稳定地增长。大多数行业的经济增长良好(Carter and Harding, 2011)。然而,它面临着一些看起来无法克服的挑战,为了继续保持稳定增长,它可能不得不绕过这些挑战并战胜它们。

In a world of extreme uncertainty and sporadic development, stability is a luxury. To get stability, one needs to maintain the basics in the right conditions (Hong and Park, 2015). India is trying to maintain the basics of its economic logic in a way that helps in reducing the internal poverty and making external progress become an important voice in global affairs (Cheung, 2005).
One of the primary challenges India faces is its rivalry and terrorism sponsored by Pakistan. The Jammu and Kashmir issue is a contentious issue and India is putting a lot of resources into it to resolve it or to put an end to the infiltration of terror from Pakistan. The territorial dispute between India and Pakistan is an old one dating back to its partition in 1947 which is yet to be resolved. On the contrary, it is getting murkier as time goes. And terror gets more sophisticated. Besides the US, its uncontrollable greed of remaining a superpower is not halting weapon sales to Pakistan. China has become an all-weather friend to Pakistan, which furtherly messes the issue for India. China is seeking to build an economic corridor spanning three continents, starting from China and ending in Europe and Africa, for which it needs Pakistan’s land mass. India is opposed to this corridor because it breaches its sovereignty over the Pakistan occupied Kashmir region. It shall continue to face this challenge and the intensity of it may even become more heated in the future.
India’s economy is growing stably with credit growth and actual output registering impressive numbers (Wilinson, 2006). However, it remains mired in the corruption issue. Many politicians have been linked to corrupt business practices. This is because of the lacklustre enforcement of strict laws. It still reigns in outdated laws that are more favouring and contains a lot of loophole to evade taxes and carry on illegal business activities.
Poverty reduction is a major challenge for the nation as many people still lives without substantial water and electricity supply. It is facing cheap imports from Chinese companies that are lowering the rates of actual sale price and damaging the local and domestic players in many sectors (Jain, 2006). For example, cheap import of solar cells and wind turbine material from China is lowering power tariffs to unprecedented levels, which is not only harming government revenues but also declining private player investments (Raghavan, 2017). It faces the challenge of countering cheaper imports and at the same time spruce up its domestic economy.

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