


Mohr(2004)和Backhaus等人(2000)的研究为以更全面的方式理解信任奠定了基础。更具体地说,作者试图将信任理解为ijv合作伙伴公司控制和绩效的一个因素。Mohr(2004)的研究分析了与这些因素相关的信任感。Mohr(2004)在他的研究工作中假设,在国际合资企业IJVs中,不可能看到单一关系中的信任。必须将信任视为变量之间具有一个或多个相互依赖关系的复杂关系。其他研究人员也为这种复杂关系的形式提供了支持论据(Morgan, and Hunt, 1994;Chen等,2014)。考虑Chen等人(2014)在他们的研究中提出的基于信任的社会交换框架形式。摘要运用儒家的等级观念和理性主义两种主导价值观,探讨了情感信任在中国组织情境下家长式领导与员工角色内、角色外绩效关系中的中介作用。
摘要台湾某大型企业集团27家公司601名主管下属二人组之资料显示,家长式领导之仁与德维度与角色内与角色外绩效均呈显著正相关,而威权家长式领导维度则与角色内与角色外绩效呈显著负相关。因此,可以观察到积极影响和消极影响之间的相关效应。Chen等人(2014)的工作没有将信任作为绩效的因素或影响绩效的因素联系起来,相反,Silva等人(2012)的工作在国际背景下呈现出信任与绩效的联系。Silva et al.(2012)的研究目的是调查信任的前因,并研究国际联盟中的信任-绩效关系。通过对232个涉及葡萄牙和国际公司的国际联盟的原始数据的实证检验,验证了这一概念模型。研究结果表明,当控制企业的经验和规模时,信任对绩效有很强的正向影响。


The study of Mohr (2004) and Backhaus et al. (2000) set the stage for understanding trust in a more holistic way. More specifically, the authors attempted to understand trust as a factor of control and performance in partner firms in IJVs. The senses of trust as related to these factors were analyzed for in Mohr (2004) research. Mohr (2004) in his research work assumed that it would be impossible to view trust in a singular relationship in International Joint Ventures IJVs. It was necessary to view trust as a complex relationship with one or more interdependencies between the variables. Other researchers provide support argument for this form of complex relationship, too (Morgan, and Hunt, 1994; Chen et al, 2014). Consider the form of social exchange framework based on trust that Chen et al. (2014) present in their research. Authors make use of two dominant Confucian values, hierarchy and rationalism, in order to present the mediating role of affective trust in the relationship between paternalistic leadership and employee in-role and extra-role performance in the Chinese organizational context.
Data from 601 supervisor subordinate dyads of 27 companies in a Taiwanese conglomerate revealed that while the benevolence and morality dimensions of paternalistic leadership are positively associated with both in-role and extra-role performance, the authoritarian paternalistic leadership dimension is negatively related to subordinate performance. A correlation effect in positive and negative influences is hence observed. Where the work of Chen et al. (2014) does not correlate trust as a factor of performance or a factor impinging on performance rather, the work of Silva et al. (2012) presents the trust-performance linkage in the case of international context. The purpose of Silva et al. (2012) study was to investigate the antecedents of trust and to examine the trust–performance relationship in international alliances. The conceptual model was tested empirically using primary data collected from 232 international alliances involving Portuguese and international firms. The results reported suggest that when controlling for the experience and size of a firm, trust has a strong and positive effect on performance.