


According to Caroline Westbrook of “BBC News” that the publicity for the documentary film has been done in the right manner to some extent as it contains some very serious message for the public, and the film has “High Comedy” factor and the subject of the movie is extremely familiar to all, making it less influential compared to other documentaries of the recent time. However, it still has enjoyable contents and views that are thought provoking (Galloway and Kwansah-Aidoo, 2005).
Film critics as well as McDonald’s stated that the author, director and actor Morgan Spurlock intentionally consumed 5000 calories daily and avoided exercise. They claimed that an individual who consumes 5000 calories regularly without any exercise will get the same result irrespective of the source of the food (Galloway and Kwansah-Aidoo, 2005).
One of the reviewer stated that the author does not say anything new. Everybody is aware of the fact that fast food is not good for public health. According to Robert Davis of “Paste”, the documentary is nothing but a stubborn way of distorting basic scientific facts in order to manipulate public believes. Tom Naughton in his documentary “Fat Head” stated that “Spurlock’s calorie and fat counts don’t add up”. He also mentioned that Spurlock declined to publish the food log of “Super Size Me” (Lee, 2004).
The “Houston Chronicle” Naughton in his website has a dedicated page that contains lists of all the food items that he consumed during his month long fast-food diet which was not there in case of Spurlock. The film also stated that health deterioration of Spurlock was not just because of the intake of high calorie for a long period of time but was also because of intake of high quantity of sugar instead of vitamins and minerals through the food items listed in the menu of McDonald’s. It was stated that about one-third of the calories of Spurlock’s diet came from sugar. According to Bridget Bennett, Spurlock’s Nutritionist, he was repetitively warned for his excess consumption of “milkshakes and cokes” that have excess sugar contents. It has been revealed by the end of the documentary that Spurlock consumed around 14 Kg or 30 pounds of sugar and around 5.4 Kg or 12 pounds of fat from the food in a time span of 30 days (Galloway and Kwansah-Aidoo, 2005).
According to Soso Whaley, after eating solely from McDonald’s for a period of one month during the month of April 2004, she lost 10 pounds i.e. from 175 to 165 pounds and her cholesterol level also went down from 237 to 197. Nevertheless, she stated that she never consumed excessive quantities of food and regularly exercised. Thus even eating food exclusively in McDonald’s she was able to maintain her calorie intake which was around 2000 calories daily (Galloway and Kwansah-Aidoo, 2005).

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