

代写论文-蒸汽弯曲工艺能。作为产品原料的当地木材来自可持续管理的林地。这些林地的特点是造林率高于毁林率。Tom Raffield使用空气干燥或未经干燥的木材来获得蒸汽弯曲件,而不是对原材料进行能源密集型的干燥过程。蒸汽弯曲工艺能耗低,释放的废物有限,而且由于只消耗水,不含化学物质。然后,所有的木材废料被用作燃料的木材燃烧器目前在陈列室。

The choice of wood is cost effective and supports community economically and culturally.
He also adds pride to his business by claiming that the culture is being at the disposal stage due to the entry of fashionable products and that his product range appears to add longevity and sustainability to the culture. The distinction in the products of Tom Raffield also lies in the handmade artistry with a thought of saving the culture and community and delivering the product that lasts for generations (Waterlow, 2016). Such sustainable furniture also have the potential to be customized and remain trendy wherever they are being used.
Learning outcomes from analysis
The analysis of other works and of Tom Raffield has reminded several important style statements that also lead to sound business practices. Aesthetics is about the exploration of various aspects such as art, taste and beauty. The sensory values of the end users are studied and analyzed through this movement. Furniture is an important object that evokes virtuosity, style, focus and no utilitarian pleasure. The outcomes from the analysis are as follows:
– Designing an object is not a work but a duty to evoke the minds of others in appreciating the art and taking it forward to the generations to come
– Every designer is liable to promote sustainable practices and products for the wellbeing of the planet and the designs need to be environmental friendly. This is a way by which the manufacturing becomes easier and the designer also is virtuous towards the job.
– Sustainability is not just a business statement but a style statement meant to introduce modern practices that conserve the environment and also promote art (Raffield, 2016).
Analysis of sustainable credentials
In the product designs made by Tom Raffield, several sustainable credentials are noted.
He makes use of chunks of wood that have low impact towards the environment and conserves energy. It also leaves very minimal waste.
The designs of Tom Raffield appear to be stylish but are durable and sustainable. They attract the consumers instantly.
The product designer is specific about the reuse of materials and limits the waste. This is a way by which he was able to replace the conventional practices of manufacturing furniture.
Local suppliers are involved to deliver these wood products and this shows that the raw materials are completely renewable.

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