


However, on a brighter side, progressive groundwork is being laid so that this problem is fixed for the near future generations to come. Numerous regulators and government schemes have been implemented at all levels of an organizational hierarchy to minimise this gender bias. These schemes and government regulations encourage the hiring and promotion of more female employees in the system. In the Canadian history, the first such effort was undertaken by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appointed the gender-balanced cabinet. This was a smart move by the Prime Minister and was appreciated at large by the corporate world. CEO and President of Catalyst, Deborah Gillis started that this start will only grow over time and will bear fruitful results to remove gender-bias in the future. Furthermore, Gillis mentioned in a recent interview that this has started influencing the corporate world of Canada already. She also cited that an increased growth of the “30 per cent club” in Canada , where companies are stressing on the importance of women leaders and aim to achieve at least 30 per cent females as their board members by 2019. Since the launch of the club in 2015, as many as 110 biggest companies of Canada have committed to meet this target and take a step against gender hostility (Zellner, 1972).
Besides this, various proactive measures have been undertaken by big companies who realize this potential concern and take the issue seriously. An instrumental increase in the attempt of reducing gender bias has taken place. This is because companies are shifting their focus from being mere spectators to actually realizing this issue and taking measures to resolve this issue. The biggest challenge is to remove the false prejudice among companies that maintaining diversity would increase their cost in the long run. This is important because the reality is quite the opposite. Various studies have been conducted and it has been proved that more the diversity in the leadership board, the better the business results has been. It is not a moral issue, but a big business issue that needs to be addressed makes the corporate world a better place to work in (Sawhill, 1973).

Many organizations have been working for the underlying cause of women and their empowerment since centuries. Although these organizations seem to appear to have a feminist approach at first, these are the ones that had realized the problems and issues which were to rise in the future. They had realized the root cause and the problems earlier than any study revealed the facts. Hence, these organizations have been working with full commitment since ages with the sole purpose of bringing a change to the society and the corporate world. Removing the gender bias of the society is not the responsibility of only a few organizations or government schemes. It is the responsibility of every individual living in the society and it has to start at each and every home where women should be treated with respect and dignity and treated no less than women, where sisters are not discriminated from their brothers and girls enjoy the same level of freedom and education as the boys in the society. Until a clear change is undertaken by every responsible parent and every family in the society, this hostility will always be prevalent in all walks of life, including the corporate world. Thus, to make a change to a bigger picture, one has to start from the grass root level and bring about a change at every rung of the societal ladder. To bring a revolutionary change to the discrimination and hostility against women in the corporate world, efforts have to be made that the seeds of discrimination are not planted right from the beginning (Cook, 1989).

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