


Now the scope management plan is so collected that it will be necessary to sit down with the stakeholders and then collect all the details necessary. However, even with this form of adequate planning there could still be some small changes that might act as triggers. For instance, there could be changes in the form of the functional requirements. Secondly there could be changes with respect to the cost definition which is an effect of the microenvironment as well. There could be changes in time because of an unexpected delay. There could be other changes because of some risk in the workplace.

Change control procedures are much varied based on the change process required. Now there are different levels of authority and delegate authority given to the project management resources in the workplace and hence it is necessary for the procedure to be initiated and accepted with respect to such authority. A change control procedure could be end to end, where the request is considered with a sit down with all stakeholders, and is then assessed and accepted and the changes are propagated to all parts of the project depending on where it is in development. Another way is to incorporate the change (if it really does not have any impact on any other module) and then report the change based on corrective action taken in the final documentation.

Different scope control methods are used to complete the scope verification for the work to be inspected thoroughly against the initial requirements. This can involve anywhere from the measuring, examining and testing of the product. The inspection is usually run with the manager and the customer or the client, where the work would be tested for acceptance. Inspections in the form of product reviews, audits, walkthroughs would be conducted.

WBS is defined by the PMBOK as “a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and created the required deliverables”. The WBS is created by functionally breaking down a deliverable into sub deliverables and other components that are created from the sub deliverable. A WBS does not depict time or order of execution. It can either be a functional breakdown or a phase based breakdown as well.

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