


The minority community are the people who have different cultural practices. These look different from the majority of the people in the communities. The minority community usually face social exclusions and are not addressed by the mainstream societies. In this storyline, the narrative theme is that the Italian Immigrant family is facing issues in Melbourne suburb. The innate struggle of the resentful immigrant family is echoed in the storyline.
The major theme in the play is racism. This shows the events that cause the people to enter into the workforce for cheaper labour. After the World War II, many of the Europeans chose to leave their homeland for safer communities. One such community was Australia. There was high level of influx of the immigrant population, which caused the local population to develop resentment. Based on the fear of being replaced by the newer immigrants, the local people started to discriminate against them and develop fear that their heritage would be lost. In the story, Gino Bianchi, son of Poppa Bianchi is discriminated against the crimes that he did not commit. This was fundamentally based on the innate bias and systemic racism that endures in the society. Gino faces a number of allegations. He is accused for jumping in front of the queue in work. The fear of the people and the hatred in the minds of the society eventually caused the demise of Gino.
Throughout the story, the racial tension is obvious. For example, Bianchi’s local butcher always addresses Poppa Bianchi to be Poppa Spaghetti and Momma to be Momma Macaroni. There was constant complaining from the neighbours that there were loudly yelling noises from the Bianchis household. It was apparent that there were racial stresses and tensions in the minds of the people (Beynon, 13). In one situation, a dead fish is thrown over the fence in Bianchi. These ongoing issues are found to be reflected in the Australian household.
The play has obvious tensions between Clarry and Gino throughout the storyline. Interestingly, there is also showcasing of the events where the European Immigrant population treated each other community with fear and disrespect. This was palpable when Clarry was not inclined to be the working partner. He does not accept Gino throughout his lifetime. While Gino wants to prove to Clarry that he is as good as Gino throughout the storyline. It is unmistakable in the ways that they explore and talk to each other. Clarry refers to Poppa Bianchi as boy. It is apparent that he is ashamed of his wife’s heritage. A choice survives between the two cultures. There is a shift in heart for the Gino and Bianchi family. This is palpable in the story play and narration. The main issues for conflict are the societal bias against the newer cultures. There is also a lack of understanding that is observed. These cause the people to explore the extent of the racial tenets that happens in the society. These nuanced variations of racisms are explored in the storyline and in the narrative elements.

Maria is the wife of Clarry and sister of Gino. It is obvious that she is faced with a dilemma as to what culture she should follow. The role of Maria shows the issues of all the people. This essentially portrays the immigrant lifestyle and the ethical dilemma they face on a daily basis. The stresses of racism and implicit bias against people are probed. Clarry accepts a wife from a different origin. Nevertheless, he is not able to completely commit to his wife based on the origin. There is hesitancy, fear and also a certain level of hatred observed. This is the issues of the local people. Maria, Gino and Clarry are not only individual actors in the story. They are representatives of the culture of the people and the innate struggles each community feels. 

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