
英国 代写:建筑合同

英国 代写:建筑合同

在建筑合同的情况下,涉及到的损害主要有三种不同的类别,它们是由于性能的失败,与进度有关,以及工艺的缺陷。在这种情况下,在合同法的背景下,对传统普通法原则进行损害赔偿的说服(Hamilton, 2011)。在违背承诺的情况下提供救济可被认为是控制的关键目标,而且不赞成与某些业绩有关的公平补救。在法院监督下的某些履行命令,实际上是要求当事人按照合同的约定履行,而这在建筑法中是明确不赞成的。

英国 代写:建筑合同
这是因为建筑合同的履行需要法院的监督和建立合同履行的评估标准(Webb, 2006)。因此,一般违约救济可以被具有货币价值损害赔偿的国家视为替代履行实际协议的国家。已经提供了一项违约和损害索赔案例,将用于完成本报告的目的。本文将对案件进行简要概述,对关键事实进行评估,以确定是否存在违约行为,以及是否可以索赔损失。在此讨论和评价的基础上,将起草关键结论。

英国 代写:建筑合同

In the cases of construction contract, there are mainly three different categories of damage involved that are for failure in performance, related to schedule and for defective workmanship. In such cases, there is awarding of damages persuading to traditional principles of common law in context with contract law (Hamilton, 2011). Providing relief in context with broken promises can be considered as the key goal of control and there is no favour of equitable remedy related to certain performances. Orders of certain performance under the supervision of court actually require the performance of party in accordance with the specification of the contract, and these are specifically disfavoured in construction law.

英国 代写:建筑合同
This is because the performance of contracts in construction mandates the supervision of court and establishment of standard for evaluating the performance of contract (Webb, 2006). Therefore, the favoured remedies of common for breaching contract can be seen as substitutional by nation provided with damages in monetary value for substituting the performance of actual agreement. One such breach of contract and claim of damage case has been provided and this will be used for fulfilling the purpose of this report. Providing a brief overview of the case, this paper will evaluate the key facts to identify if there has been breach of contract and if damages can be claimed. Key conclusion will be drafted based on this discussion and evaluation.