



因此,需要找出土地结构类型的薄弱环节。上述研究很少表明空间布局与土地流失之间的关系,这对土地的防治具有重要意义。破碎程度描述了土地的分布情况。分析空间布局的影响程度,有助于土地保护。人们越来越关注气候变化,比如海平面上升导致陆地面积减少(Turner等,14)。本研究主要用于土地结构评价,并给出了影响破碎化程度的结果。碎片是什么?fragment(碎片)一词来源于fragment(碎片),根据《牛津词典》,fragment(碎片)指的是一小部分或不完整的部分或部分被折断,即与原本所属的整体分离。土地破碎化,也被称为粉碎、包裹或分散,在文献中定义为一个农场由许多空间上分离的地块组成的情况。King和Burton将土地破碎化描述为与农场有关的基本农村空间问题,这些农场在空间上的位置组织不良(Hit et al . 653)。


Over the last 200 years, coastal lands in the United States have been drained, dredged, filled, leveled and flooded for urban, agricultural, and residential development. Due to these activities, 22 coastal states have lost more than 50% of their wetland. However, the problem in Louisiana is somewhat different, because wetland growth and deterioration have been naturally occurring here for thousands of years. From 1932 to 2000, the coastal zone of southern Louisiana lost an estimated 1900 square miles of land to open water. It has been assumed that there will be a land loss of around 1750 square miles by the year 2060. Especially the southeastern portion of Louisiana has approximately 80% of predicted land loss if nothing is done in 2050 (Britsch, et al 324). Louisiana is currently experiencing 90% of the total marshal loss of the continental United States. In summary Louisiana could potentially lose almost a third of its coast. It is because of the land loss process, the wetlands are open to water shorelines retreats, there is an opening of the habitats which are closer to the wetlands and the upland area will also become dry. This would not only have an impact on the overall infrastructure but also on the economic activity.

Thus, types of structure of land are weak need to be found out. Few of the research above indicate the relationship between spatial arrangement and land loss, which is highly important for land prevention and management. The degree of fragmentation describes how distributed the land is. Analysis the influence level of spatial arrangement would help land protection. People are caring more about climate change, like sea level rise lead to the decline of land (Turner et al 14). This study is mainly using for land structure evaluation, and giving the result of how influence the fragmentation is. What is fragmentation? Fragmentation derives from the word ‘fragment’ which, according to the Oxford Dictionary, refers to a small or incomplete part or piece broken off, i.e. separated from the whole to which it originally belongs. Land fragmentation, which is also known as pulverization, parcellization or scattering is defined in the literature as the situation in which a single farm consists of numerous spatially separated parcels. King and Burton characterize land fragmentation as a fundamental rural spatial problem concerned with farms, which are poorly organized at locations across space (Hit et al 653).