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Moreover, it is also essential that in order to effectively manage various competing and diverse interests, the organization must refine its talent solutions. Even though each of the organization is unique in its own way, a few chief principles usually are true across the broader framework. These principles, instead of focusing in stifling,focus on the diverse needs of the workforce as a means to gain efficiency, achieve mission foals and completing projects and tasks more quickly.

There is a possibility that within an organization due to challenges in budget there could be a situation of hiring freezes, creation of a mentality of doing more with less, which is both in the form of personnel and resource wise(Eden, 1984). The workers might be discouraged because of the pay and hiring freezes, however initiatives like investment in personnel and career development could convince the workers to stay. Lack of career development in an organization is regarded as a reason why most of younger workforce leaves the organization. Other factors which contribute to the same are better job offer and continued pay freeze which are out of the control of the organization, thus they must work towards the career development.