


此外,制造业公司可以看到外包全部或部分的生产过程。这进一步提供了一种估计,即在制造产品中所感知到的全部基本价格来自服务,这些服务可被认为是制造的附带品。这意味着在合同或费用的基础上外包生产过程。在经济衰退期间,新西兰的GDP和投资之间存在一种罕见的负相关关系。与各国GDP与投资的平均相关性(0.53-0.73)相比,这一发现极为惊人。负相关意义是相关性分析的关键局限性之一。完全有可能的是,在经济衰退期间,投资仍会下降,即使这似乎表明(Amrahamsen et al ., 2011)。在制造业出口,负相关,这太一般其他国家,可以很容易地归功于新西兰经济衰退时期的恢复通常驱动通过出口特别是乳制品行业前5名的出口单位的国家在世界各地。



In addition, manufacturing companies can be seen outsourcing wholly or partially all of the process of production. This further provides an estimation that there is sourcing of total basic price perceived in manufacturing products from the services which can be considered as incidental towards manufacturing. This means to outsource the process of production on the basis of contract or fee. During the periods of recession, New Zealand had an uncommon correlation of negative nature between GDP and investments. In comparison to the mean correlations across nations between GDP and investments of 0.53-0.73, such a finding becomes utmost striking. One of the key correlation analysis limitation is the negative correlation meaningfulness. It is possible entirely that investment falls still during the periods of recession even after what this would appear suggesting (Amrahamsen et al, 2011). With exporting across manufacturing sector, the negative correlation, which is too generally seen for other nations, can easily be attributed to the recovery of New Zealand from the recession period often being driven through exporting especially when the dairy sector was the top 5 export unit for the country across the world.

The strong correlation positively present between periods of recession and spending of consumption is above not only the quarterly data but also for the yearly data. Another cycle of consideration in this section is the growth cycle. The reasonable stronger correlation with the exporting and investment across consumption in New Zealand is same to the ones for Australia. Like most of the nations, New Zealand has a weaker correlation in government spending growth periods even though the correlation of 0.13 to 0.14 is high than the normal. None of these components are strong overwhelmingly during the periods of growth, which can depict that the economy of New Zealand is balanced fairly and is not essential driven through any individual factor during periods of growth. The several initiatives of the government being highlighted have been designed for the community of business and not essentially focused to the sector of manufacturing. During these, financial period cycles with regard to growth and with regard to recession have resulted in analysing the manufacturing sector of New Zealand with regard to its investment breakdowns and stocks realized.