


项目执行人员 – 公司的项目执行人员是负责实现公司目标的人员。该股东还负责在DX公司作出决定,并对公司正在进行的项目有更多的了解。

项目经理 – 项目经理还参与公司的决策过程,比如谁应该分配给一个特定的项目,并决定谁将在一个特定的项目上工作。项目经理应该随时了解DX公司的项目进展情况,负责项目的总体规划和执行。

业务分析师 – 业务分析师也将决定谁应该分配给一个特定的项目,并决定谁将在与项目经理协调的特定项目上工作。公司的分析师还负责确定DX公司的批准的利益相关者,并对DX公司正在进行的与项目执行者同样的项目有更多的了解。分析人员也应该更新DX公司的项目。

技术架构师 – 负责项目的总体技术设计。技术架构师应该更新正在进行的项目或在公司中被搁置的项目。建筑师也对DX公司的项目有更多的了解。他们还帮助决定谁应该分配给项目中的特定任务。

应用程序开发人员 – 开发人员负责在DX公司开发应用程序(Meredith and Mantel,2011)。 DX公司的应用程序开发人员应该随时了解项目在公司中的进展情况,并且必须通知特定项目取决于哪个任务。


Project Executive- the Project Executive of the company is the person who is responsible for achieving company’s goals. This stake holder is also responsible for taking decision in the DX Company and has more knowledge about the ongoing projects in the Company.

Project Manager- Project managers are also involved in decision making process of the company like who should be assigned for a particular project and decide who will work on a particular project . The project manager should be kept updated about the ongoing process of the project in the DX Company .He is in charge of overall planning and execution of the project.

Business Analyst – Business Analyst will also decide on who should be assigned for a particular project and decide who will work on a particular project coordinating with the project manager. The Analyst of the company is also responsible to identifying the approved stakeholders for the DX Company and has more knowledge about the ongoing projects in the DX company same has the project Executive. The Analyst should also be updated about the projects in the DX Company.

Technical Architect – Is responsible for overall technical design in the project. Technical Architect should be updated about the ongoing projects or that are on hold in the Company.  The architect also has more knowledge on the projects of the DX Company. They also help on deciding who should be assigned for a particular task in the project.

The Application Developer – Developer is responsible for developing an application in the DX Company(Meredith and Mantel,2011). Application developer of the DX Company should be kept updated about the progress of a project in the company and also must be informed that the particular project depends on which task.