


考虑到这个要求,可以说萨利不能起诉玛丽。不过,莎莉可以坚持或试图让玛丽亲自说服,但她根本不能向玛丽提起诉讼。这项特定法律的一般规则是,如果立遗嘱人稍后采取行动撤销或取代所作的遗嘱,立遗嘱人特别不能受承诺人的强制执行(Dobbs 2002)。承诺人仅有权起诉立遗嘱人违反合同的遗产。这样做可以保护立遗嘱人放弃他或她的财产的自由,因为他觉得是合适的。
这项合同的基本规定是,所涉及的条款和条件必须明确和确定,并且必须以肯定的方式通过令人信服和明确的证词来进行设立(Burrows 2009)。这是强制性要求。因此,没有以令人信服和明确的方式制定法律证词;莎莉不能对玛丽采取法律行动。即使她提供一系列的信件作为证明,这是不够的。这是因为它不是一个适当的证词,也没有由有关各方Mary和Sally签署。


In consideration with this requirement, it can be stated that Sally cannot sue Mary. However, Sally can insist or try to convince Mary personally, but she cannot file a case against Mary under law. The general rule of this particular law is that the testator cannot be enforced particularly by the promisee if the testator later on conducts an action for revoking or superseding the will that had been made (Dobbs 2002). Promisee only has the right to sue the estate of the testator for breaching the contract. This provides protection to the freedom of testator for disposing off his or her property as he finds it appropriate.
The basic rule for this contract is that the terms and conditions involved have to be definite and certain and the establishment has to be done in an affirmative manner by a convincing and clear testimony (Burrows 2009). This is a compulsory requirement. Therefore, as no legal testimony has been formulated in a convincing and clear manner; Sally cannot take legal actions against Mary. Even if she provides the series of letters as proof, it will not be sufficient. This is because it is not a proper testimony and has not been signed by both the parties involved, Mary and Sally.
If there had been a legal testimony formed, the case would have been different. In such a situation, as the testimony would have been in written form and signed by both the parties, Sally could have sued Mary for her property. Sally still could not have sued Mary for the obligation that she will be staying with her. In such a situation, Mary will be having the opportunity to enjoy her freedom and Sally cannot present her in front of the court.