


基于企业文化的差异也会导致基于并购的陷阱。这与合作伙伴之间明显的差异有密切关系,但它适用于整个组织,而不是企业食物链顶端的合作伙伴之间的差异(Gaughan, 2010)。将两家公司与文化相结合的能力似乎是完全对立的,这不仅需要规划,还需要一定的艺术性水平。文化差异也会对并购结果造成威胁。另一个基本问题可能是企业并购中发生的整合问题,即并购后的整合需要发生(Maksimovic et al., 2011)。将资源和努力结合起来的组织应该通过引入构成要素的所有要素来学习如何做到这一点。合资经营:在考虑合资经营时,有几个误区需要避免。

第一个陷阱是快速消耗资本。各种合资企业最初利用资本的速度比预期的合作伙伴快。没有为这种可能性作出规划的合作伙伴可能在筹集更多资金和利用风险贷款以增加资金方面处于亏损状态。另一个问题是关于资本的争论。组织自然不喜欢放弃他们感兴趣的项目控制。这种心态是各种合资企业走向失败的原因,因为合作伙伴往往难以就如何考虑合资企业达成一致(Gomes et al., 2013)。与所有类型的论证一样,这种论证可以发展成这样一种观点,即有关各方认为他们不再能够共同工作。


Corporate culture based differences also causes merger based pitfall. This has a close relation to the differences evident between partners but it applicable to the organization on the whole instead of the differences between them at the corporate food chain top (Gaughan, 2010). The ability of combining two firms with cultures seems to be completely opposite to each other needs not only planning, but also certain artistry level. Differences in culture also can result in threatening the merger outcome. Another essential issue can be that of integration which happens with regard to a merger in corporate is the integration after merger which needs to take place (Maksimovic et al., 2011). Organizations combining their resources as well as efforts should learn doing this through bringing all of the elements of constituent. Joint venturing: There are several pitfalls to avoid when taking into consideration joint venturing.

The first pitfall is rapidly consuming capital. Various joint ventures utilize their capital initially at a fast rate than their expected partners. Partners failing at planning for such a possibility might be at loss with regard to raising more capital and resorting to risk based loans so as to enhance the funds. Another issue is arguments on capital. Organizations naturally do not like to surrender the projects control that they have an interest within.Such a set of mind is a reason why various joint ventures lead towards failing as the partners are often struggling at agreeing over how the joint venturing needs to be considered (Gomes et al., 2013). As with all types of argument, the argument can develop to the perspective that the involved parties feel they no more can work collectively.