


数字技术的主要心理影响之一是对数字信息技术的过度依赖,这种技术以某种方式损害了建立与人际关系相关的情商的能力。过于依赖数字技术的人不能学习展示,或者阅读有助于以更好方式相互理解的情感指示(Lenhart and Duggan,2014)。像Facebook和Twitter这样的数字通信平台已经积极地影响了人们对他人的接触程度,但是它不是一种能够通过耳朵,眼睛和第六感来获取情绪信号的快速和多重感官谈话的替代方案。哈蒙(2014)对于没有进行日常讨论的人来说无疑是正确的,人们失去调整自己的口气和说话方式的能力,取决于他们所说的人。这反过来影响了人际关系,比如面试,解决问题,团队合作,冲突管理等等。值得注意的是,每一个隶属关系的有效性都依赖于情感交流,而通信技术正在逃避。


One of the chief psychological impacts of digital technology is excess dependence on digital messaging techniques, which somehow compromises the capability to build the emotional intelligence proficiency linked with interpersonal relations. Individuals who depend too much on digital technology fail to learn displaying, or reading the emotional indications that helps in understanding each other in a better manner (Lenhart and Duggan, 2014). Digital communication platforms, like Facebook and Twitter have positively influenced the level of people’s reach to other people, but it is not an alternate for the quick and multi-sensual talks during which one can take emotional signals by ears, eyes and also by sixth sense. Harmon (2014) is certainly correct in saying that devoid of practicing day to day discussions, people lose their capability to adjust their tone of voice and style of talking depending on to the people they are talking. This in turn impacts the interpersonal circumstances, for instance, job interviews, problem solving, team working, conflict management and so on. It is noteworthy that the effectiveness of every affiliation relies on emotional communication, which communication technologies are evading.
Another major concern of communication technologies is sexting, which is concerned with transferring sexual images through mobile phones. Some young people can opt to transfer photos of themselves or other people, which can be deemed sexual by other people. Such photos can be evocative or sexually clear and may also include complete or partial nakedness. Young people often pass such photos to their friends because of a lot of reasons, for instance to make a joke, attempting to assist associates to ‘hook up’, or due to arguments.