


1977年塑料袋闯入超市。从那时起,塑料袋的使用正走向巨大的需求。以上每年塑料袋使用量的数据可以用另一种方式表示,即每人每4天半使用一个塑料袋,或每分钟使用100万个塑料袋。家庭垃圾的三分之一是塑料包装和塑料袋。由于程序困难和回收成本高,塑料袋通常不回收。因此,每分钟有100万个塑料袋被丢弃在垃圾填埋场或水中。在垃圾填埋场,塑料袋需要1000年才能分解。其次,研究表明,在海洋中,每平方英里漂浮着46,000个塑料碎片/袋子/包装(Roach, 2003)。这些塑料碎片在水中添加了有毒化学物质,对海洋生物是致命的(Perkins, 2010)。此外,大量的石油正被用于制造这些可用于其他建设性目的的塑料袋。塑料袋的制造过程释放有害气体,污染空气(Dincer, 1998)。因此,有必要设计一个有效的经济政策来控制塑料袋造成的环境污染。



Plastic bags intruded in super markets in 1977. Since then, the use of plastic bag is going towards massive demand. The above figure of plastic bags usage per year can be said in other way as every person uses one plastic bag in every 4 and a half days, or 1 million plastic bags used in a minute. The one third part of garbage of household contains plastic packaging and bags. The plastic bags are not usually recycled due to difficult procedure and high cost of recycling. Therefore, these 1 million plastic bags per minute are discarded at landfills or in water. At landfills, plastic bags take up to 1 thousand years to break down. Secondly, research has shown that in oceans, there are 46,000 plastic pieces/bags/packaging floating over every square mile (Roach, 2003). These plastic pieces adds toxic chemical in water, which are lethal to marine life (Perkins, 2010). Moreover, a generous amount of petroleum is being used for manufacturing of these plastic bags which could be used for other constructive purposes. The manufacturing process of plastic bags releases harmful gases and pollutes the air as well (Dincer, 1998). Therefore, it is necessary to devise an efficient economic policy to control environmental pollution created by plastic bags.

To avoid the above discussed consequences of excessive use of plastic bags within Australia, government of Australia is responsible of applying an economic policy to attain equilibrium in the market and sustainability of environment. This report suggests that there should be a tax on consumption of plastic bags. A person, whether he is producer, retailer or consumer who uses plastic bags must pay a positive amount for it.There are certain things which can be understood with the help of the above graph. The point marked with ‘b’ is the point of market equilibrium where suppluand demand graphs meet when no taxes are applied (present condition). At this point assume that the quantity of plastic bags is Qo (a straight line from b to quantity axis). Afterwards, if taxes are being applied on plastic bags, market equilibrium is lost and there is an upward shift in supply. It is evident that an upward shift in supply will lead to a decreased amount on quantity axis. Thus, reduction in quantities of plastic bags being used is achieved through imposition of tax on plastic bags. Another important factor which can be examined through above graph is the portion of added amount paid by producer and consumer. The above rectangle in the graph shows the portion of amount paid by customer and the lower box shows the amount paid by producer.