


The Great Exhibition是1851年英国举办的第一次国际工业博览会(Purbrick, 2008)。整个展览被安置在一个完全由铁和玻璃组成的巨大结构中。据说这个建筑是为了向英国的工程技术致敬而建造的(Defoe, 2005)。在英国历史上,这座建筑被称为水晶宫,占地19英亩,展出了约10万件展品,代表了英国工业革命时期的各种产品。在六个月的时间里,超过600万人参观了博览会(Mayhew, 2010)。大多数游客乘火车去伦敦,外国游客居多。这一事件向世界展示了英国的财富;它是英国人成功的重要象征。树木也与水晶宫一起展示,象征着工业革命对自然的统治(笛福,2005;梅休,2010)。在描述阿尔伯特亲王的伟大展览时,维多利亚女王的丈夫提到:“人类正在更全面地履行他在这个世界上所履行的伟大和神圣的使命……用他的力量征服自然”(Purbrick, 2008)。

到1851年底,英国成为世界上最富有的工业国家。世界上一半的煤炭和工业产品是在英国生产的。英国工业生产的棉花等于欧洲所有其他国家生产的全部棉花的总和。1851年英国的产量是1780年的三倍。因此,英国正以更快的速度走向其物质故事的成功(Purbrick, 2008;梅休,2010)。这次大型展览的水晶宫是由铸铁和平板玻璃结构组成的。该设计由Joseph Paxton提出,结构长1851英尺(564米),内部高度约128英尺(39米)。1848年,铸板玻璃工艺的发明使得以较低的价格生产大玻璃板成为可能,但强度很好。它曾被用来建造一个巨大的玻璃结构的形式的建筑是游客最大的娱乐。


The Great Exhibition was the first industrial fair being organized by the British at an international level in the year 1851 (Purbrick, 2008). The entire exhibition was housed within a massive structure entirely made up of iron and glass. It is said that the structure was built to pay a tribute to the engineering skills of Britain (Defoe, 2005). The structure is known in the history of Britain as the Crystal Palace which covered an area of 19 acres and housed around 100, 000 exhibits that represented extensive assortments of products, which were created during the time of Industrial Revolution of Britain. Within a span of six months more than 6 million people visited the fair (Mayhew, 2010). Majority of the visitors travelled to London by train and foreign visitors were in majority. The event displayed wealth of Britain to the world; it was a very prominent and huge symbol of success among the British. Trees were also displayed with the Crystal palace to symbolize that Industrial revolution had domination over nature (Defoe, 2005; Mayhew, 2010). While describing the Great Exhibition Prince Albert, Husband of Queen Victoria mentioned that:“Man is approaching a more complete fulfilment of that great and sacred mission which he has perform in this world…………to conquer nature to his use” (Purbrick, 2008).

By the end of the year 1851, Britain became the richest industrial country around the globe. Half of the world’s coal and manufactured goods were produced in Britain. The cotton produced by the industries in Britain was as equal to the quantities of total cotton goods produced by all the other countries of Europe taken together. Britain was producing three times in the year 1851 compared to what it used to produce in the year 1780. Thus, Britain was running faster towards the success of its material story (Purbrick, 2008; Mayhew, 2010). The Crystal palace where the Great Exhibition was showcased was made up of cast iron and plate glass structure. The design was conceptualized by Joseph Paxton and the structure was 1,851 feet (564 metre) in length and had an interior height of around 128 feet (39 metre). In the year 1848, the invention of cast plate glass process made it possible to produce large glass sheets at a cheaper price, but the strength was good. It had been used to create such a massive glass structure in the form of a building was the greatest amusement for the visitors.