


世界海洋正在不断增加其水平,并以逐渐增加的速度造成威胁。与本世纪前80年相比,近20年的平均增幅可达两倍。据报道,这种上升主要是由于海水的热膨胀。海洋变暖导致海平面上升。此外,当冰川和冰冠在炎热的季节被加热时,它们的冰融化,成为海洋的一部分,增加了海洋中的水量。其结果是,夏季的海平面读数较高,而冬季由于反复形成冰而保持平衡。但是在最近的情况下,由于大气温度升高导致的冰的融化并没有在冬季形成冰来平衡。此外,海洋温度的上升导致冰盖的破裂,增加了海洋的水量和体积,进一步提高了其温度。自上个世纪以来,世界各地的总水位上升记录高达101 – 203毫米,而如果查看过去20年的记录,则显示平均每年上升3.3毫米/年(Meehl, 2005)。

目前的海平面状况和预期的未来统计数字对居民的生活以及一个国家的发展造成了严重的有害后果。下文将详细讨论其中的主要后果。当今世界的每一个沿海地区都面临着洪水的威胁。海平面的上升因此增加了世界各地洪水的频率和强度。世界人口的很大一部分居住在沿海地区。据估计,世界沿海地区的人口多达6亿,来自世界各地。这些人生活在海洋的边缘,那里的地面高度不超过10英寸,海平面为0英寸。这6亿人在任何时候总是处于洪水的危险之中(Woodruff, Irish and Camargo, 2013)。2016年4月18日,世界上最近的一次洪水——休斯顿洪水,也是海平面上升的最终结果。最近的洪水还包括密苏里洪水、智利北部洪水和印度南部洪水。所有这些洪水都是由涨潮和海平面上升引起的。


The oceans of the world are continually increasing their levels and creating threats on gradually increasing pace. The rise in recent two decades can be averaged as double as compared to previous 8 decades of the century. This rise has been reported mainly due to thermal expansion of water in the seas and oceans. Warmer oceans make the higher sea levels. Moreover, when glaciers and ice tops were heated during hot seasons, their ice was melted and became a part of sea increasing the amount of water in the sea. As a result, higher readings of level of sea were noted during summer which was balanced in winter due to repeated formation of ice. But in the recent scenario of the world, this melting of ice due to higher atmospheric temperature is not balanced by formation of ice in winter. Moreover the increase sea temperature causes breakage of ice sheet which adds the amount and volume of water in oceans further increasing its temperature. The overall water level rise around the world since the last century has been recorded up to 101 – 203 mm. whereas, if the records of last two decades are viewed, it is shown that the average rise per year has been 3.3 mm /year (Meehl, 2005).

The present condition of sea level and expected future statistics poses severe harmful consequences to the life of inhabitants as well as the growth of a country. The major consequences among them are discussed in detail below. Every coastal region of the world is, nowadays, at stake of flooding. The increase sea levels have consequently increased the frequency and intensity of floods around the world. A large portion of world’s population lives around coastal areas. According to an estimate, coastal population of the world makes up to 600 million people from all over the world. These people are living on the edges of sea and oceans, where the ground level is at most 10 inches marking sea level as 0 inch. These 600 million people remain, always, on the stake of flooding at any time (Woodruff, Irish and Camargo, 2013). The most recent flood in the world, Houston flood on 18th April 2016, is also an ultimate consequence of risen sea level. Other recent floods include Missouri flood, Northern Chile flood, and South Indian flood. All of these floods were caused due to high tides and risen sea level.