





Politics since time immemorial has been the instrument for framing the fortunes of people and nations. Opinion of people is the driving force that has made or marred the body politic of any country. The present scenario of cyber based opinion sharing and voicing of concerns has given politics a totally new dimension. The advent of the digitalization of the various aspects and approaches to the political arena made tremendous changes to how the politicization of the world has come to be perceived in today’s highly web networked world.
Patterns of behavior have been the focus of studies conducted by behavioral scientists for bygone centuries, but the present day challenge of cyber behavior is mindboggling for the best of them to say the least. The remarkable changes in human interactions that are visible all around us are a juxta-positioning of technological advances made and the withdrawal of the human thought sphere into one’s own individual space. More and more people are interacting across world, yet each person is a capsule person. The “capsule people” of the 20th and 21st century have learnt to fend for themselves within the confines of their own private spaces. They are “reclusive, have little if any social life” and yet they are the ones who have the access to the maximum there is to know in the universe (David, 2001, pp 63).